Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 78 Shadow Snake

Chapter 78 Shadow Snake
The sky was originally cloudless, but I don't know when some scattered clouds appeared in the sky and gradually gathered together.When Xueyan noticed that the light had dimmed, she realized that the sun had been completely blocked by the thick clouds.Large expanses of white clouds seem to cover the entire sky, and they are still gathering together.

Xueyan had never seen such a strange phenomenon before, and she was stunned for a moment.Is it going to rain?But it doesn't look like it, it should be dark clouds when it rains, how could it be white?
When the entire sky was covered by clouds without revealing any gaps, the ground lost the feeling of scorching heat just now.A trace of cool wind blows, and the heated stones on the ground are rapidly reducing the temperature.I just don't know if it was her illusion, why did she vaguely feel a faint fishy smell in the wind?
Turning his head to look in the direction of the wind, he stared for a long time but found nothing.But she still felt uneasy, so she had to temporarily put down those things that hadn't been sorted out in her mind, and continued on her way with full energy.

Thick clouds cast shadows on the ground, covering the earth with a layer of gray, and the shadows of the numbers and stones on the ground also blended with the gray due to the lack of sunlight.Gray seems to not only cover the earth, even Xueyan's heart seems to be shrouded in gray.For some reason, she always felt restless, as if something was about to happen.She looked around, but she couldn't find anything unusual.

She quickened her pace, but the feeling of being entangled was still lingering.She even had the urge to fly, but she didn't do that after all.Xing Chenyu took away almost all of her medicinal materials. She didn't bring much with her, and the blue medicine she refined was limited. In the face of too many unknowns, she had to reduce consumption as much as possible.Although the current situation made her feel strange, it might not be because of her illusion.

After walking forward for a while, Xueyan gradually felt that she was a little breathless, and her feet gradually became heavy.That feeling is like being tightly wrapped around the chest by something, the chest cavity is being squeezed strongly, and the pain and oppression are coming from the body more and more clearly.

At this moment, even though she didn't know exactly what was going on, she was certain of one thing.That is, all this is not her illusion, she is indeed entangled with something.Because she could clearly see that her health bar was dropping little by little, but she didn't understand why she didn't receive a notification from the system?
In desperation, she could only cast the Water Healing Technique on herself to prevent herself from dying.And the feet still didn't stop, and continued to move towards the invisible river.She really didn't know how far she was from the river, and she wasn't even sure if she was going the wrong way.

But she couldn't stop. If she continued walking, there would be hope. If she stopped, it might be difficult for her to meet anyone.Xueyan kept breathing heavily as she walked, but she still felt that there was not enough oxygen.Suffocation, pain, fatigue, all kinds of feelings were always tormenting her, making it difficult for her to move.

She doesn't know how far she has come, nor how far she can persist. Now she is almost in an unconscious state, but she just instinctively refuses to stop or fall down.The high degree of hypoxia blurred her vision, and the scene in front of her was like being covered with a layer of mist, making it impossible for her to see clearly.In a trance, she seemed to see some light spots shaking in the distance.

Maybe it's an illusion caused by hypoxia!She told herself so in her heart.Because she almost doesn't have any hope for meeting people anymore, and the reason why she is still walking is only supported by the last bit of perseverance, unwilling to admit defeat or fall down!

Once again, she applied the Water Healing Technique to herself. At this time, it became more difficult for her to breathe, her vision became more blurred, and her body became more and more unable to maintain balance.Xueyan felt herself shaking, and there were noisy voices in her ears.Thinking that the face of her now must be purple due to lack of oxygen, she couldn't help but smile bitterly in her heart, maybe she will die for no reason last time.It's really a loss that you can't even figure out the reason when you are about to die!
Finally she fell down, and her limbs had no strength to support her to get up again. She was lying on the ground, her chest heaving violently, and her breathing was short and rapid.The HP value representing her life decreased rapidly, but she could no longer apply skills to herself, and could only wait helplessly for the coming of death.

I don't know if they will call and get angry when they know that they have dropped another level!Facing the reality, my heart is calm but with a little helplessness, just thinking about how I will face the anger of those friends!

However, just when she was ready to die, the feeling of being entangled and unable to breathe suddenly disappeared, and a large amount of air poured into her lungs, causing her to cough violently.What exactly is going on?Could it be that she is dreaming?And now wake up?

"Thanks to the almighty Zeus, she is still alive!" A voice with a strange tone came into Xueyan's ears at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, more voices rang out in her ears, all talking about how lucky she was, and that it was a miracle that she survived, which made Xueyan dizzy who hadn't recovered yet. .Hastily applied the water healing technique to herself several times before she regained her strength.

