A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1605 Hundreds of tribes in the spiritual world escape from the catastrophe

"Did Fellow Daoist Jian make a mistake? The newly-appeared Xuantian Treasure is not in our Feiling Clan area. In this case, it is normal that the treasure cannot be summoned using the blood sacrifice technique." A faint female voice said rang out from the altar.

The speaker was a beautiful middle-aged woman wearing a white cloak, with a pair of colorful wings shining on her back. There was obviously a hint of schadenfreude in what he just said.

"Mrs. Bu! Brother Jian and I presided over the summoning circle just now. Through the power of the blood sacrifice, we both sensed the existence of the Xuantian Spirit-Slaying Sword. But something seemed to go wrong when it was sent back. Suddenly on the way Disappeared. Could it be that this sword is already psychic and can cut through the void on its own without sinking?" Another young man suddenly spoke.

This man had a shining white horn on his head. It was the one-horned young man from the Jiao Chi tribe whom Han Li had met on the giant island half a year ago.

The person who spoke at the beginning was naturally the fish-eyed man from the Sea Royal Family.

But at this time, the fish-eyed man's face had a hint of anger and frustration.

"Whether there really is a Xuantian treasure, naturally only the two Taoist friends who preside over the magic circle know. We are just ordered to cooperate with the two Taoist friends." An old man wearing a soap robe but with two pairs of gray wings on his back , also said lightly.

He was holding a dragon-headed crutch with one hand and did not hide the sarcasm hidden in his words.

As for the rest of the Feiling Tribe who also had wings on their backs, although they didn't say anything, they all looked at the one-horned young man and the fish-eyed man with somewhat unkind looks.

The one-horned young man did not answer anything, but looked at each other with the fish-eyed man. Their lips moved slightly, but no sound came out, and they secretly talked through the sound.

Seeing these two people acting so unscrupulously. The faces of the Feiling tribesmen present became increasingly ugly.

"Since the first time failed, we will immediately hold another blood sacrifice. Now that the blood energy has not been exhausted, we should be able to do it. As long as the Xuantian Spiritual Treasure is still in your Feiling Clan area, the duel will be summoned accordingly. "Yes." The two aliens seemed to have finished their discussion, and the one-horned young man suddenly turned his head and said, with a gloomy look on his face.

"Hold it again. Do you two fellow Taoists think that the mana we have cultivated is in vain? The blood sacrifice just now has already consumed most of our spiritual power. If we hold it again, it will deplete my true energy." The old man in the robe suddenly touched the crutch in his hand, making a muffled "bang" sound, causing the entire altar to shake slightly, and then said solemnly.

"Min naturally knows that this move is a bit difficult. But no matter how difficult it is, it can't be compared to annihilating two tribes and killing tens of thousands of wild beasts in half a year. If you lose the opportunity to regain the Xuantian Treasure because of this, It's really delaying this matter, and several fellow Taoists can't bear it." The one-horned young man narrowed his eyes, but said indifferently.

Upon hearing this, the old man in morning robes had an angry look on his face, and he moved forward a few steps, as if he wanted to angrily rebuke something.

But at this time, a slight cough came from the crowd on the side, and then a hoarse voice sounded:

"Brother Yao Xian, please be patient. Fellow Daoist Min is here on behalf of the Jiao Chi tribe, how can it be unreasonable." The person who spoke was a hunched figure, shrouded in a faint white mist, making it difficult to see his appearance.

"What Brother Xiong said is absolutely true. Yao is a little impatient." As soon as the old man in soap robe heard these words, his expression changed drastically, and he stepped back to his original position and replied respectfully.

"Do you have anything to say, fellow Daoist Hungarian?" Once the one-horned young man saw the speaker clearly, his expression also condensed, but he immediately asked with a forced smile.

"Indeed, there are some things I want to say. It's not difficult for my fellow Taoist to ask me to wait for the loss of vitality to help you activate the blood sacrifice again, but what if it doesn't succeed this time?" The hunchbacked figure chuckled and asked in a cold voice. .

"If you can't summon it successfully twice, it means that this thing is really in this area. The two of us turned around and left immediately. We will never go back on the conditions we agreed to before." The one-horned young man replied without thinking. road.

While the alien was speaking, the fish-eyed man stood silent and seemed to acquiesce to what he said.

"Okay! As long as you have this promise from fellow Taoist, we will help you one more time. Don't be impulsive, you must take action again." The hunchbacked figure said to the others in a half-command tone.

Strange to say! When the other high-level beings of the Feiling Tribe heard this, they showed no dissatisfaction at all and nodded silently.

After a while, the surface of the blood lake began to fluctuate. At the same time, black air began to condense on the surface of the lake. At the same time, the sea of ​​blood mist began to roll violently.

The altar in the center of the blood lake was completely shrouded in a bloody brilliance, and there were faint sounds of obscure spells coming from inside.

After a burst of severe pain that seemed to tear his head in half, Han Li finally woke up slowly.

