A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 540 Harry’s old textbook, reward from Potions class (1/2)

Chapter 540 Harry’s old textbook, reward from Potions class

"It's still a long time, right?" Harry said humbly, "You are the smartest witch in Gryffindor, don't give up so easily!"

"I just thought you were comforting me." Hermione forced a smile, gathered her mood, and went to the Arithmetic Divination classroom.

Harry and Ron returned to the common room. After all, based on their O.W.L.s test scores, the Arithmetic Divination professor would not allow them to attend advanced classes.

On the way back, Harry received a letter from Dumbledore, asking him to come to his office for class at eight o'clock on Saturday night and telling him the password for the principal's office.

Harry was still very excited that the greatest White Devil of this century was having fun, but he was even more excited because Snape couldn't give him solitary confinement on Saturday night, and the professor still had to bow his head in front of the headmaster.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the bell rang for Potions class.

There are only a dozen people in the advanced class of this course, six Slytherins, four Ravenclaws, three Gryffindors, and two Hufflepuffs.

Originally, Harry was not eligible to take advanced classes due to his grades, but the Potions professor was replaced.

Slughorn was very interested in the famous savior, and lowered the performance standards for Harry and Ron to enter the advanced class by one level, just in time to include them.

The classroom door opened, and Slughorn walked in with his beer belly, and the students followed him.

Unlike Snape's classroom, the classroom was filled with steam, several large cauldrons were bubbling, and filled with various smells.

"Veritaserum, Polyjuice Potion, and..." Clea raised her eyebrows as she smelled the smell in the air, "This is a love potion."

"Merlin's beard!" Slughorn looked at Clea in disbelief, "I guessed it all just based on the smell, plus ten points for Slytherin.

Honey, what's your name?

During the sorting ceremony, I only focused on admiring Aaron's pets. I only knew that you were newly transferred to Hogwarts. "

Aaron subconsciously hugged the napping baby dragon tightly in his arms, "Professor, I told you, Abe is an ordinary cat."

"Uh... I actually like cats too."

Aaron: ...

How shameless!

If I said Abe was a dog, I'm afraid the old man would immediately change his stance and become a dog lover.

Klea smiled slightly, "Klea Darwin, professor, just call me Klea."

"Oh, Clea Darwin?" Slughorn had a look of shock on his face, "Is this the Darwin I understand?"

"If nothing else happens, that should be it."


Slughorn swallowed, "What an honor!"

"Professor, can we go to class?" Aaron reminded.

"Of course, of course." Slughorn smiled, "But before that, I have to test the students' level, and you two are not among them."

Slughorn walked to a few cauldrons and faced a dozen students, "Does anyone know what effect these decoctions have?"


Hermione immediately raised her right hand.

"Very good, this..."

"Granger, Professor," Hermione said, "Veritaserum is a colorless and odorless potion that can force people to tell the truth."

"Exactly," Slughorn said excitedly, then pointed to the second crucible, the potion in it was like mud, "Where's the polyjuice potion?"

"Polyjuice potion is very complicated to brew. After drinking it, you can look like another person, but only if you add another person's nails or hair."

"That's right, and the polyjuice potion has a time limit. When the time is up, it will automatically change back to its original state." Slughorn said, "There is one last one left. If you didn't know..."

"Love potion is the most effective love potion." Hermione blushed and glanced at Aaron, "Its smell varies from person to person, and it will emit the most attractive smell based on personal preference.

For example, what I smell is, parchment and... lavender. "

"Dear, can you tell me your name?" Slughorn asked with interest.

"Hermione Granger, sir."

Slughorn pondered for a moment, "Are you related to Hector Granger, the founder of the Extraordinary Potion Association?"

"I'm Muggle-born, Professor." Hermione said sheepishly.

"It doesn't matter." Slughorn waved his hand indifferently. Although he was also proud of pure blood, he had no discrimination against half-blood and Muggle-born wizards.