He opened his eyes and looked at the crowd around him. All of them were blond and blue-eyed. There was not much difference in the clothes of men and women, and they were far simpler than the oriental clothes.What's strange is that each of them holds a torch in their hands. Although the light is relatively dim at this time, it is necessary to hold a torch, right?
"Thank you for saving me!" Although she doesn't know what happened to her just now, Xueyan knows one thing very well, that is, the appearance of this group of people saved her life, otherwise she would have lost another level at this moment experienced.

"You're welcome, girl. But your luck is really good. If we hadn't seen you just now, you probably wouldn't have survived." A middle-aged man said to Xueyan on behalf of the others.

"By the way, what happened to me just now? Can you tell me?" Hearing the man's tone of voice, Xueyan was sure that they must know what happened, so she hurriedly asked.

"Looking at the girl's clothes, you can tell that the girl is not a local, and she doesn't know the danger here. There is a very special kind of snake living in this place, called the shadow snake. The girl was entangled by them just now, and she almost suffocated to death. .” The middle-aged man looked at her a few times before saying.

"Shadow snake? But I didn't see any snakes just now!" Xue Yan was very puzzled, and she couldn't help getting goose bumps when she thought of being wrapped around her body by a bunch of snakes.

"Hehe, of course you can't see them, because they exist in the shadow, and they don't really wrap around you." The middle-aged man saw her disgusted expression, and couldn't help but said with a smile.

"Exists in the shadow? Could it be that the monster attacked the shadow and then acted on the human body?" Xue Yan asked guessingly, her disgust slightly diminished.

"You're right! This kind of monster usually hides under the shadow of stones or trees, and they don't dare to come out to act when the sun shines on them. They only come out at night, on cloudy days, or in weather like today. Once they find the shadow of the prey, they will entangle themselves on the other's shadow silently, and the entangled person will feel pain and can't breathe. Until the prey suffocates to death, they will eat the shadow by devouring it The corpse of the prey." Seeing her guess, the middle-aged man showed approval and explained further to her.

After some explanations from him, Xueyan finally figured out what was going on with the shadow snake.Usually, if you want to completely change the shadow of an object, you must start with the shape of the object itself, but the Shadow Snake in turn uses the shadow to achieve the purpose of attacking.But the shadow snake itself has no entity, so they will be dispersed once they encounter strong light, which is why these people hold torches.

Since this kind of thing is so unpredictable, the people living here must also suffer from it.Since they saved their lives, they should do something to help them.It's just that she couldn't think of any good solution after thinking for a long time, so she couldn't help frowning and asked: "Is there no way to completely eradicate this kind of thing?"

One sentence caused them to look at each other in blank dismay. I don't know if they didn't understand what she meant, or did they not think about it at all?Xueyan was confused.In the end, the middle-aged man said: "It's not that there is no solution, it's just that it's very difficult for ordinary people to do. So don't mention it, I don't know where the girl is going? Why go on the road alone?"

This is obviously changing the subject!Xueyan couldn't help feeling a little depressed, she wanted to help them, but she couldn't do it now.She had no choice but to say: "If you have a way, tell me. No matter how difficult it is, you have to try it. Are you willing to live under the threat of this kind of thing all the time? You are worried all day long, not knowing when you or your family will meet you." If you accidentally lost your life, don’t you all have any objections?”

The words seemed to have touched their sore spots, and all of them had painful expressions on their faces. It was obvious that they had been victimized by such things.After a long time, the middle-aged man sighed and said, "This kind of life is not what we want! We appreciate your kindness, but we can't just watch you lose your life!"

Speaking of this, Xue Yan felt that she had nothing to say, so she stood up and without looking at them, she raised her hand and a waterspout hit the open space. In an instant, all the stones where the waterspout passed were broken into powder. .Those people were stunned.

"This should be enough to prove that I have the strength to protect myself?" Xueyan looked at them again and asked.

"Are you an attendant of His Highness Poseidon, the King of the Sea?" the middle-aged man asked with a somewhat excited expression, and his tone became respectful.

"I can't tell you this, you just need to tell me whether I can help you with my strength." Xueyan really didn't know how to answer his question, so she could only say vaguely.

"Sorry, I was the one who asked the wrong thing! There is no doubt about your ability. We should have doubted you before." One sentence made them more convinced that her identity was not ordinary, and her expression became more and more changed. He became respectful, lowering his head and even looking at her seemed to be regarded as a kind of obscenity.

Faced with such a situation, Xueyan was also very helpless, she didn't expect that her words would be self-defeating, and she couldn't explain anything, so she had to let them.

"Then tell me, how can we get rid of these elusive things?"

Xueyan raised her question again, and her tone seemed a little more irresistible to those people.

(End of this chapter)

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