Chapter 79
"To get rid of these shadow snakes, we must start from the source of their generation." This time, the middle-aged man stopped talking nonsense and said directly to Xueyan, and there was a lot less hesitation in his tone.

"The root cause? Could it be that these shadow snakes were influenced by something to appear?" Xueyan felt something unusual from his words.

"Your guess is correct. These shadow snakes didn't exist in the first place, but appeared here under the curse of Scala." After speaking, the middle-aged man stopped, as if things happened a long time ago, and he It takes a bit of recall to remember.

"Scala? What is that?" She didn't know much about this place, so she had to ask.

"Scala is a half-human, half-animal monster surrounded by poisonous snakes. It is said that it was originally a very beautiful woman. In this place, she was favored by Zeus, the king of the sky, but someone took this The story was told to Hela, the Queen of Heaven, and Hela was turned into this in a fit of rage. But no one knows about it, only that it has a very violent temperament, and it often commands poisonous snakes to harm nearby areas, so that here become so barren.

People living here were either bitten to death by poisonous snakes or fled, hoping to avoid the persecution of Scala.But Scala is very cruel and cunning, it makes the poisonous snake block every road that can leave here, and makes everyone who tries to leave here die under the poisonous snake's fangs.

Finally one day, when God's attendant passed by here, he knew about Scala's atrocities, so he started a fight with her.It's just that the attendant couldn't kill Scala at that time, so he sealed it and its poisonous snake in the deepest part of the cave with iron chains.It's just that Scala still doesn't change its tyrannical nature. Although its poisonous snakes can't leave, it releases their shadows, allowing those shadow snakes to continue to harm this place whenever they have a chance. "The middle-aged man explained to Xueyan the origins of Scala and Shadow Snake.

After listening to his words, Xueyan roughly understood what she was going to do.Since the origin of the shadow snake is the poisonous snake of Scala, those poisonous snakes must be eradicated if the shadow snake is to be eradicated, and Scala must be eliminated if the poisonous snake is not to appear again.

It's just that I don't know how many levels this Scala has, and I don't know how the occupation levels are divided here. The angel of the middle-aged population has no way to get rid of it, so can I do it?But since I decided to help, I had to give it a try anyway.Thinking of this, Xueyan asked: "Then where is that Scala sealed? I have traveled a long way, but I didn't see any mountains, let alone caves!"

"Walk up the river in front, and you can see it in about half a day. If you really want to go, we can take you there. Now the sky is cloudy and the road has not cleared. If you are alone If you go, you will be attacked by the shadow snake." The middle-aged man pointed to the river in the distance and said to her.

"In that case, I'll help you lead the way." Since they have thought so carefully, Xue Yan is not polite. She doesn't want to die before she sees Skala.

As soon as the words came out, other people showed excited expressions on their faces. Obviously, they have long been looking forward to someone who can help them get rid of the evil of Scala and completely relieve their troubles!But today their request was finally answered. The mysterious woman in the unusual dress in front of them must be someone sent by heaven to save them.Everyone packed up their things by the river, leaving the woman waiting here, and all the young and strong men hoped to do their part to save their homeland while leading the way for her.

A group of more than 20 people, each holding at least one torch in their hands, and Xueyan was surrounded by them.Xueyan looked up at the sky and saw that the clouds were still dense. Thinking of what the middle-aged man said just now, she asked, "I just heard you say cloud road, does it mean the current phenomenon? Why is there such a phenomenon here? What about the strange celestial phenomenon?"

"Don't you know what Yunlu is?" As soon as she asked, it immediately attracted everyone's surprised eyes, and the middle-aged man asked in disbelief.

"Uh, I really don't know. Because I have never traveled far before, and I couldn't see such a scene in the place where I grew up." Xue Yan was embarrassed by them, so she had to be very vague for herself. argued.At the same time, I couldn't help but "greet" that damn Qianyue again, leaving her who knew nothing in such a place.

"It turned out to be like this." They believed such an explanation, and the others stopped looking at Xueyan and continued on their way, while the middle-aged man explained to Xueyan: "This cloud road is where the king of the sky travels." Whenever he travels in a cloud car, thick clouds will appear in the sky to pave the way for him."

So this is ah!Xueyan thought for a while before continuing to ask: "Does the King of the Sky travel often? Then besides Mount Olympus, where else can we find him?"

"Are you looking for the king of the sky?" the middle-aged man looked at her with a very strange look and asked.

"Uh, yes." Xueyan hesitated for a moment before nodding, not understanding why he looked at her with that kind of eyes, did she say something wrong?
"If you want to meet the King of the Sky, Mount Olympus is the only way for you." It took a long time for the middle-aged man to give Xueyan an answer, his eyes still made Xueyan feel very uncomfortable, which made her dare not continue to ask go down.

She didn't speak, so other people naturally didn't dare to take the initiative to talk to her. They always maintained a polite and distant attitude towards her, which made Xueyan feel very uncomfortable, but there was nothing she could do.So all the people kept silent along the way, holding torches and hurried on the road quietly.

After walking for a long time, the group finally stopped, and Xueyan, who lowered her head in thought, realized that there were indeed rolling mountains on the other side.

