Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 77 Western Continent

Chapter 77 Western Continent
"What does it mean to become a god? The Great God is a god. He is the creator of this space and the maker of the basic rules!" The island owner felt that her question was very strange. In her opinion, this should be common to everyone. The things you know are right.

It turns out that her so-called master is the system intelligence brain!Thinking about it is also true, the system is undoubtedly the supreme god who created everything for the NPCs in this game world, and Die Ji and the others just said that no one becomes a god, but it does not mean that there is no god!
"I understand, so let's talk about your price now! What kind of price do you need me to pay to let me leave?" The problem is solved, and things have to be discussed further.

"Since you are in such a hurry, then I will tell you. My biggest hobby is collecting rare treasures. The more unique the more I like it. As long as you can come up with something that I can see , how about I let you leave?" The island owner said to Xue Yan with a smile.

But her smiling face looked so hateful to Xueyan at this moment, wasn't she deliberately embarrassing herself?The things she collects are basically artifact level, so what should I give her?Xue Yan walked out without even thinking about it, thinking whether to ask Candy Moon to get herself back by abnormal means?
"Are you leaving now? Are you planning to leave?" Seeing her walking out without saying a word, the island owner hurriedly stopped her.If she leaves, what else will I do?

"I don't have what you want, why do I keep it?" Xueyan said as she walked, without any intention of stopping.

"Don't rush to leave, things can still be discussed!" The island owner appeared in front of her in an instant, and the gate of the stone palace was also closed in an instant, making it clear that he would not let her go.

"Tell me, what is the way to negotiate?" Xue Yan put her arms around her chest, looking at her kind smile, she felt very bad.

"Hehe, I know you don't have what I need, but that doesn't mean you can't go find it!" Seeing her stop, the island owner smiled even more happily.

"Where can I find it? It's such a big island, everything on the island is yours, what else can I find for you?"

The island owner smiled and didn't answer, just reached out and took out two things and handed them to her. One was oval and looked like a mirror, but the mirror surface was transparent and couldn't illuminate people. The frame was carved with complicated patterns, and the workmanship was very exquisite; The other is a piece of jade pendant, which is much more ordinary than the former.

"Take these two things, and then you throw that mirror-like thing on the ground." After stuffing the things into her hands, the island owner took two steps back and said to her.

Xueyan looked at the things in her hands suspiciously, and then at the beautiful island owner with a treacherous smile, she hesitated in her heart.Looking at her expression, I know that she must be plotting against me, but judging from my current situation, it seems that I can't let her plot against me. If I want to leave, this may be the only way, but I don't know if I will be played by her die!

"Hurry up and throw it on the ground. After you throw it on the ground, it can fulfill your wish! Throw it away!" Her voice sounded like the witch who tricked Snow White into eating apples in fairy tales, full of It tasted bewitching.

As soon as Xueyan let go subconsciously, the oval mirror was immediately attracted by the ground and fell straight to the ground.But when it fell to the ground less than half a meter away, gravity seemed to lose its effect on it again, allowing it to float there and emit colorful lights.

Xueyan looked at the mirror-like thing in surprise, and it gradually grew bigger as the light flowed, and finally became as tall as a person.Now Xueyan finally knew what it was, because just as the "mirror" was no longer getting bigger, she received a notification from the system, reminding her to open the space portal.

"Ah!" Just as she was about to ask the island owner where the portal led, suddenly a huge thrust came from behind, pushing her directly into the portal.Unlike the previous teleportation arrays she walked through, there was nothing behind the portal, causing her body to fall down rapidly, and she couldn't help screaming even though she was always calm.

In the stone hall, the island owner looked at the disappearance of the portal, and smiled more cunningly than a fox.At the same time, he said to himself: "Hey, I won't let you stay here forever. As for whether you can return to the original place, it depends on your performance! By the way, I forgot to tell you, behind the door is the Western Continent Oh! You can't find what I want, and you'll never get out of there!"

And Xueyan, who fell from the portal, watched her body fall rapidly to the ground, and it took a long time to realize that she was thrown into the air, and quickly used "Flying Sky" to avoid becoming the first person in "The Fantasy World". The player who was thrown to death!
After finally touching the ground with her feet, Xueyan felt that she seemed to be very unlucky recently.Ever since he was attacked and floated to that island, he has never been successful.First, I practiced rock climbing endlessly, and when I finally climbed up, I had to jump off the cliff again.Immediately afterwards, he dropped two levels in a row in one day, and finally got a clue to leave, and was thrown here by the unscrupulous island owner for no reason and almost fell to his death.What kind of bad luck did she provoke, and she will encounter so many unlucky things!
Just as Xueyan was cursing that nasty island owner in her heart, the voice that sounded very nice at first but was no different from a devil in her ears suddenly sounded in her ears: "Smart adventurer, if you are thrown to death now , then please listen to me; if you are not thrown to death, then please listen to me too!"

