A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 539 Sixth grade class schedule, she is perfect (1/2)

Chapter 539 Sixth grade class schedule, she is perfect

Aaron kept the food, magic materials, and half of the Black family's wealth purchased during the summer vacation, and then returned to the dormitory after explaining the future work to the missing body.

As soon as he emerged from the entrance, he heard a knock on the door.

"Which one?"


"Wait a moment." Aaron carefully closed the secret room, pressed the suitcase on top, and added a layer of illusion before opening the door.

After Klea came in, she looked carefully at Aaron's dormitory, but her eyes stayed at the entrance to the secret room for a moment longer.

A hint of surprise flashed across her green pupils, and the corners of Klea's mouth curved, but she quickly restrained herself without letting Aaron notice.

"The dormitory has been converted into a single apartment, does the dean know?"

"Of course Professor Snape knows that Genes discussed it with Hogwarts when I was in first grade, otherwise I would be living in a mixed dormitory now." Aaron curled his lips and said, "Early in the morning Came here to disturb people’s dreams, have you chosen the sixth grade class schedule?”

"I will take whatever classes you take, although I don't think I need to take classes." Klea said bluntly. She is the proud daughter of the Darwin family who only happens once in a century. It is no exaggeration to say that in this school, No one could teach her, not even Dumbledore.

"It's up to you!" Aaron said. He had already chosen his courses for this semester. His O.W.L.s were all excellent and he could choose any of the courses.

The required courses cannot be missed. He will be a professor or even the principal of Hogwarts in the future. It will be easier to find a job with a few more certificates.

As for the elective courses... Divination and arithmetic were given up. Firstly, he knew how to crystal ball divination. No matter how much he learned, the effect would be the same. Secondly, the advanced class teacher for the divination course was Trelawney. Her teaching ability was really impressive. People dare not compliment.

There was no need to study Muggle Studies and Care of Magical Creatures. These two subjects were of little help to him, but ancient runes were still useful, at least for alchemy.

The two of them followed each other to the auditorium. After breakfast, they handed their course schedule to Professor Snape, who approved it without even looking at it.

Other students also need to ensure that their O.W.L.s scores meet the requirements before they can enter advanced classes, but these two are geniuses among geniuses. They choose courses, not the courses that choose them.

"The dean is a little easier to talk to than I thought." Klea said with a strange expression, "I can tell from his face that he has suffered a very serious emotional injury, and I thought he had some psychological distortion!"

"You can't say that. Although Professor Snape is a bit harsh on students from other houses, especially Harry Potter from Gryffindor, he is really kind to Slytherin."

"By the way, Granger..."

"Do you have to talk to me about her on the first day of school?"

"Okay!" Klea shrugged, "Wait a few days until I have a good relationship with her."

Aaron: ...

The first class in the morning was ancient runes, and the two of them didn't waste time and left the auditorium and went straight to the classroom.

There are not many people who can still choose this course, only a dozen or so. After all, the ancient rune test is more difficult, but among these dozen people is Hermione Granger.

After seeing her, Klea took the initiative to sit next to her and acted particularly warm and friendly.

She could easily point out anything Hermione didn't understand, which made the top student feel ashamed, and their relationship also changed from 'friends' to 'good friends' in a short period of time.

Aaron sat in the front row of the two people, listening to the whispers behind him, and always felt that two pairs of eyes fell on him from time to time.

It's like a thorn on my back. It's better to sit in the last row in class from now on.

At the end of get out of class, the professor assigned a bunch of homework, including a fifteen-inch paper, two translations, and a preview textbook.

"This is too much." Hermione said sadly, "Twice as much homework as the fifth grade, and it has to be completed before Wednesday."

"Do you need my help?"

"That's really not necessary, I can do it." Hermione said a little angrily. She used to let others copy her homework, but now the situation was reversed and she had to keep her dignity as a top student.

What's more, it was her competitor who said this. Although she was not disgusted with Klea, it was really difficult to accept it for a while.