Since the river is not very urgent, and the depth is only up to the thighs of adults, they all rolled up their trouser legs and went directly to the other side of the river.Xueyan hesitated for a moment, but decided not to wet her clothes, so she used "Flying Sky" and walked directly through the air.Leisurely, Xueyan walked from the sky above everyone's heads to the other side of the river and fluttered down. When she looked back, the others all stared wide-eyed and stood in the middle of the river in a daze.

Not so!Does this make them look stupid?If you let them see her other skills, then don't let them worship her!Xue Yan couldn't help but mutter in her heart.But thinking about it, Xueyan didn't show any expression on her masked face, she just quietly waited for them to recover.

It took a long time for those people to come back to their senses under the stimulation of the icy cold water. Seeing her waiting for them on the river bank, they hurried to the other bank at a faster speed. In a hurry, several people almost slipped and fell into the river.After landing on the shore, everyone didn't bother to tidy up their clothes, even though the clothes were still dripping, they hurriedly led the way for Xueyan, as if they were very afraid that she would get angry.

Are you that scary?They were so scared that they didn't even show any dissatisfaction, so if they lost their temper, wouldn't they be scared to death?Seeing all their performances, Xue Yan followed behind them thinking a little depressed.

After walking upstream for a while, the group finally arrived at their destination—a cave filled with large rocks.As soon as Xueyan got close to those piles of stones, a strong fishy smell came to her face, which made her almost vomit out without any preparation.It must be too smelly here!Xueyan stepped back hurriedly, turned her head away and took a few deep breaths, as if she wanted to exhale all the bad smell in her lungs.

"This is where Scala is sealed." The middle-aged man walked to Xue Yan's side and said to her respectfully.

Needless to say, Xue Yan also guessed.Such a strong snake smell, it is impossible to come to other places!After thinking for a while, she said to the accompanying people: "I will clean up the stones blocking the entrance later, but once the entrance is opened, there will be a lot of poisonous snakes. You are all ordinary people, and those poisonous snakes are not It's not something you can handle, so you'd better go back to the other side of the river, and if there are some unforeseen circumstances beyond my control, there will be a buffer to give you time to escape."

"Unexpected situation? Don't you even have the confidence to defeat Scala?" Hearing Xueyan's words, everyone's faces immediately showed worried expressions.

"I haven't met Scala, and you can't tell exactly how strong Scala is. Naturally, I can't guarantee you. As far as the current situation is concerned, although I am still relatively confident, but still You must be fully prepared. And if you stay here, it will only distract me, so I want you to leave, do you understand?" Helpless, she could only further explain to them.

"Since that's the case, we won't make any trouble for you." Then the middle-aged man led the others back the same way, returned to the other side of the river, and watched her situation from a distance.

Seeing that they finally left, Xueyan breathed a sigh of relief. Although she could understand what they were worried about, she understood that she still couldn't adapt to their eyes and attitudes, that kind of mixture of uneasiness and trust, fear but fear. The strange attitude of anticipation made her feel uncomfortable from the bottom of her heart.

At a distance of about two meters, Xueyan was facing the stone pile that sealed the entrance of the cave, and when Lan Wanquan was fully recovered, she chanted the incantation and used the "waterspout".In an instant a blue water dragon appeared above her, Xueyan raised her hand and pointed at the stone pile that sealed the entrance of the cave, the water dragon immediately turned its body and rushed towards the direction she pointed like a drill.

The impacted stones splashed everywhere for a while, Xue Yan hurriedly rose into the air to avoid the attack of the flowing stones.After the water dragon advanced less than two meters, due to the influence of resistance, it consumed all the energy and disappeared.Xueyan looked into the cave, but still could only see stones, and couldn't help feeling depressed about how deep those people sealed the entrance of the cave.However, the fishy smell unique to snakes has become stronger, and she can smell it from such a distance, which proves that it shouldn't be too deep.

After the skill cooling time passed, Xueyan used "Waterspout" again.This time, after the water dragon advanced a distance of one meter, it was like a broken bamboo, completely submerged in the cave.Immediately afterwards, she heard a series of system sounds prompting the attack damage, prompting her to deal fatal blow damage to the poisonous snake and gain experience.

She felt a little relieved when she heard the prompt, and she was sure that the poisonous snakes were not strong, and she was absolutely sure to destroy them all, so that they could no longer harm the people living nearby.

But to be honest, there are really more poisonous snakes in this cave than she expected.As the effect of the "Waterspout" skill disappeared, those poisonous snakes that hadn't been hit quickly rushed out of the cave like a tide.Just imagine!Tens of thousands of snakes are entangled with each other, wriggling their bodies, spitting out snake cores, wriggling their bodies and trying to crawl towards you!Although she has made full mental preparations, Xueyan still has the urge to vomit.too disgusting!
It's a pity that the situation is urgent, and she can only suppress her heart. If these poisonous snakes are allowed to scatter, it will be difficult to wipe them all out, and the fish that slip through the net may be inevitable.So she quickly resorted to "Frozen Miles", turning all the snakes into ice sculptures.

"Thousands of Frozen Miles" has been upgraded through two mission rewards, and now it has been upgraded to an advanced level, which is the highest level that combat skills can currently achieve.In addition to the increased attack power, the freezing effect has been increased from the original 10 seconds to the current 25 seconds, and the cooling time has also been reduced from the original 1 minute to 30 seconds.Xueyan originally wanted to use the dancer's skills immediately after freezing those snakes, but she didn't expect that those snakes were weaker than she imagined. At the same time, let them turn into ice chips!

(End of this chapter)

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