"Potter told me before that he had a Muggle-born friend who was the best witch in Gryffindor. Now it seems that he was not lying. Miss Granger of Gryffindor deserved twenty points. ." Slughorn said kindly.

Hermione's face lit up with joy, and she felt more favorable towards this unattractive professor.

"It is necessary to mention that although love potions can cause strong obsession or infatuation, they cannot truly create love. Love cannot be created.

But if two people have a good emotional foundation but are unwilling to express it to each other, love potions will be the best catalyst.

However, it is indeed the most dangerous potion in the room. "Slughorn said as he put the lid on the pot of love potion. Many students came back to their senses and the look of obsession on their faces gradually dissipated.

"Okay, now let's start class.

Please bring out your scales, medicine bags, and your "Advanced Potion Making" textbook. "

"Uh... Sir." Harry raised his hand weakly and said, "Our books haven't arrived yet because we didn't think we could still take Potions class, and the same goes for Ron."

"Yes, I wouldn't have come if it wasn't for Professor McGonagall's request." Ron said sheepishly, "I'm terrible at potions. To be honest, asking me to make potions would be a threat to others."

"You won't know this until after class." Slughorn said meaningfully. "There should be old textbooks left by former students in the closet. The raw materials in the storage cabinet can be used first, and the scale can also be lent to you. ”

Harry and Ron looked at each other and walked towards the closet.

The two of them opened the cabinet door, and there happened to be two books inside, both of which were "Advanced Potion Making" written by Liba Xiu Pollachi.

However, one of the two books had a brand-new cover and looked like it had hardly been turned over, while the other was in tatters, with more than a dozen thin lines broken out of the spine, and it looked like it would fall apart at any time.

Almost at the same time, both men pounced on the newer book.

After a short and fierce fight, Ron smiled and held the new book in his arms. Harry rolled his eyes at him resentfully and reluctantly took away the old book.

Slughorn returned to the front of the classroom, "In this class we..."

"Professor." A Hufflepuff student looked at the desk curiously. Next to the black crucible, there was a small bottle of light golden potion held firmly in the air by a test tube clamp. "You haven't said what this is?"

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot about it." Slughorn looked like he suddenly realized it, and carefully took out the potion, "Gentlemen and ladies, what you see is a magical The potion is called..."

"Fortune elixir, also called lucky water." Aaron looked at the bottle of light golden solution with interest. The color was average, but the effect should not be bad.

"That's right." Slughorn raised the small bottle in his hand with some pride, "The production process is extremely complicated, and if there is a slight mistake, the consequences will be disastrous.

But all it takes is a small sip, and all your efforts will be effortlessly successful, at least until the effects of the drug wear off. "

After the words fell, the whole class seemed to straighten their backs, and Draco, who was not very interested in Potions class, also had a glint in his eyes.

Easy success? It is undoubtedly a huge attraction for him who wants to do things for the Dark Lord.

“Today, I’m taking it as a prize.

This small bottle of lucky water will be awarded to the student who can brew a potion of living hell within an hour.

All the materials are listed on the tenth page of the book, but I would like to remind everyone that only the first student to brew a qualified living hell potion can win this prize.

Now it’s time to officially start, I wish you all good luck. "

The enthusiasm of more than a dozen students was fully mobilized by this reward. Everyone placed the crucible in front of them, concentrated on it, and did not even dare to make a sound.

"Would you like to compare?" Klea looked at Aaron meaningfully and said, "I can see that you want the elixir of happiness."

"I also have a few bottles in stock, but no one has too much of this stuff, right?" Aaron spread his hands, "Whether you are fighting or escaping, you can increase your survival rate!"

Klea couldn't help but laugh, "It seems that your life these years has been unusually exciting."

"I'll be in tears if I talk too much!" Aaron said with a bitter smile. In addition to dealing with Voldemort, he would take a big drink before every trip to other worlds, but every time he would fall freely from high altitude. If he was not a wizard, how many lives would he have lost? Neither is enough.