"I'm talking about Aaron." Klea stuck out her tongue. "I can help you with the translation and thesis. Don't worry about the font. I'm pretty good at transfiguration. The teacher will never be able to tell."

Aaron blinked blankly, he didn't expect an unexpected gain.


"I, I can do that too." Hermione stammered with a blush on her face. This was the first time she had done homework for someone else.

"You? Let's forget it!"

The professor assigned a lot of homework, but it took no more than twenty minutes for Klea to finish it.

But Hermione is different. She needs to spend more than twice as much time as Clea. The gap between the academic master and the academic god is still quite big.

Hermione suddenly felt that she was being looked down upon. She snorted angrily and took the textbook directly from Aaron's hand. "You saved my life. Leave such a small matter to me!"


"Are you not satisfied?" Hermione glared at him.

"Satisfied, very satisfied." Aaron said forcefully.

Hermione hugged the book and left the classroom, leaving Clea looking at him with a half-smile, "It can be seen that Granger is very strong and will not give in easily, especially when it comes to studies."

"She can't compare to you." Aaron said angrily, "We can't compare to you."

"Muggle-born wizards can surpass most people. She is an out-and-out genius." Klea said with emotion, "I have thought about what gift to give her. She will definitely like it."

"as long as you are happy."

The second class is the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. There are quite a few students who choose this class. Basically, as long as their grades are up to standard, they will not give up the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Professor Snape finally got the professorship of this course as he wished, but his teaching style has not changed at all, and he still likes to teach in dark classrooms.

“So far, you have had five professors in this course.

These teachers all have their own teaching methods and teaching priorities. In this chaotic situation, I am surprised that so many people can pass the exam in this course.

But the content of the advanced courses is much more profound, I hope you can keep up. "

“Black magic is of many types, varied, ever-changing, and never-ending.

To fight it, your defenses must be flexible and innovative. "Snape said and waved his wand, and several more pictures suddenly appeared on the wall.

One is a witch screaming in pain, one is a wizard huddled in the corner with his eyes blank, and the other is just a pool of dirty blood mixed with some rags.

"Can any of you tell us what happened to these victims?"

Hermione raised her right hand and said hesitantly: "The witch was hit by the Cruciatus Curse, the wizard had his soul sucked by the dementors, and..."

"What else?" Snape sneered.

"The Inferi." Hermione swallowed, "I have read in books that the Inferi is a dead corpse summoned and controlled by black magic. It has no life, soul or mind."

"Has anyone really seen the Inferi?" Parvati asked nervously.

"The Dark Lord has used it in the past, and we don't rule out that he will continue to use it," Snape said.

"Professor." Aaron raised his hand and asked, "What should you do if you encounter an Inferi?"

"Finally someone asked the important point, five points for Slytherin." Snape smiled, "Inferi usually live in dark and damp places, and are afraid of fire and light.

But if you are unlucky enough to encounter them, run away if you can. If you can't, it's best to cast a death spell on yourself.

Because the number of the Inferi is generally not small, only a handful of people can kill them with your magic power, and the rest will only have this result. "

Snape pointed to a pool of blood on the drawing, the warning was very obvious.

Rather than being eaten up by a group of corpses, it is better to do it yourself, at least the death will not be so painful.

"Okay, let's get down to business. This lesson is mainly about silent spells, which is silent spellcasting.

This will achieve an unexpected effect, but it requires strong concentration and willpower, and not all wizards can do this. "Snape said and glanced at the whole class, "Gaius, you want to set an example. "


"Nonsense, who are you?"

"Okay! Then let's demonstrate the magic of dealing with the Inferi."

Aaron shrugged, picked up his wand and turned it around his head.

The flame flew out from the tip of the wand and extended outward layer by layer, forming a fireball with a diameter of one meter hanging in the center of the ceiling. The temperature in the classroom rose a lot.

"It's almost done." Snape's mouth twitched slightly. The demonstration he was talking about was just a levitating spell, not a fire spell. If it doesn't work well, the classroom will be ruined.


