A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 20 Marrow Extraction Pills

They had already traveled quite a distance from the cliff, and they could still faintly hear their noises. Han Li would not care more about how these people handled the dispute between Wang Dangpang and Zhang Changgui in the end.

When he thought of Jin Dongbao standing there, stunned, he couldn't help but want to laugh in his heart. At this time, he felt that his mood had become so relaxed, and he no longer had the depressed feeling he had in the valley.

He walked out of the pine forest and walked to a more remote place. After walking casually for a while, a thin stream appeared in front of him.

Han Li looked up at the scorching sun in the sky, then looked down at the clear water flowing slowly in the creek, and thought it would be a good idea to wash himself in the creek.

When he leaned down and inserted his hands into the cool stream water, bursts of painful moans came from the upper reaches of the stream.

Han Li was surprised that there were people in such a remote place.

Following the moaning sound, he looked for the upstream part of the stream. A man wearing the clothes of an inner disciple was facing the ground, lying on the side of the stream, twitching constantly, and his limbs were trembling.

Han Li could tell at a glance that this disciple was suffering from an acute illness, and if he did not receive help, his life might be in danger.

He rushed over, took out a sandalwood box from his arms, opened it, took out the shining silver needles, and neatly inserted them into the acupuncture points on the man's back.

He quickly finished pricking the acupuncture points on his back, turned the man's entire body over, and prepared to prick the acupuncture points on his chest again.

As soon as he turned around, the man's face was revealed, and Han Li took a breath of cold air. This man who was dying was clearly the "Senior Brother Li" who had just shown his prowess on the cliff.

Han Li was stunned for a moment, then carefully observed the face he had just seen not long ago.

At this moment, Senior Brother Li still has the brave and invincible look of defeating his opponent just now. His originally cold face was twisted into a ball due to pain, and foam was constantly flowing out of the corners of his mouth. It was obvious that Senior Brother Li was in pain. Delirious.

Han Li regained his composure, pondered for a moment, and suddenly pricked his body with the silver needle in his hand like water. He pricked dozens of needles in succession. When the last needle was pricked, Han Li He wiped the sweat from his forehead and let out a sigh of relief. This silver needle first aid method was also a big load for him.

When Senior Brother Li's body was covered with shining silver needles, he finally woke up and regained his consciousness.

"You are..." He tried hard to say something, but he was not strong enough to spit out the next few words.

"I am from the God's Hand Valley. Stop talking and recover your strength first. I can only save you for this moment. Your illness is very strange. I think only Dr. Mo can save you. Unfortunately, He is no longer on the mountain." Han Li felt Brother Li's pulse and frowned.

"The medicine... is..." Senior Brother Li's face became anxious, his lips trembled a few times, and he tried to raise his arms to say something, but failed.

"Do you have medicine to cure your illness?" Han Li immediately understood what he meant and asked speculatively.

"Well -" Senior Brother Li saw that he understood what he meant, then relaxed his expression and nodded with difficulty.

Han Li was not polite. He searched his body and found a lot of debris. Among them, he picked out a small white jade bottle. This bottle was so precious and well-sealed. It must be what he was looking for.

He picked up the bottle and looked back at Senior Brother Li's expression. Sure enough, his face was full of joy now and he was blinking his eyes desperately.

Han Li opened the bottle cap, and to his surprise, no medicinal scent came out. Instead, a strong fishy smell came out of the bottle.

As soon as Han Li smelled the smell, his expression turned ugly. He carefully poured out a pink pill. The pill was so pretty, but it exuded such an unpleasant smell. It was really hard to find. Confidence.

"Is this the pill?" Han Li's expression returned to calm.

Senior Brother Li was so anxious that he couldn't speak and could only blink.

"Marrow extraction pills are made from 23 rare items such as orchids, scorpion tail flowers, century-old blue ant eggs, etc. After the medicine is made, it will appear pink and have a strange fishy smell. After taking it, it can greatly overdraw the body. Potential, you can use your future lifespan to improve the current ability of the person taking the medicine. Am I right about what I said above?"

Han Li looked at Senior Brother Li coldly and said the above words word by word with an unquestionable tone.

As soon as Senior Brother Li heard what Han Li said, his face immediately turned pale and bloodless, showing a panicked expression.

"Once you take this medicine, you have to take it again every once in a while, and you have to go through the inhuman pain of cramping and sucking the marrow. If you don't take it, you will be paralyzed, or you will lose your life. Even if you take it on time every time Medicine, within ten years after taking it for the first time, you will definitely lose your life due to overdraft." Han Li continued without stopping.

"Don't tell me that the pill in my hand is not a bone marrow extraction pill." Han Li paused while speaking.

When Senior Brother Li heard this, his face already showed a look of despair as if someone had exposed his background, but his eyes also showed an unimaginable and extremely surprised feeling.

"Are you surprised? This kind of pill is very rare. How could I recognize it?" Han Li noticed the doubt in his mind and changed the subject to talk about himself.

"It's actually very simple. I have also taken one pill of this medicine."

Han Li's words were shocking. Senior Brother Li was completely stunned by what he said, but then he showed a look of disbelief.

"The way I take this medicine is different from yours. I only took one pill in total, divided it into ten parts, and took it ten times. Each time, I used it as a lead for other medicines, so there is no What kind of side effects are harmful to the body? Because the difference between the appearance of this pill and the smell it emits is so obvious, I am very impressed by this medicine. I always thought that there should be no other people in the world except the pill I took. I really took this secret medicine, but I didn’t expect that there is only one person in this sect.”

After saying these words, Han Li looked at Senior Brother Li with a look that seemed both admiration and pity.

Senior Brother Li didn't want to meet Han Li's eyes and closed his eyes gently. However, his chest was rising and falling, indicating that he was in a very confused mood.

"You have been taking this medicine for several years, right? If you no longer take this pill, I can ask Doctor Mo to prepare another secret medicine for you. Although it cannot save your entire life, it will allow you to live twenty or thirty more years." Years are still possible, but your martial arts will not be preserved. If you continue to take this pill, judging from your attack today, you can live for at most five or six years. Of course, your martial arts will be reduced in these few years. The progress is getting faster and faster, much faster than your current improvement speed. Since you dare to take this secret medicine, you must be a resolute and decisive person. You can make up your own mind about your own body. Are you going to take the pill or throw it away?”

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