A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1604 Hundreds of Clans in the Spirit World and Spirit Sword Appears

Even if he couldn't see the situation outside Pilian, he knew that he must have been sucked into the black hole, otherwise such a strange situation would not have occurred.

In desperation, Han Li slapped him between his eyebrows.

Suddenly there was a flash of black light, and a dark eye emerged.

It was the method of destruction that Han Li had practiced hard for so many years.

Since ordinary attacks have no effect on this beast, I can only use this special magical power to break restrictions and give it a try.

Han Li's move out of desperation was obviously the right thing to do.

I saw a black light beam as thick as a finger, spurting out from the Destruction Eyes. The seemingly indestructible blood-colored horse was pierced through in just a flash.

Then with a stroke of the thin beam of light, a hole about ten feet wide was opened.

Succeeding so easily made Han Li, who was thinking about it at first glance, startled for a moment, and then became overjoyed.

Without thinking, he flapped his wings behind his back and flew out of Pilian in a flash.

As soon as his spiritual light converged, Han Li's figure emerged from the black hole, his wings gently flapping.

This is not relying on any escape technique, but relying entirely on the flying power of the Wind and Thunder Wings to stay suspended in the air.

Otherwise, I am afraid that he who is in the black hole will fall straight into the depths soon.

There was a burst of howling ghosts and wolves all around, and countless bloody shadows rushed up.

Han Li's face darkened and he rubbed his hands together.

The thunder roared loudly. Countless golden arcs shot out from his hands.

Each of these golden arcs is unusually thick, far different from Han Li's previous evil-fighting divine thunder.

This is another unexpected benefit brought by his sword skills. The newly refined flying sword not only absorbed all the aura of the Golden Thunder Bamboo, but also used the evil-proof divine thunder contained in it for its own use.

As a result of this, in addition to tempering the properties of the flying sword to the extreme, the number and power of the evil-proofing divine thunder contained in it have reached a higher level.

Now after being driven out by Han Li, he naturally seems unstoppable!

After a burst of "rumbling" explosions, under the flash of large golden lightning, the bloody phantoms that rushed up from all around bounced away. However, there were so many blood shadows that they seemed to be countless, and they rushed towards Han Li's area one by one without fear of death. Some of them were slightly more solidified, and even opened their mouths to spurt out a stream of fishy blood, directly piercing through the power grid formed by the evil-warming divine thunder, and reaching Han Li's vicinity.

However, these bloodshot threads were blocked by the sudden virtual sword light released by Han Li's two hands.

The blue light flickered in and out, and the blood threads were broken inch by inch, and were smashed into pieces.

At this time, the roar of the bloody light array poured into Han Li's ears, and the spatial fluctuations emerging from the black hole became more intense.

Looking around, Han Li understood the unknown crisis he was facing.

His expression changed greatly, he flapped his wings on his back, and then flashed to the edge of the black hole, intending to fly outside. ‘

There was a muffled sound.

Han Li stumbled, as if he had hit an invisible wall, and was bounced back by a layer of transparent restraint.

The wings on his back were fanned wildly and the numbers were displayed. After Han Li stabilized his figure, he naturally became frightened and angry.

Just when he was about to sway and use his great magical power to break through this restriction, a huge suction force suddenly came from the depths of the black hole!

The force was so great that Han Li was almost unable to resist being pulled back to his original position, and continued to shoot backwards without any pause.

Han Li's expression changed drastically, and you can imagine the shock in his heart!

The bloody light array was trembling more and more violently, and the surface of the light array was blurred into one piece, becoming gradually transparent, as if it might disappear at any time.

It's all a long story, but it only takes a few breaths.

Han Li was trapped by the suction force in the black hole. In desperation, he released all his magical powers in one breath without any scruples, just to get out of the trap temporarily.

In an instant, all around Han Li, golden halos, gray halos, five-color flames, golden lightning arcs, and green sword lights burst out at the same time.

With so many magical powers being used together, the power can be imagined!

I saw balls of various colored flames rising and falling here and there, completely submerging Han Li's figure into it.

No matter how strong the suction force was, it relaxed in just a moment.

Han Li was overjoyed and was about to fly out of the black hole when the blood shadows around him suddenly let out a wail, followed by muffled "puff" sounds one after another. Under a strange force, they exploded and collapsed at the same time. A stream of bloody light.

In an instant, these rays of light disappeared into the depths of the black hole and disappeared.

Han Li immediately felt that the scenery around him was blurry, and an unusually familiar feeling came to his mind. This was exactly what happened when he was about to teleport away after experiencing it countless times.

"not good"

Although Han Li didn't know where he was going to be teleported, thinking about it, he knew that it was definitely a very bad place.

Immediately, the dark eyes between his brows burst into flames, and a black beam of light erupted.

There was a flash of black light, and the beam of light disappeared into the surrounding area. The blurry scene suddenly condensed for a moment, but it returned to its original state.