Everyone else was preparing materials according to the books and carefully preparing potions, but Aaron and Klea at the end of the classroom were talking slowly and started brewing after a few minutes.

The Living Hell Decoction, also known as the Water of Life and Death, is a powerful sleeping potion.

The main ingredients are narcissus root powder and mugwort, but brewing the potion is a delicate job. The main ingredients must be available, but the handling of the ingredients is even more important. If you are not careful in the details, you will fall short.

After all, Aaron was Snape's favorite disciple, and he had an ancestor to guide him during the holidays. He knew every step of the living hell potion, and he would get started as soon as the ingredients were prepared.

The valerian root is chopped into fine pieces, and the sleepy beans are crushed with a knife to extract the juice...the steps are much simpler than in the textbook.

But what surprised him was that Harry Potter's steps were very similar to his, almost exactly the same except that he didn't use magic to stir and control the temperature.

Aaron frowned slightly, he didn't think a student with a good (E) potion score could do this.

But seeing Harry flipping through the old "Advanced Potion Making" with great interest, he seemed to have figured out something. It was either a benefit left by a senior, or it was specially arranged by someone, or even later. The possibility is greater.

Harry Potter was originally unable to attend the advanced potions class, but he happened to appear in this classroom.

No one knows how long that old book has been in the closet. So many people didn't notice it before, but it happened that Harry got it today.

coincide? Haha, what he doesn't believe the most now is coincidence.

But Aaron didn't care. Even if Harry knew the simple steps of brewing the potion, he would never be as good as him.

Besides, his foundation and experience were far superior to Harry's. If he surpassed Harry with a broken book, he might as well have killed him with a piece of frozen tofu.

As time passed, different colors appeared in more than a dozen crucibles, including purple, pink, red, and blue, and some were just paste-like mixtures that could not be seen as solutions at all.

"Okay, time's up, please stop stirring." Slughorn said loudly.

He went to everyone's table and inspected each cauldron.

He didn't make any comments when faced with half-finished products, but he would smile bitterly or frown when faced with failed works. It wasn't until he walked up to Hermione that he showed an approving smile.

This is indeed an excellent witch, Muggle-born, but with this talent alone she has a promising future.

But when he saw the light-colored solution in Harry's cauldron, his eyes widened slightly, his eyes full of surprise, "Merlin's beard, it's so outstanding."

"Maybe it's just luck." Harry said sheepishly. This was the first time in five years that he was praised by the teacher in Potions class, and it felt pretty good.

"Preparing potions is not just about luck." Slughorn patted his shoulder earnestly, and then walked towards the end of the classroom.

He was very satisfied with the work of the savior of the wizarding world, but he was more interested in Gaius and Darwin. These two families were legends in the wizarding world, and they were not aware of their existence despite their insufficient status and status.


Slughog couldn't help but take a breath when he saw that the solution in front of Aaron was getting clearer and could even clearly illuminate the figure.

"Is it okay?"

"Mr. Gaius, you are so humble." Slughorn said with excitement, "This pot of potion alone can make you a master of potions."

"Thank you for the compliment. I was able to successfully configure the Living Hell Potion three years ago."

"That can only mean that you are better than I thought." Slughorn said with a smile, "I have to look at Klea's work again, but no accident you will be the first."

Klea raised her eyebrows at Aaron, and then opened her cauldron.

The faint smell in the air made Slughorn's expression change, and the clear and transparent solution in the crucible made him stunned.

After being silent for a long time, he looked at Klea in disbelief, "How did you do it? You can actually increase the efficacy of the living hell potion by 20%."

"I made some small adjustments to the recipe in the textbook." Klea said lightly, "Replacing some of the juice of the sleepy beans with the soothing herbal powder, the medicinal properties will be milder and the taste will be better."

"This can no longer be evaluated as perfect." Slughorn sighed, "It is really unparalleled, almost no one can do it, the undisputed winner.

I keep my word and reward you with a bottle of elixir, use it well. "

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