A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 538: Almost a pair of mahjong, a clone of the model worker spirit (1/2)

Chapter 538: It’s almost like a pair of mahjong, a clone of the model worker spirit

"Hmm..." The Sorting Hat looked surprised, and the folds of his eyes were very tightly wrinkled, "It's hard to decide, very hard to decide. The only one who can make me so embarrassed is Gaius.

A noble and pure soul with an extremely tough heart, suitable for Gryffindor.

With an infinite thirst for knowledge, you can read more books than a library, a born Ravenclaw.

Loyal, stable, and able to stick to one thing for a long time, Hufflepuff will welcome you very much.

As for ambition...love, it's not easy for you to realize such an illusory thing. "

"I want to go to Slytherin." Clea said confidently.

"Okay! Slytherin," shouted the Sorting Hat.

The long Slytherin table suddenly burst into enthusiastic cheers, but as a prefect, Aaron couldn't help but laugh.

You were actually chased to school, and you still refused to let them pass?

Klea sat next to Aaron without hesitation and held Abe in her arms as if to declare her sovereignty.

"I believe everyone is already hungry." Dumbledore opened his hands, "This is just the right time to enjoy a sumptuous dinner."

As soon as the words fell, various hot foods appeared on the empty plates, and the students from the four colleges started to feast.

"I am now a sixth-grade student in Slytherin. If I have any problems in my study and life, the prefect will help solve them, right?" Clea asked.

Aaron smiled awkwardly and nodded, "Tell me honestly, who came up with the idea?"

"This is quite a lot." Klea counted on her fingers, "Vico, Lisanna, Tepler, Jeans, Leon and the eldest sister."

Every time she read a name, Aaron's face darkened, "It's so painstaking!

And you? what are you thinking? "

"This is not important. What is important is that I am your classmate now." Klea said seriously, "As long as you realize this, it is enough."

"I still want to know what you think?"

Klea shrugged and glanced meaningfully in the direction of the staff table.

Aaron was completely speechless. After all, with her family background and the knowledge she had, it was very easy to find a formal position.

"Huh? Are you murderous?"

Aaron suddenly felt a chill on his neck, turned his head inexplicably, and then met a pair of eyes burning with anger.

"Uh... do you need me to explain?"

"No, no need to explain." Hermione interrupted with her hand, and then forced a stubborn smile, "I am mentally prepared, Fleur told me."

"What the hell? What does she know? Wait..." Aaron seemed to have thought of something and looked blankly at Klea, who was feeding Abe, "Have you met her?"

"We had a great time chatting!"

"That's not what I want to ask. Are my parents also..."

"What do you think?"


Aaron took a long breath and said with a depressed look: "It's so beautiful, it almost looks like a pair of mahjong.

Ollivander, he must have done this, because I paid so much to protect him. "

"He's not the only one you're protecting! Uncle Jeans told me, and Hermione Granger, right?"

"Me?" Hermione pointed at herself in confusion, "What's going on?"

"It's better that you don't know this." Klea said pleasantly, "But you are really jealous. He has never protected me that much."

"Is that necessary? Your family's level of protection for you is extraordinary."

Does Voldemort have the courage to attack you? "

"Who knows? Crazy people are often unreasonable."

"Wait a minute." Hermione interrupted with a stiff face: "How long have you known each other?"

"Grown up together, Leon Darwin's biological sister, Clea Darwin."

"Hello." Klea took the initiative to extend her hand, "My brother and eldest sister have talked about you, a smart and interesting witch.

From today on, you are my friend. "

Hermione's eyes widened as she looked at this girl who was so friendly and could hardly find any faults, looking incomprehensible.

"Don't you want to? Not everyone can be my friend."

"No, of course I do." Hermione quickly reached out and held Clea's hand.

The two of them looked at each other and smiled, their eyes meeting together, but there was no smoke at all, instead they were filled with the aura of peace.

"When I first arrived, I didn't know much about Hogwarts.

We are both girls. If it is convenient, can you take me around the school these two days? "

"Of course." Hermione said with a blush.

"Thank you. I won't let your help go in vain. I will tell you whatever you want to know."

Seeing this, Aaron couldn't help but complain silently in his heart: Women are really the most complex creatures in the world.

But he didn't want to pay attention to it for the time being, it didn't matter what they thought.

Again, women will only affect the speed at which he becomes a god. At least he will not let other things distract him until he has enough strength.

"Your life is really colorful!" Draco teased.

Crabbe and Goyle looked at him with admiration. What people fear most is comparison. The two of them have been together for so long and are still single. Looking at others, this is the gap.

"Haha! No matter how rich my life is, it can't be better than yours, right?"

Draco was choked immediately. Aaron didn't want to fall in love for the time being. Being sandwiched between two girls was a little tiring at most, but he was different. If he didn't do things for Voldemort, he would be imprisoned.

After eating and drinking, Dumbledore stood up again, and the laughter in the auditorium quickly subsided.

"Okay, new classmates, welcome to school, old classmates, welcome back to school, what awaits you is a new year of magic education.

Administrator Filch asked me to let you all know that any joke merchandise purchased from Weasley's Wizard Wheezes is absolutely prohibited this year.

Students who want to join the college Quidditch team should submit their names to the Dean as usual.

In addition, we are still looking for a new Quidditch match commentator. Interested parties can also sign up with the dean. "

"Quidditch?" Clea asked with interest, "Can I participate?"

"Yes, of course." Draco said immediately, "If a beautiful woman comes to compete, the Slytherin team will definitely be greatly encouraged."

"Go if you want. Although it's a waste of time, it's not that troublesome if it's you.

If anyone dares to make trouble, report my name and I will stand up for you. "


"Let me introduce to you our new teacher, Professor Horace Slughorn."