Han Li's face was ashen, and the black light between his brows was dazzling. Black light shot out in all directions like crazy. At the same time, the three-headed and six-armed Dharma form above his head also waved its six arms, and golden light flashed through, trying to interrupt the teleportation.

However, there was a loud buzzing sound in the black hole, and all the attacks disappeared in a flash, without any obvious effect.

Obviously this teleportation was different from what he had seen before, and it was not affected by these attacks at all.

Han Li's heart sank, and for the first time he felt a sense of powerlessness. At the same time, he felt something strange secretly in his heart.

According to previous experience, when the surrounding scene was blurry, he should be teleported out the next moment. But why is the process in front of us so long!

Just when Han Li was panicking and his thoughts were changing rapidly, he suddenly felt a stabbing pain in the palm of his hand that was holding the Xuantian Fruit, as if something like a sharp needle had pricked his palm.

He was startled and hurriedly lowered his head.

Only then did he realize that because he had used the Brahma Saint's True Demonic Art to the extreme, a tiny hole had been punctured in his golden palm at some point, and bright red blood was flowing out of it. The part of the Xuantian Fruit that was originally held in the palm of the hand suddenly protruded from a sharp and unusual wooden thorn, which was stained with blood. It was obviously the culprit.

You must know that Han Li's physical body is much tougher than ordinary magic weapons. With the forcible operation of the Brahma Saint's True Demonic Art, the toughness of his palms at this moment is far stronger than usual.

Under such circumstances, it was easily punctured by a small wooden thorn. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would have been unbelievable.

Witnessing the sudden change in the Xuantian Fruit, Han Li looked shocked and confused. Before he could cast a spell to stop the bleeding, the Xuantian Fruit flashed with white light, and all the essence and blood were sucked into the skin. Then a clear sound came from the fruit and shot straight into the sky.

The next moment, Han Li's expression changed drastically, and he suddenly shook his wrist as if bitten by a snake, and he actually wanted to throw the Xuantian Fruit away. But this thing seemed to be stuck to the palm of his hand, not moving at all.

Han Li's face instantly turned extremely pale.

He felt that the essence and blood in his body were pouring into the Xuantian Fruit along the small hole in the palm of his hand. He still tried his best to activate the spell, but he still couldn't stop it at all.

The essence and blood in the body lost more than two-thirds in the blink of an eye before it suddenly stopped.

The loss of so much essence and blood means that Han Li's physical strength has reached the extreme. If he had been replaced by an ordinary monk, he would probably be unable to wither immediately. But having said that, if it were replaced by the essence and blood of a monk, Xuantian Fruit would probably suck people into human beings and it would not be able to meet its needs.

At this moment, the Xuantian Fruit's originally light yellow skin turned into bright red in a matter of seconds. Then, the emerald green patterns on the surface of the fruit squirmed for a while, and turned into unknown mysterious runes, the size of rice grains, densely spread all over it.

At the same time, countless five-color light spots appeared around Han Li's body, and each one swooped toward the Xuantian Fruit like moths throwing fire.

With a "Puff" sound, the end of the Xuantian Fruit flashed with green light, and suddenly a light about a foot long shot out from the sword blade.

The blade of this sword is extremely bright and bright, and its surface is as smooth as a mirror. However, in the center of the blade, there seems to be a row of weird green runes imprinted on it, five in total, arranged in a straight line.

But the original Xuantian Fruit has suddenly become the hilt of this sword. Han Li just held it with one hand.

All this left Han Li stunned.

However, at the same time that the sword appeared, the blood-light formation outside seemed to be stimulated by something. After an earth-shaking loud noise, the entire formation, together with the black hole in the middle, suddenly disappeared out of thin air after a sudden sway.

At the same time, Han Li, who was in the black hole, felt that the blurry scene around him disappeared, and what he saw was filled with blood-red color, and then he couldn't help but spin around.

Han Li was so frightened that he almost subconsciously shook the hilt of the sword in his hand and struck out with a sword in no direction...

I don't know how many thousands of miles away, on a huge altar that smelled so bad and was shrouded in blood-red mist, there were more than a dozen figures looming on it. At the feet of these people, there was a giant magic circle, flashing with a faint blood light.

You can find it if you look carefully.

The shape of this array is strikingly the same as the bloody light array that appeared above Han Li's head before.

Under the altar, there was a huge lake filled with blood-red liquid. Looking from a distance, the lake is not very wide, and it looks like there is no end at a glance.

In this lake, there are still white skeletons floating around, of different races and sizes, densely packed all over the lake, giving people a creepy feeling.

"Impossible, the Treasure of Xuantian is there! I have already sensed its existence, and I summoned it clearly." A frightened and angry voice suddenly came from the mouth of someone on the altar, with an expression of disbelief. look like.

(First make up for the missing chapter from yesterday, then continue with today’s chapter!)

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