A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 22 The inner demon arises

Han Li looked at Li Feiyu's retreating figure and stood quietly, silent.

After making an appointment just now to pick up the medicine at noon the next day, he took the initiative to say goodbye to Han Li, saying that he would go back and recuperate.

For such a long time, Han Li never asked Li Feiyu why he took this secret medicine. Han Li knew that even if he asked, he couldn't change what had happened.

Since he is willing to give up everything in his future and is only willing to exchange for the glory of "Senior Brother Li" now, it means that he must have his own reasons for having to do this. No one will commit suicide voluntarily, even if it is chronic and costly suicide, no one will do it willingly. If he was forced to tell his story, it would only make him reopen the scars that were almost healed bloody.

Obviously, Han Li was right to do this. Before leaving, Li Feiyu saw that he did not ask the specific reason why he took the "marrow extracting pills", and was very grateful for his understanding. Although he didn't say it, Han Li knew that the other party owed him another debt. Favors big and small.

Han Li was prepared to abide by the agreement he made with him. Not only would he not tell anyone about his secret, he also decided to prepare a secret medicine for him that could relieve his pain as soon as he returned to the valley.

The reason for doing this is very simple. Since the other party is not a villain and has not really killed him, then he has to make the other party owe him a greater favor so that he will not be able to refuse his future requests.

Li Feiyu's martial arts will only get better and better in the last few years. The higher the opponent's martial arts, the greater the possibility of helping him. It doesn't matter if you don't need his help in the next few years. Helping a person who is not a bad person can be a pleasant thing for yourself. Although Li Feiyu may not necessarily be a good person, at least after what happened today, he will not do any harm to himself.

Han Li thought about everything carefully and felt that there was nothing missing, so he slowly returned to the Valley of Divine Hands.

Soon after returning to the valley leisurely, Han Li began to prepare the secret medicine that Li Feiyu needed. This medicine, which can reduce people's pain perception, is not difficult to prepare. You can find all the required medicinal materials in the medicine garden in the valley, but the preparation process is a bit cumbersome, so you need to be careful.

After a busy afternoon, Han Li prepared enough patent medicine for Li Feiyu to last for a year. It's not that he can't make more, he just hopes that Li Feiyu will come to get the medicine every year in the future, so that he won't slowly forget this favor.

In the evening, Han Li suddenly sat on a chair in front of his house uncharacteristically, looking up at the dark starry sky and the bright moon, thinking about something.

Han Li missed his relatives at home again.

It has been more than four years since he left his parents. He has been practicing the formulas almost every day since he went up the mountain. He has no time to think about things at home, so he has never gone back down the mountain. He just asked people to take most of the money he received every month home, and he only received one letter every year ghostwritten by Uncle Zhang to tell his parents that they were safe. The content of the letter was very little, other than telling him everything about his family. Apart from everything being well, other things were rarely mentioned to him. I just know that life at home is much better than before. The eldest brother has already married and started a business, and the second brother has also agreed on a new wife. It is expected that the wedding will be arranged next year. All these changes were made because of the money he sent home, but Han However, Han Li was sensitively aware from the greetings in several letters that the tone of his family's treatment of him was becoming more and more polite, even as polite as treating a stranger. This feeling made Han Li very scared at first. I don’t know how to deal with it. But as time went by, for some reason, this feeling of fear naturally became calmer, and the image of his family members gradually became blurred in his mind.

Only when he was emotionally moved like tonight, would he miss his relatives at home again, recalling the warm feeling at home before. This kind of feeling that is difficult to taste now makes Han Li feel very comfortable and comfortable. Precious, he will savor this taste slowly and bit by bit.

Han Li put his hand on his chest and stroked the small leather bag containing the peace charm with his fingers through his clothes.

In the past, as long as he caressed Mo Mo a few times, he would get a touch of spiritual satisfaction, but for some reason tonight, after stroking Mo Mo, his heart became even more turbulent, and he could not calm down for a long time.

Han Li now felt an indescribable feeling of depression in his heart. He could not control his emotions, and his body was not feeling right. The energy and blood in his body began to churn non-stop, and the strange energy he had cultivated was ready to move.

The terrifying word "obsessed" suddenly appeared in his mind. Han Li stood up, took a deep breath, and forced himself to calm down. Now that Doctor Mo is away, he has no choice but to deal with the crisis at hand.

Han Li still felt a little puzzled as to why he went crazy for no reason. Although now is not the time to get to the root of the problem, starting from the root and finding the cause of the obsession is the most feasible way to completely solve this trouble.

Han Li raised his head and searched around, but didn't find anything eye-catching.

He touched his chin with his right hand, and his elbow suddenly touched a bulging thing. He subconsciously focused on this thing.

The names of "small leather bag" and "peace charm" immediately came to his mind.

"Could it be a big trouble caused by it?" Han Li was not sure, but he could no longer hesitate. The condition inside his body was getting worse, and he might lose control at any time.

Han Li reached out decisively and pulled the leather bag from his neck, then threw it far away.

"No, I feel more uncomfortable in my heart, and my blood is boiling more intensely."

Han Li reluctantly suppressed the strange movement in his body again and stared at the small leather bag with bloodshot eyes, hoping to find the reason why things got worse.

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