Slughorn stood up on the staff bench and received a round of applause.

"Professor Slughorn, I am honored to announce that he has agreed to return as Potions Professor.

At the same time, Professor Snape will be the Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. "

The Slytherin students applauded enthusiastically, and some students from other houses were whispering, feeling baffled by Dumbledore's arrangement.

After a while, when the auditorium became quiet, Dumbledore continued: "As you know, everyone was searched before entering the school tonight, and you have the right to know the reason.

Once upon a time, there was a young man who, like you, had sat in this hall, walked through the corridors, and slept in the beds here. He looked just like everyone else.

His name is Tom Riddle.

Today, the world only knows his other name, Voldemort. "

There was an uproar when they heard the Dark Lord's name, and many students looked horrified.

Dumbledore was not surprised by this. His blue eyes swept across the crowd and said calmly: "Because of this, at this moment, I look at you and think of an indisputable fact.

Every day, every hour, maybe even at this moment, the dark forces are trying to invade the high walls of this castle.

But in the end, their deadliest weapon is you.

Therefore, I implore you to strictly abide by every safety rule, whether inside or outside the school, and report any abnormal or suspicious situations to the staff immediately.

I believe you will restrain your behavior for the safety of yourself and others.

Okay, good night, go to bed! "

Hundreds of students left the auditorium one after another and headed towards the dormitories. Aaron gathered the first-year Slytherin students together like last year and took them to the Slytherin common room.

Klea, the transfer student, was taken to the girls' dormitory by Pansy, who handed her the sixth-grade class schedule. The subjects she wanted to learn must be decided tonight.

After returning to the dormitory, Aaron closed the door and applied another layer of enchantment before lying on the bed.

"System, sign in."

"The host signed in at Hogwarts and received five magic points. Currently, there are a total of 340 magic points."

"Three hundred and four?" Aaron murmured, "If you persist for another month, your strength will be improved by one level. Only when you reach the intermediate level of the Great Mage can you truly feel safe."

"System, open the task panel."

The next moment, a blank interface appeared in front of Aaron's eyes, and he was so angry that he almost cursed.

"Are you sure you're not mistaken? It's rare for me to be so motivated."

"That's right." The system said confidently, "System tasks need to be triggered by the host, and the host only knows how to survive, so it is difficult for the task panel to have specific content."

Aaron: ...

Damn it! I actually think it makes sense.


The next day, Aaron was woken up by his alarm clock.

After a simple wash, he opened the secret door in the corner and took Abe to the Shenming Palace.

"How was your vacation?" The missing body asked gloatingly, "Isn't it particularly interesting?"

"Don't mention it." Aaron said angrily, "You don't have to go to cram school, and you have reached a truce agreement with Voldemort. Logically speaking, it should be a good time to develop easily.

But it turned out that I was still too young. My parents made arrangements, and my uncle made another arrangement. I seriously doubt that they had negotiated. "

"It is indeed possible." The missing body tapped its chin and analyzed, "Weike and the others prepared a blind date list a few years ago. We will be adults in a few months. It is normal for them to feel anxious."

"But the question is what to do now?" Aaron said with some annoyance, "There is a Fleur Delacour outside the school, and I can still handle it for the time being.

But when I got to school, there were two of them, and we saw each other every day without looking up. It was really difficult for me to be caught between them..."

"You have to hold it tight!" Missing Body joked, "Time is very precious to us and cannot be delayed by love."

"I know what's going on." Aaron nodded seriously, then changed the topic, "So I decided to send you out."

The missing person blinked in confusion, "What?"

"This is the best way." Aaron said a little embarrassedly, "Come on, I have confidence in myself."

"But I don't have confidence in myself!

You know you, can I handle it if you can’t handle it? "

"Because you are a clone, and the clone obeys all the orders of the main body." Aaron said seriously, "I can give you the corresponding orders now to ensure that you can put reason first when facing them."

Missing body:......

"What a loss! Why didn't I realize that I was such a loss before?"

"I have no choice but to apologize to you this time." Aaron sighed, "I will definitely accept these memories after I take them back, but at least they won't be so embarrassing."

"I understand very well, this is the fate of the clone.

But what about the progress of the magic circle? "The missing body looked at Aaron suspiciously, "Can you be a diligent tool man? "

"I can do it." Aaron said confidently.

Tool man, huh, that's nothing compared to the Shura field that can appear at any time.

"And also maintain firearms and make enchanted bullets?"

"give it to me."

"Various homework?"

"That's... no problem."

"Sirius Black's recovery?"

"Huh!" Aaron took a deep breath, "Okay."

"Construction of psychic space?"

"Bite your teeth and get over it."

"Listen to me first, the current area of ​​the spiritual space has expanded to 300,000 square kilometers.

I added some nice scenery and divided some key areas, which need to be strengthened by defensive magic circles. "

Aaron's forehead squeezed out the word "Chuan", "What else?"

"The reconstruction of the Divine Call Palace requires two large warehouses to hold the massive amounts of food and magic materials you purchased during the holidays. Some of the assets of the Black family also require a vault to store, as well as the construction of teleportation arrays and the development of magic potions. ..”

"That's enough." Aaron interrupted with a wry smile, "Your model worker spirit impressed me."

He can handle one easily, two without much pressure, and three can barely hold on, but under the pressure of a bunch...his small body may not be able to handle it.

After all, it is not a missing body. Once you are passive and slow down, it will still have a great impact on your own strength improvement.

"You...have worked really hard these past two years." Aaron said sincerely.

"You just know?" The missing body rolled his eyes. In addition to being able to set his own salary, he works hard all the time, otherwise the various abilities of the main body will never reach the current level.

"Do you still want to send me out now?" the missing body asked with a half-smile.

"It... depends on the specific situation!"

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