A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1607 Hundreds of Clans in the Spirit Realm: Huoyang Clan

At this moment, other male snake men in the distance have also finished decomposing the giant crab, and have wrapped the materials and food in some soft animal skins and carried them behind their backs.

Each of these packages is more than two feet tall, almost twice the size of these snake men themselves.

But these snake men carried them on their backs, but they were all relaxed, which showed that their strength was indeed astonishing.

When the four female snake-men carried Han Li and walked over, the male snake-men also joined the team carrying things on their backs at the big man's shout.

The group of people walked out of the valley.

As soon as he walked out of the valley entrance, Han Li's eyes lit up. Only then did I realize that there were rippling blue waves only a few miles away from the mouth of the valley.

This valley is actually very close to the sea. No wonder monsters like giant crabs rush into the valley.

However, the sea surface is now extremely calm. Except for the salty sea breeze, there are no big waves. Because of this, Han Li didn't hear any sound of sea water lapping when he was in the valley.

These snake men carried Han Li along the seaside. After walking for a while, the route became abnormally curved.

Han Li looked around and felt a little enlightened.

This place is not a continental coast, but a strange island. And this island doesn't look too big.

After walking for more than ten miles, the snake team arrived in front of a pile of rocks.

Among the rocks, there are seven or eight strange and slender bone boats parked. Except for one of them, which is larger and can seat four or five people, the others can only seat two people at most.

These bone boats are pointed at one end and have various monster heads standing on the other end. They are all carved from wood.

Han Li and the two snake girls boarded the largest bone boat, while the others took other small boats and rowed the bone oars attached to the boats towards the sea.

These snake men, both men and women, have extraordinary physical strength, and their bone paddles can paddle almost without stopping.

This caused the bone boat to move forward through the waves like a crossbow.

The sea was extremely quiet, and no sea beasts were seen attacking these small boats.

As a result, just an hour later, a black spot appeared in front, which turned out to be another island.

Han Li narrowed his eyes slightly, his pupils flashing with blue light, and he could clearly see the island from a distance.

This island is a medium-sized island, probably several hundred miles in size. It has lush green mountains and undulating mountains. It seems that there are many peaks and trees. It is a suitable place to live.

However, the tallest mountain on the island has a slightly red top and a grayish white bottom. It actually seems to be a volcano.

As for the other things on the island, Han Li couldn't take a closer look at them because his magic power had not yet been restored and he was unable to strengthen his spiritual eyes.

The bone boat rode the wind and waves and quickly moved towards the island.

After a meal, we were only more than ten miles away from the island.

At this moment, the originally clear and peaceful sky suddenly changed, and countless clouds appeared almost instantly. Then the sea breeze picked up, and heavy rain poured down from the clouds.

It’s unbelievable how quickly the sea weather changes!

But none of these things caused any trouble for the advancement of the bone boat, because the snake men on the boat pressed on a raised part of the bone boat, and suddenly a small magic circle appeared at the bottom of the bone boat.

White veils of light suddenly appeared one by one, covering all these bone boats.

But the expressions of these snake people did not change.

Because the sea surface suddenly changed at the same time as the weather, waves of attic-high waves also set off at the same time, hitting the small boat overwhelmingly.

These small boats were only two to three feet long and looked extremely small in front of these huge waves. Naturally, they could not resist anything. But because it is protected by a white mask, there won't be any immediate fatalities. But they also appear to be extremely dangerous among the waves. They can only drift with the current and cannot move forward at all.

Han Li was startled when he saw this scene. After scanning the faces of the two snake girls on the boat, he found that although their expressions were solemn, they did not show much panic. Let’s see what other ways these snake people should deal with.

Sure enough, just as Han Li thought, just when these bone boats were in great danger, a milky-white light beam suddenly shot out from the island not far away, and the light beam disappeared into the nearby dark clouds in a flash.

Suddenly, there was a loud rumbling sound in the dark clouds, a huge light group exploded, white air waves rolled down, and the clouds and mist in the sky suddenly broke open a huge hole with a radius of 100 feet.

Han Li was naturally surprised and couldn't help but look towards the island a few more times.

But the speed of getting the light beam just now was too fast, and it only passed by in a flash. He didn't see clearly where it came from on the island.

After the dark clouds penetrated a large hole, the strong winds and waves on the sea weakened. Although it was impossible to be as calm as before, the bone boat, under the control of those snake men, was able to speed towards the island again.

After a short while, the bone boat arrived at a small natural port on the island, and then everyone left the boat.

Han Li was also carried ashore again by four snake girls using "sliding poles".

