Senior Brother Li's eyelids were trembling slightly, and it could be seen that he was having an extremely fierce ideological struggle in his heart.

After a while, his tightly closed eyes opened and he stared at the pills in Han Li's hand with a fanatical look in his eyes.

Han Li didn't say anything else. He stuffed the pill into his mouth, watched him swallow it with spit, and then gently pulled out the silver needles stuck in his body one by one.

After all the silver needles were removed, the power of the pills began to take effect. A few abnormal blushes appeared on Senior Brother Li's pale face, and his entire cheek gradually turned blood red. At this time, his body began to twitch again, His hands and feet began to tremble, and deep moans came from his mouth.

It could be seen that he did not want to make a fool of himself in front of Han Li, so he tried to lower his voice as much as possible, but this inhuman pain still made him roar.

Senior Brother Li's roar became louder and louder, and his body shook even more violently. After a long time, his roar began to gradually decrease until the roar completely disappeared.

His face began to regain its normal luster, and his body stopped twitching. It seemed that he had passed the most painful stage.

Senior Brother Li slowly straightened up, crossed his legs, closed his eyes again, and meditated without moving, while Han Li found a clean rock and sat casually aside, looking at him. The movement restores vitality.

After a meal, Senior Brother Li, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes, pulled out the long knife beside him and jumped up. He waved his arm vigorously, and saw a flash of light and a bright blade. It was already on Han Li's neck.

"Give me a reason not to kill you!" Senior Brother Li's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"I just saved your life, does that count as a reason?" Han Li's expression remained unchanged, but his brows twitched slightly, which you couldn't notice without careful observation.

Senior Brother Li's expression softened slightly, but he still stared at Han Li fiercely with his eyes.

"I knew before I rescued you that you would probably kill me to silence me in order to keep the secret, but I didn't expect that you would do it so quickly." Han Li finally smiled bitterly, with a hint of self-deprecation on his face.

"Ahem! Even if I know that saving you is actually causing trouble for myself, since I have learned medical skills, I can't just ignore you." Han Li sighed.

After hearing this, Senior Brother Li had a somewhat embarrassed look on his face. He moved the blade slightly away from Han Li's neck, but did not completely remove the knife from his neck.

Han Li secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and his tone became calmer.

"You don't have to worry that I will tell others your privacy. You can tell at a glance that I am not a talkative person. If you are really worried, I can swear a poisonous oath. You should be able to tell that I don't know any martial arts. If you If you find that I have violated my oath, you can easily kill me." Han Li calmly made a suggestion.

"Swear a poisonous oath." Senior Brother Li spoke simply.

However, Han Li felt relieved now. Although he had observed this person's appearance before treating Senior Brother Li and felt that he was not an ungrateful, vicious and cruel person, this could not be completely accurate. What if he was? The villain who repays kindness with revenge has no choice but to use his only means of self-defense.

Thinking of this, Han Li quietly moved his fingers away from an iron cylinder tucked into his cuffs.

After Han Li solemnly swore a poisonous oath, Senior Brother Li finally took the long sword back and put it back into its sheath.

Han Li touched his neck, and there was a shallow blood mark scratched by a sharp blade. It felt a little sticky, and he felt a little cold on his back. It looked like he had broken out a lot of cold sweat.

"It's really dangerous this time! I still didn't think carefully enough. I must learn from this lesson and never do such thankless things again. It's their own business whether others live or die. It's none of my business." Han Li thought with some fear.

"If there are not enough benefits and complete assurance, I will never save anyone next time." He made a vicious decision in his heart.

The negative consequences of Han Li's first rescue effort directly led to his bad habit of not getting up early in the future. His original simple nature was completely abandoned. Although he did not become a villain, he was still far from being loyal and kind. .

"Your Excellency saved my life and promised to keep the secret for me. I, Li Feiyu, owe you a big favor. As long as I am not dead, if you need my help with anything, just come to me. As long as I can do it, I will do it." Help you." Senior Brother Li had fully recovered his energy at the foot of the cliff. He took back all the debris that Han Li had found and put on the ground. Then he came to him and sincerely said his name and made a promise. .

"I'm afraid I won't bother you with anything, but you'll be in a lot of trouble yourself, right?" Han Li asked him with a slight smile.

"How do you know?" Li Feiyu was stunned, a little surprised.

"Anyone can guess that you, an ordinary disciple of the Dharma protector, are so powerful that you have a large number of hall masters, elders and even disciples who are the disciples of the sect master. How can you live a good life?" Han Li pointed out pointedly. come out.

Li Feiyu's face darkened and he didn't speak for a while.

"I don't want to interfere with your affairs, and I can't do anything about it. But I can help you alleviate some of the pain caused by taking the marrow pills."

"Really?" Li Feiyu was shocked, and the gloominess on his face disappeared. His face was full of joy. It seemed that the pain of the Marrow Pill had tortured him quite a lot.

"Why are you lying to me when I have nothing to do?" Han Li rolled his eyes at Li Feiyu. Of course he has this kind of medicine to relieve people's pain. This was specially developed for Zhang Tie in his free time. It can greatly reduce the human body's perception of pain and is very effective. .

"This is so good! So good!" Li Feiyu rubbed his hands together excitedly and looked at Han Li eagerly.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I don't have this kind of medicine now. I have to go back to the God's Hand Valley to prepare it before I can have a ready-made medicine."

When Li Feiyu heard this, he was a little embarrassed. He had threatened the other party with a knife just now, and now he asked to go to someone else's place to get the medicine.

"At noon tomorrow, come and wait for me at the gate of Shenshou Valley. I will prepare the medicine and deliver it to you. Doctor Mo is not at home now, and I cannot allow outsiders to enter the valley at will." Han Li said slowly.

"Okay, I'll be there on time. Thank you so much, brother." Li Feiyu hurriedly agreed, fearing that he would regret it again.

"My name is Han Li, and I am Doctor Mo's direct disciple. Since your martial arts skills are so high, just call me Junior Brother Han."

Han Li heard that he even said such an affectionate word as "brother", so he quickly told him his name to save him from using more disgusting titles.

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