Chapter 80 Scala

After waiting for a long time, when there were no more poisonous snakes in the cave, and all the poisonous snakes that came out were turned into ice chips, Xueyan was relieved.She really had no way of knowing how many poisonous snakes there were in the cave. All she knew was that after she killed all the poisonous snakes, her experience bar increased by more than half!Surprised, Xueyan couldn't help but lamented that Scala was too powerful, and he was able to produce so many subordinates. It would be left to ordinary people to bury each other with snakes!
Xue Yan waited for a while before walking into the cave. Without the presence of so many snakes, the smell in the cave was much lighter than before, but it was still very pungent.But there is no way, she can't continue to wait any longer, because no one knows whether these snakes will respawn, so she must find Scala quickly, otherwise it will be a troublesome thing to wait for the snakes to respawn.

Holding the torches she asked for from those who followed, Xueyan frowned and slowly walked into the cave.Probably due to the long-term wandering of the poisonous snake, the inner wall of the cave was polished very smooth.

As Xueyan walked in cautiously, she secretly guessed in her heart who sealed Scala here.In her opinion, the scale of this cave is really not small. If it was built by one person, how capable is that person?But why didn't he kill Scala?This had to make her re-evaluate Scala's strength.

The cave was very deep, and Xueyan walked for a long time before reaching the end. There was a stone room that was only slightly larger than the cave. In the center of the stone room, a group of black shadows was locked by more than ten yellow rays of light. Can't move.Xueyan couldn't see clearly from a distance, what was locked there, but the more pungent smell made her 90% sure that the black shadow was Scala.

"Unexpectedly, after so many years, there are still people coming to see me. I am so happy! Hehe!" The black shadow suddenly spoke, the voice was not only very loud but also very piercing, which made Xueyan almost couldn't help throwing Drop the torch and cover your ears with your hands.

That kind of laughter, like fingernails scratching through iron, spread through Xueyan's ears to every nerve in her body, making her feel unspeakably uncomfortable from head to toe, but she had no choice but to throw ice arrows to force her keep your mouth shut.

With a scream, Skala finally stopped making that harsh sound, but said to her harshly: "When did Poseidon's men start helping Zeus? Is it true that Poseidon is no longer the enemy of Zeus?" Is that so? Aren’t you afraid that your master will punish you for helping Zeus? "

Are Zeus and Poseidon at odds?Xueyan didn't expect to get some useful information from Scala. No wonder those people had such strange expressions on their faces when they heard that she was looking for Zeus. I'm afraid the quarrel between the two of them should be well known However, his water system ability will inevitably be considered to be related to the king of the sea. Poseidon's men, who are at odds with Zeus, want to find the trace of Zeus. They can't figure it out no matter what!

"So what, you are harming one side, no matter whose subordinate I am, it is only right and proper to kill you for the sake of the people." Xueyan neither admitted nor denied, and replied very skillfully.

"Haha, what a good way to kill harm for the people! What a high-sounding reason!" Scala laughed mockingly, but this time the laughter didn't last too long.

"I don't think what I said is funny, and I don't think there is anything wrong with what I said. Everyone who lives and passes by here should risk their lives at any time. Be careful of those unstoppable shadow snake attacks, saying you I don’t think you have been wronged for harming the other party, right?” Xue Yan asked very coldly, ignoring its taunt.

"The people here haven't died yet? They really are fate!" After hearing Xueyan's words, Scala's tone was a little surprised and dissatisfied.

"Why are you doing this?" It is intelligent anyway, unlike those beasts that can only act on instinct, Xueyan really doesn't understand the meaning of what it does.

"Why? Just because they are damned! If it weren't for the high density among them, how could I have become this ugly? Do you know what I looked like before? Can you imagine that I suddenly changed from a peerless face to this one? Do you feel in Dexing's heart?" Speaking of the past, Scala's emotions immediately became extremely agitated, struggling to get closer to Xueyan.

At this time, Xueyan could see its true face clearly, and could vaguely see that the upper half of the human figure was covered with poisonous snakes, and its hair seemed to be all composed of poisonous snakes with teeth and claws.There are two very long and sharp teeth clearly exposed in its mouth, and its tongue is slender and forked like a snake core.But its lower half is the body of a spider with eight legs.

So the legend is very likely to be true!If that's the case, she will sympathize with her experience, and can understand why her character has become like this. Anyone who has undergone such a sudden change cannot maintain the mentality of an ordinary person, let alone a peerless beauty?It's just that understanding is understanding, which doesn't mean she can agree with its misconduct.

"Every injustice has its owner, and you shouldn't take it out on innocent people. Even if someone should pay the price for this, I believe it shouldn't be those innocent civilians." After it calmed down a little, Xue Yan said He spoke.

"What you said is really simple. Do you think I should settle accounts with Zeus who tempted me, or with Hela who turned me into this? If I can really avenge myself, do you think I will still be Is this what you look like now? You are too naive!" Scala felt very disdainful of her words.