He felt darkness in front of his eyes, and he tried very hard to open his eyes, but he felt that his eyelids were as heavy as Mount Tai, and he could not open them at all.

This time, Han Li was quite surprised, and realized that he seemed to be lying down. He immediately wanted to sit up like a carp, but he couldn't even move a finger.

Han Li's heart sank, and he barely held back the severe pain. He picked up the remaining spiritual thoughts in his consciousness and hurriedly looked inside at all the conditions in his body.

The result made him smile bitterly.

Now not only had he lost most of his essence and blood, but all the mana in his body was also gone. What's worse is that the reason for the severe pain in the head is that the mental energy is severely depleted, and only one-tenth of it is left.

The cause of all this was just a sword he unintentionally swung not long ago.

When he thought of the astonishing scene when he wielded the sword transformed from the Xuantian Fruit, Han Li's heart was filled with uncertainty, and at the same time he was secretly feeling lucky!

When that sword was slashed out, the color of the world almost changed. Not only did it immediately interrupt the teleportation, it even split open the void with the sword. However, the cost of this sword slash was extremely high. Not only was the mana sucked away, but the power of spiritual thoughts was also sucked away by the sword. At this moment, he was sucked into the void and immediately passed out.

But now that I think about it, the sword struck with the Xuantian Fruit only exerted a superficial power. The power of this sword is obviously related to the absorbed mana and spiritual thoughts, and even to the blood essence and blood that was previously lost.

Han Li thought secretly.

However, knowing the dire condition of his body, Han Li felt much less panic. No matter the essence, blood or mana, it is not a fatal injury. As long as you take the elixir and rest for a few years, you will be back to your original state.

It seemed quiet everywhere. He could be here safely. At least he should be out of danger.

Although he couldn't open his eyes and couldn't let his mind go out, he could still tell from the humid air and the slightly salty breeze that he was somewhere on the beach. The bottom of the body was unusually soft, but it seemed to be a piece of grass.

Could it be that it was not teleported too far away!

Han Li had some doubts in his heart. After thinking about it for a moment, Han Li became a little worried again. But now, the bad condition of both his body and his magic power made him unable to move at all, and he could only lie there silently.

After an unknown amount of time, Han Li's eyelids moved and he reluctantly opened his eyes a thin slit.

A piece of light blue sky suddenly came into view.

Not seeing the strange blood cloud, Han Li let out a breath and finally felt relieved.

After a few more hours, Han Li could twist his neck and swing his neck from side to side to see where he was clearly.

It's like a small valley. It is surrounded by low hills on three sides and a narrow exit on one side. The entire valley is no more than a thousand feet wide. And he landed right in the middle of the valley.

A smile appeared in Han Li's eyes, and the corners of his mouth twitched, but he immediately gritted his teeth and cracked his mouth in pain. Only then did he realize that the muscles all over his body had become extremely sore.

This was something he had never felt since he practiced the Brahma Saint's True Demonic Art.

It seems that by waving the Xuantian Fruit, in addition to the mana and divine thoughts, it seems that there is something else in the body that has also been absorbed. Otherwise, even with his physical body, he wouldn't have become like this.

Thinking to himself, Han Li was still lying quietly on the grass.

After more than half a day, Han Li moved a finger on one arm and seemed to have regained some strength.

A happy look suddenly appeared on Han Li's face, but before his smile completely appeared, it couldn't solidify.

Because at this moment, a "bang bang" sound of heavy objects falling to the ground suddenly came from outside the valley. Judging from the slight tremor of the ground felt by the body, it was clearly a huge object walking towards the small valley.

Han Li glanced to one side and immediately stared at the entrance of the valley, his expression becoming extremely solemn.

As a result, a moment later, a giant creature more than ten feet tall rushed into the small valley. It turned out to be a giant crab covered with barbs.

This crab's eyes are dotted with green light, and its hard shell exudes a cyan light, as if it is wearing a cyan armor. The sharp barbs on the armor can naturally make everyone take a breath of cold air and start fighting without feeling cold.

The giant crab obviously didn't notice Han Li's presence at first. It ran sideways towards the hills on one side and reached a certain mountain wall in a short time. Then, its two giant claws picked up a blue-gray stone that fell on the ground. , and stuffed it into his mouth with big mouthfuls.

There was also a creepy chewing sound of "crunching" and "crunching" in the mouth.

Seeing that Cancer didn't attack him, Han Li's face relaxed, and his serious look relaxed a bit.

After the giant crab swallowed more than a dozen stones motionlessly, its eyes suddenly flashed green, and its body suddenly turned around and faced Han Li directly.

Han Li's pupils suddenly shrank, and he and Cancer stared at each other.

Suddenly, the giant crab made a strange "hissing" sound from its mouth, and then swung its two giant claws and charged towards Han Li menacingly.

Han Li's face suddenly became extremely gloomy, his eyes flashed with coldness, and he stared at the approaching giant crab without emotion, without even showing much panic!

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