A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1606 Hundreds of Clans in the Spirit World Snake People

Chapter 1606 Hundreds of Races in the Spiritual World Snake People

Although the giant crab was huge in size, its speed was not slow. In a short time, it was only seven or eight feet away from Han Li. It almost only took one more swoop to attack Han Li with its two giant crabs.

A sharp look flashed in Han Li's eyes, his lower abdomen bulged slightly, and his lips moved as if he was about to spray something out.

But at this moment, there was a sudden scream that broke through the air, followed by a flash of silver light, and something shot from a distance and pierced the huge body of the giant crab.

The crab's light blue sharp armor seemed to be indestructible, but when the silver light reached its body, it made a muffled sound and was forcefully broken open by the sharp armor and pierced into the shell.

A stream of green blood splashed out.

And that silver light was actually a silver fork about ten feet long, but the upper half was firmly inserted into the back of the giant crab, leaving only the second half hanging out.

When the giant crab was wounded, he let out an earth-shattering scream, paused for a moment as he rushed over, and immediately changed direction and rushed towards the mouth of the valley.

The attack just now did not cause much damage to this behemoth, but instead aroused the monster's ferocity.

Seeing this scene, Han Li was naturally stunned, and quickly turned his head and looked towards the mouth of the valley.

At the entrance of the valley, I don't know when there were seven or eight figures of more than a dozen people of different heights standing.

The upper bodies of these figures looked like both men and women, and each of them held a shining silver javelin, flying fork and other throwing weapons in their hands. Among them, the man bares his thick arms, and the woman wears a tight-fitting short-sleeved leather jacket, both of which exude a strong aura.

When Han Li glanced at the lower bodies of these figures, a surprised expression appeared on his face.

These people did not have a pair of legs from the waist down, but snake bodies of different thicknesses, different colors, and some thin scales that seemed to be invisible.

This was a foreign race, and it seemed that he had never heard of it before!

Han Li immediately came to a conclusion!

Before he could think about it, the giant crab had already rushed not far away from the alien men and women.

But under the low drink of a man who seemed to be the leader, the figures swayed rapidly and immediately stood in two rows in an orderly manner. Six men in front and seven women in the back.

The big man shouted again, and suddenly the people in the front row swung the silver spears in their hands at the same time.

Suddenly six rays of silver light flashed and hit the giant crab's body one after another, but they only penetrated half of the crab's body and failed to seriously injure the monster. Instead, the green blood flowed, making the giant crab completely crazy. When he opened his mouth, a ball of fishy white foam spurted out from afar.

When the big man at the head saw the foam, his face changed slightly, and he muttered a few words to himself quickly, feeling vaguely angry. But when he touched his back with one hand, he actually pulled out a gray-white oblate stone piece with a faint glimmer of light on it, which seemed a little unusual.

But the big man didn't hesitate to hold the object in his hand against the white foam and threw it out.

The moment the stone piece was released, it turned into a ball of red light and flew out, and when it collided with the white foam, it made an earth-shaking loud noise.

A ball of fierce flames enveloped the white foam, and a moment later both of them disappeared into nothing at the same time.

Cancer took this opportunity to rush more than ten feet away from these aliens. But at this time, the six people in the first row suddenly shook into two waves, shooting out to both sides. Then their wrists shook at the same time, and their bodies leaned back. The Cancer, which had regained its momentum, condensed. He stopped in place for a moment.

A blue light flashed in Han Li's eyes! Only then did he see clearly that there were six translucent filaments as thick as a thumb between one of those people's wrists and the giant crab, and they were stretched tightly under the simultaneous force of the six alien one-armed people.

These six foreign men obviously had extraordinary arm strength, but what caught Han Li's attention even more was that each of them wore an earthy yellow wrist guard with a flash of light on its surface, which seemed to be a low-level magic weapon. These six people used their own brute strength and the help of wrist guards to stop the giant crab from rushing out.

However, this pause only lasted for a moment, and the giant crab pinched out with two giant claws like lightning.

Immediately, two muffled sounds of "bang bang" were heard, and as many as two of the six filaments were pinched off at once, and the words were cut as flat as a knife. The two foreign men who had been trying their best to roll out rolled away.

Seeing that after a few more swings of the giant claws in this crab's hand, it can completely get rid of its restraints.

But at this moment, several female aliens in the second row threw the silver fork in their hands just right.

After a muffled sound, the giant crab let out a shrill scream. A silvery object was inserted into the joints of the seven steps at the same time. They immediately bent down, leaving only the last hind foot intact. No more damage.

But it is impossible to maintain body balance.

There was a loud "boom". The giant crab's huge body fell to the ground, creating a large crater several feet deep in the nearby grass.