At this time, Han Li couldn't help but turn his head and glance at the nearby sky. Obviously, the change in the celestial phenomena could not last for long. In just this moment, the big hole in the sky was filled with clouds again, and the sea became rough again.

But for the snake people who had landed safely, it didn't matter.

Han Li looked thoughtful, but he became very interested in the thing on the island that could emit white beams of light.

Although he lacked spiritual consciousness, he could still vaguely feel that the spiritual power of this light pillar was mixed and abnormal. It was definitely not the work of some great magical being, but rather seemed to be released by some magic circle or magic weapon with the help of the power of spiritual stones.

Although such a level of power was not in Han Li's mind, it was a bit strange to appear on such a small alien island.

However, these thoughts only flashed through Han Li's mind, and his eyes returned to everything in front of him.

This small port is not empty. Not only are there several stone houses of different heights built on the shore, but there is also a tall stone pillar about a hundred feet high.

There is also a small cabin at the top of the pillar, with the vague appearance of other snake people on it.

At this moment, seven or eight snake men walked out of the stone house on the shore. Most are women, a few are men. for

The leader was a snake girl in her twenties, with an abnormally plump figure and a gorgeous appearance.

The woman glanced at the big man and the others, and when she saw the bulging packages, a charming smile appeared on her face. However, when she glanced at Han Li at the back of the team, she couldn't help but be startled.

At this time, the big man came over quickly. After saluting, he said something to the woman with a dignified expression.

After the gorgeous snake girl finished listening, her beautiful eyes glanced at Han Li's lower body and legs, and she was also shocked.

Suddenly, the woman's figure twisted a few times, and after a few sways, she gracefully arrived in front of Han Li, opened her mouth, and spoke a strange language.

Han Li raised his eyebrows and shook his head.

However, this snake girl did not give up, and changed seven or eight different words one after another. When he changed to the last one, Han Li's expression changed, and he actually understood. These are the words of a Feiling person!

However, this woman stammered and seemed unskilled.

"You know Feilingyu!" Han Li said slowly with a hint of surprise on his face.

"It's great that the superior clan members also understand Feiling Language. I am Yan Wu, the auxiliary priest of the Huoyang Clan! I wonder what I call you, the superior clan members?" When the snake girl heard that Han Li knew Feiling Language, she immediately Overjoyed, he replied with a salute.

"Just call me Mr. Han. Huoyang Clan? This is the first time I've heard of it. I accidentally landed here. Where is this sea area?" Han Li frowned and asked slowly.

"We, the Huoyang Clan, are just a small branch of the Wa Clan. It is not surprising that Mr. Han does not know the name of our clan. It is a great honor for our clan to have Sir come to our Huoyang Clan as a clan. However, I am only an auxiliary priest. I don’t know much about the affairs of the superior clan in the nearby sea area, and I am not qualified to receive Mr. Han personally. I will personally send you to see the high priest of my clan. If you have any questions, please let me know. The priest will definitely be able to answer carefully." The snake girl's answer was neither humble nor arrogant.

"High Priest!" Han Li narrowed his eyes slightly and turned twice around the snake girl in front of him, sensing the faint aura emanating from the girl.

Although this goddess is only around the Qi Refining Stage, she is indeed an immortal cultivator. However, with such a low cultivation level of this woman, the high priest is definitely not much higher. There is nothing to fear. " Han Li finished his calculations in his mind instantly, and then nodded lightly.

Seeing that Han Li agreed, the gorgeous snake girl secretly breathed a sigh of relief. In her mind, the aura of the superior clansman in front of her was really strange.

He could be said to be powerful, but the spiritual pressure on his body was still there, and he didn't seem to be much stronger than her, but he was said to be weak. She had already scanned the opponent with her spiritual thoughts, but she could not detect the other party's cultivation level at all.

Naturally, it would be better to leave this weird situation to the high priest to handle it.

After the snake girl immediately gave some instructions to the big man and others, she touched her waist with one hand and took out a leather bag. She reached inside and pulled out a snow-white spiritual bird.

This bird is about the size of a fist and resembles a parrot, but its eyes are extremely red, as if two balls of flame are embedded in it.

After the snake girl stroked the bird a few times, she made a strange "gurgling" sound in her mouth, and then let go of her hand. Immediately, the bird turned into a white light and flew deep into the island, disappearing after just a few flashes.

"I have informed the high priest. Now I will personally escort Mr. Han to our Huoyang City." The woman said with a smile on her face.

Han Li raised his eyebrows, but did not express any objection. Instead, he slowly closed his eyes.

Seeing Han Li's tacit agreement, the woman did not hesitate and immediately led four snake girls to carry Han Li along a small stone road to the center of the island.

(This is yesterday’s second update, today’s chapter is coded below!)

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