A purple rune hit the fireball, and it suddenly turned into countless light spots and dissipated in mid-air.

"Not bad." Snape gave Clea an appreciative look, "Ten points for Slytherin."

"Is this a rune?" Hermione asked in surprise.

"Sometimes writing is easier than chanting a spell." Klea said lightly, "If you want to learn, I can teach you."

"Really?" Hermione was a little moved.

"Of course, you can come to me on Saturday.

But it's not easy to learn, you have to be mentally prepared. "

"That's enough chatting. Next, you guys will practice in pairs.

Use silent spells to attack and defend, no one is allowed to make a sound, let's start! "

Clea stood opposite Hermione with a smile. Harry was naturally in a group with Ron, and the others also formed their own teams, leaving only Aaron standing alone.

"Professor, can I find a place to rest?"

"What do you think?" Snape said tiredly.

"I think it's okay."

"But I don't think so. You can do whatever you want, but you can't rest."

"Stingy." Aaron curled his lips, found a random table and took out his notebook and quill to practice drawing the magic circle.

Half of the class quickly passed, and only a few could cast spells silently. Most of the people were watching and chanting incantations in a low voice.

Professor Snape didn't bother to talk about this kind of cheating. He kept an eye on Harry Potter as usual. He wanted to personally let him experience the education of love, but during the demonstration, Harry instinctively read out The Iron Armor Curse reflected Professor Snape's curse.

Snape staggered, barely regained his footing, and glared at Harry Potter angrily, "We are practicing silent spells, right, Potter?"

"Yes, sir."

Harry looked embarrassed, but he couldn't be happier.

Snape had been trying every means to make things difficult for him, and he had always felt that Snape had a considerable part of the responsibility for Sirius's death. Now, embarrassing him in public could be regarded as revenge.

"Don't call me sir."

"Professor?" Harry blurted out.

"Confinement," Snape said darkly, "Saturday night, in my office.

In addition, if you are rude to the professor, you will get ten points from Gryffindor. "

After class, many people gathered around Harry to express their appreciation for his 'courage' in class.

"You shouldn't have done that?" Hermione frowned.

"Are you going to let me stand there and get beaten? That's what he did to me when he taught me Occlumency." Harry said with a depressed look. "I don't know why Dumbledore asked him to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts. I thought I could get rid of him without taking Potions class."

Hermione was speechless for the moment. After all, the feud between Harry and Snape had lasted for five years, and their impressions of each other were deeply ingrained. Even if she wanted to ease their relationship, it couldn't be done with just a few words.

"What do you think of Clea?" Ron asked.

"Smart, beautiful, kind, confident, cheerful, approachable..." Hermione said seriously, her face becoming more bitter every time she read a word.

"Wait, wait." Half a minute later, Ron interrupted hastily, "You have used almost all the compliments I can think of."

"I used something I didn't expect." Harry said unnaturally, "As if she is perfect. You have only known her for a day!"

"She is perfect, can you find any shortcomings in her?" Hermione said loudly, with a slight choke in her voice, and she suddenly vented the strong unwillingness in her heart.

Harry and Ron looked at each other. They also wanted to comfort Hermione and make up two shortcomings for Clea, but nothing came out of their mouths.

"Haha!" Hermione shook her head. She finally understood what Fleur had said to her at the station that day. Everyone would pale in front of her.

She is confident that she will not be worse than Furong. Although Furong is slightly better in appearance, she is only sixteen years old after all, so she may not be inferior to her in the future.

But Klea... whether it was her mind, aura, or the knowledge she was most proud of, she was ashamed of herself.

Originally she thought she still had an advantage. After the incident in the Department of Mysteries, her five-year friendship with Aaron had reached the edge of sublimation, but she did not dare to show it too obviously. After all, he did not have this intention for the time being, and there were still two I just graduated this year, so just take your time.

But at this time, a perfect woman stood up. She went her own way, was simple and direct, and she only did her best. Even she had to surrender in the face of such self-confidence.

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