At this moment, the aliens who were originally looking a little nervous immediately burst into cheers, as if victory was within grasp.

And Cancer, which has lost its ability to move, is indeed powerless to fight back.

Those aliens, regardless of gender, rushed forward in a rush, and then walked out a few feet away from the Cancer. With the weapons slung on their backs, they swarmed towards the various vital parts of the Cancer's body.

With such a close range and the fact that the giant crab couldn't get up, these people's attacks naturally failed.

Within a few moments, the giant crab was pierced by dozens of javelins and flying forks, and was completely dead.

Han Li was lying on the ground watching all this, his expression calm, but thoughts were racing in his mind.

Judging from the methods used by these aliens to kill giant crabs and the weapons and low-level magic weapons they used, it seemed that they had some origins. But if he only has these abilities now, even if he can't get up now, he won't be able to pose any threat to him.

On the other hand, although these foreigners have strong skills, they don't have any aura exposed on their bodies. They don't look like people cultivating immortals, but rather similar to body refiners in the human race.

While Han Li was thinking about it, those alien figures dismantled the giant crab in a blink of an eye. They sorted and disassembled the crab meat, crab roe and other edible items into portions and laid them out on the ground. They all used extremely skillful techniques. Obviously, it was not the first time for them to kill monsters like Cancer.

At this time, a beautiful-looking female alien with a particularly soft waist suddenly walked up to the leader of the big man with a few twists. Then she pointed her finger at Han Li, who was lying on the ground far away, and let out a pleasant sound. sound. Some of them are similar to human speech, but if you listen carefully, you can't understand the meaning, and it sounds vague.

The big man had bronze skin. Not only was he the tallest among all the aliens, he was also the only one whose lower body was as black as ink.

The rest of the people's lower bodies were either light green or light white, completely different from the big man's appearance.

After hearing the woman's words, the big man looked towards Han Li with a pair of dazzling eyes, and happened to meet Han Li's indifferent eyes.

Seeing Han Li's eyes as calm as water, the big man's heart froze. After glancing at Han Li's lower body and legs, his expression suddenly changed. After hurriedly saying a few words to the woman, he hurried over here.

Even though the lower body of the big man has the body of a snake, his movements are extremely fast, and he can walk more than ten feet in two twists. In just a few breaths, the big man arrived in front of Han Li.

Han Li looked at the foreign race in front of him quietly and did not say anything. But if you look closely, you will find that his bulging belly has not returned to normal and is still slightly bulging.

Of course, when the big man saw Han Li for the first time, he naturally couldn't tell the difference.

However, the big man paused in front of Han Li, suddenly bowed, put an arm in front of his chest, and seemed to be giving a respectful salute, and at the same time uttered a sentence that Han Li could not understand at all.

Han Li grinned, revealing a wry smile.

Even though he had learned almost all the foreign languages ​​known to the human race when he was in Tianyuan City, the language of the big man in front of him was obviously not any of the languages ​​he knew.

After hesitating for a moment, Han Li asked a few questions in a language commonly used in Fengyuan Continent. But seeing the confused look on the big man's face, he obviously couldn't understand it at all.

With a frown, he changed his words to several foreign words in succession. But the big man scratched his head with one arm, apparently unable to understand.

Han Li sighed and said nothing more.

But at this moment, the big man took a closer look at Han Li's current appearance, and seemed to see that Han Li was unable to move. He suddenly turned his head and shouted at the other aliens.

Immediately, the four women among the foreigners put down what they were doing and ran over like flying birds.

The big man solemnly gave several instructions to the foreign women. The women looked at Han Li in surprise, and then showed awe.

After these women also saluted Han Li, they all walked towards the dozen or so big trees in the valley.

There was a flash of silver light, and several of the smaller trees were knocked down by a strange silver blade they were holding.

These foreign women waved the silver blades in their hands, and in a moment they used the trees and some animal skins they carried to build something like a giant sliding pole.

Then these foreign women raised one end in two and walked over quickly.

At this time, Han Li naturally realized that these "snake people" had no ill intentions towards him, and the bulging part of his lower abdomen quietly returned to normal.

Then the four snake girls put the "sliding pole" in front of them, and two of them came over, said something respectfully, and asked about something.

No matter how difficult his words were, Han Li understood their intentions at this moment. After pondering for a moment, he nodded slightly.

Suddenly, the snake people in front of him all showed expressions of joy.

The two snake girls bowed respectfully, then carefully lifted Han Li's feet and upper body, and placed him lightly on the "sliding pole".

The two women carefully helped Han Li position himself, making sure that Han Li would not feel uncomfortable.

(I’m really sorry! I didn’t catch my cold well and it made me feel really bad. I’m afraid I’ll have to update the second update tomorrow!)

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