"Since you also know that the two people you mentioned are not ordinary people, do you think it is possible for a farmer who only knows to meet any of them?" Xue Yan asked back.When she heard the middle-aged man tell this legend, she felt strange, Zeus, as the king of the sky, how could his affairs be known casually by an ordinary person who couldn't be more ordinary?And Haila is the queen of heaven, so how can anyone see it?This is too logical!

"According to what you said, the informer is someone else?" A crack appeared in the fact that Scala had long believed in, and after what she said, it also felt that there was something wrong with it.When Hella talked about someone telling her about this, she was very vague. She just said that the person was from here. She did this obviously to cover up the person who told her the truth, but it is becoming this After the appearance, I have not been in the mood to think about these things.It's just... "So what, I don't know who he is, I still can't take revenge, the result is still the same?"

What it said made Xueyan frowned. If she had some sympathy for it just now, now she only hates it.It is said that it will retaliate because the people here inform the informant. In fact, it wants to vent its dissatisfaction and injustice by killing people, and that is just an excuse for its own behavior.

Now that the words are on the line, Xueyan feels that she has nothing to say, throws the torch aside, and makes an attacking gesture.Because she didn't know Scala's strength, she directly used "Frozen Thousand Miles", trying to end it in the freeze without giving it any chance to fight back.A cloud of ice mist quickly enveloped Scala, freezing its body quickly, turning it into an ice sculpture within a second.Frost arrow and waterspout, a series of skills Xue Yan threw towards it without hesitation.It's just that Scala is not as vulnerable as those poisonous snakes. After 25 seconds of freezing time, it still has 1/5 of its blood left.

Scala, who woke up, seemed very angry at Xueyan's way of fighting without saying hello. Although it couldn't move, the poisonous snakes wrapped around it could stretch their bodies to attack Xueyan.These snakes are much stronger than those snakes that were eliminated before. Just from their infinitely extended bodies, it can be seen that it is not easy to kill those snakes.

Seeing dozens of snakes attacking her like lightning, Xueyan hastily used "Misty Clouds" to transform into dozens of figures, barely blocking the first wave of attacks.But Scala didn't leave her any chance to breathe, and quickly launched a second wave of attacks. A huge spider web spewed out from its navel, attacking Xueyan overwhelmingly.

The spider webs covered the entire cave, and Xueyan's phantom had no effect at all in the face of this indiscriminate attack.Reluctantly, she could only retreat quickly, and raised her hand to release "Frozen Thousand Miles" again.It's just that she was far away from Scala originally, and with the distance she retreated, the frozen area was just barely enough to freeze it in one piece.

Although Xue Yan felt a little pity, she finally bought a little time for herself.Seeing that his attack was neutralized again, Skala became even more angry. He once again commanded the poisonous snake on his body to rush towards the frozen spider webs, directly smashing the barrier into pieces.But just as they broke through the spider webs, a blue "water dragon" swept towards the snakes.

When the poisonous snake touched the "water dragon", it was immediately sucked into it, and was smashed to pieces by the pressure of the water flow. However, the "water dragon" continued to move forward without stopping, and hit Scala's body straight, smashing its body. The body collided into countless fragments.

After Xueyan watched her skills hit the target, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.But things didn't end like that. Just when she stepped forward to see if it had exploded anything, she suddenly remembered one thing, that is, she did not hear the system prompt. She had already upgraded Scala. Die and gain experience.Thinking of this, Xue Yan hurriedly stopped, and took a few steps back before carefully looking at the situation in the stone room.

The ground is full of fragments of Scala's body, so messy that nothing can be seen at all.However, just when Xueyan was wondering, those fragments started to squirm and gather together.Xueyan, who encountered this situation for the first time, couldn't help being taken aback. Could it be that this Scala has the ability to regenerate?
The fragments continued to gather together at a very fast speed, and in a blink of an eye Scala's spider body appeared in front of Xue Yan.Not daring to delay, Xueyan immediately used ice arrows to hit it continuously.When each ice arrow hit Scala's body, Xueyan could hear a scream, and the reorganization of Scala's body would be a bit slower.

She didn't know how many ice arrows she had used, but Xue Yan only knew that she was almost numb. She just instinctively kept using the skills without stopping, and the screams of Skara in her ears never stopped.The harsh sound made Xue Yan wish she could deafen her ears to avoid the sound's damage to her hearing nerve.Only then did she know why the previous person couldn't kill it. With its ability to reorganize and its screams, it would be impossible for an average person to persevere without a certain amount of strength and endurance to back it up.

Finally, Scala's body stopped reorganizing and its screams stopped. Only then did Xueyan receive a system prompt that she had killed Scala, and Xueyan was completely relieved.For a while, she ignored the system prompting her to upgrade, and just kept rubbing her ears, as if she wanted to rub out all the noise coming into her ears.

She swore that she would never fight any monster with a sharp voice in the future. This is a double torture of body and spirit!

(End of this chapter)

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