Brain God, why did you create an NPC with such a strange personality and so much nonsense?And it's really a miracle that she can survive until now without being besieged to death by the spirit beasts on the island!Xueyan didn't even bother to find out where she was, and stood there with black lines all over her head, waiting for her next words.

"Could you be smart enough to guess how I called you?" the nasty voice continued.

"Do you still need to guess? Besides this jade pendant, is there anything else?" Xueyan said angrily.

"Congratulations, you got the answer right. So I can tell you a little secret, I am not talking to you! What you are hearing now is my message, how come I am very good! Hehe!" came from the ear Her smug laughter and endless nonsense almost made Xue Yan throw away the jade pendant.

"I think you may not know where you are right now? Let me tell you, you are now in the legendary Western Continent! How is it? Surprise! Of course, I don't know exactly where in the Western Continent. Because the portal I gave you is a random portal, so you may be teleported to any place! I hope you will not regret your choice!"

"Get rid of it, did you give me a chance to choose? I was obviously pushed in by you, okay?" Knowing that she couldn't hear it, Xue Yan couldn't help shouting at Yu Pei to vent her dissatisfaction .

"And I asked you to come here because I want you to find two things. One is called the temptation of Zeus, and the other is called the blessing of the goddess of the earth. As long as you find one of these two things, then you only need Call my name to the jade pendant, and it will bring you back to Fairy Island. Work hard! Come on! When you get any one, it’s time for you to return to the original mainland! By the way, I haven’t told you mine yet Name? My name is Qianyue, you must remember it! Good luck!" After saying this series of extremely irresponsible words, Yu Pei fell silent.

"Damn Qianyue, it's hard for me to forget you!" Xue Yan didn't even have the strength to get angry now.

Although Xueyan wished to tear her into pieces to relieve her hatred, but now she still had to face the fact that she had come to the Western Continent.After looking at the environment I was in, I could sum it up in four words - the wilderness.It’s so strange to see even one monster in such a big place!Is it because this place is not open to players?

The field of vision here is very wide, except for some scattered trees around, most of them are stones, big and small everywhere.Xueyan recalled it carefully. When she fell from the sky just now, she seemed to have seen a river. It should be in the southwest direction of her location. If you walk along the river, it should be easier to see people or other living creatures. !

After identifying the direction, Xueyan walked towards the location of the river in her memory.She is very eager to see the NPCs here now, and she wants to understand her current situation through them.As for inquiring about the whereabouts of those two items, she didn't think ordinary NPCs would know about such artifact-level items.

The temptation of Zeus, she seems to have heard the name Zeus somewhere, as if it was mentioned in a story told by her mother when she was a child.Xueyan searched for all the information about Zeus through the Internet while walking, and it took her a long time to find a few words about the name.

Zeus, the god in ancient Greek legends, led the Greek gods to live on Mount Olympus.All she could find was this one sentence.For people nowadays, attention has long been attracted by more alternative online stories, and such ancient myths have long been forgotten by everyone in the corner.It may be difficult to find traces of these things except in museums. Even the stories her mother told her were passed down from her mother's mouth.

But just such a sentence still brought back Xueyan's childhood memories. She remembered that her mother did tell her some stories about Zeus. Although it was short, it still contained a lot of extremely important information for her now.

She remembered that Zeus seemed to be the god of the sky in mythology, and also the king of gods who ruled the gods.However, he should not have such a high status in "Fantasy World". After all, there is only one system brain in this game, and as a game made by Chinese, it is absolutely impossible to design it as a western god.So if her speculation is correct, this Zeus should only be the ruler of the western continent with special abilities!

And what about the blessing of that earth goddess?If she remembers correctly, the goddess of the earth in Greek mythology should be called Dimer.Does the blessing of the goddess of the earth have anything to do with her?Or is Dimel just someone who has mastered the power of the earth, and the blessing of the goddess of the earth has nothing to do with her or has little to do with it?In comparison, Xueyan is more inclined to the second guess.Again, there is only one God.

But Xueyan suddenly thought that her skill Goddess Arrival seems to summon the goddess of water, so what kind of status does this goddess of water have?And she also remembered that in Ye's mission, he also mentioned the goddess Nuwa, so what is she?Now Xueyan was completely confused, all the things were mixed up in her mind, and she couldn't sort them out.

While walking, she tried to analyze the relationship between the so-called gods in "Fantasy World", but she didn't notice that the danger was already approaching her.

(End of this chapter)

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