Chapter 1554 Angels and Demons (105)

In the end, reviewer A won the first place as everyone expected.

Of course, this number one is the last one.

After only 200 meters, Jia commented that he was panting and sweating. After running 50 meters, he turned into jogging, which was slower than the walking of grandpa and grandma.

Even if Chi Miaomiao couldn't see the scene, he could still feel the horror of commentator A.Of course, this is not enough, she said into the microphone: "We saw that our reviewer A is still running to the finish line! Although the 200 meters are like tens of thousands of kilometers to him, he still insists Unremittingly dragging his heavy body to the finish line! This kind of sportsmanship is really commendable, and it is what we need to learn from reviewer A. There is nothing difficult in the world, as long as there is a heart. We should not give up when we encounter a little setback. As a good athlete of the country, we should go forward against the headwind! What can we do even if the reviewer A can do it?! Of course, it is suggested that the reviewer A still needs to exercise himself body. Isn't it fragrant to have a strong body?"

Chi Miaomiao's words were sonorous and powerful, but commentator A didn't know whether to cry or laugh when he heard it.Take him as an example, are you sure you are encouraging the athletes?

Well, maybe it is.

But why all he heard was laughter?

From the moment he entered the arena, all he heard was laughter. Everyone must be laughing at his big belly.

If I had known that after retirement, I would not eat indiscriminately and keep exercising.At least it will be more glorious if you lose this way.

Amidst the roar of laughter, commentator A finally ran to the finish line with a red face.This face, I don't know if it's hot red, blushing, or both.

After finally running to the finish line, commentator A finally collapsed on the runway exhausted, and was finally carried away by medical staff.

"Miss, won't people be killed if you deal with them like this?" The butler just came back from the scene and asked after seeing this scene.

"Don't worry, he won't die. He just hasn't exercised for a long time, and he's too fat and exhausted. At his running speed, even a snail is faster than him!"

Although Chi Miaomiao couldn't see it, she started counting the time from the first moment of Mucangxiang until the end of commentator A.The final time counted was 10 minutes.

It's also slow enough.

People who don't know think he crawled over it!

"It's too miserable! Will we be so miserable later?"

After seeing reviewer A leave the stage, reviewer B began to worry about himself.

Reviewer C shook his head thoughtfully, not knowing how to reply to B.

In fact, C commentator was a little lucky, because he was the last one to play.If there is no accident, reviewer B will be carried away like reviewer A, so that at least he will not be laughed at by his accomplices.

Before, they sat in the observation room and commented on the athletes, but when they really stood on the court, even though they were colleagues before, they still felt nervous and afraid, and even feared that they would be laughed at.

"Come on." In the end, reviewer C only said this to reviewer B.

Hearing that the radio had started to broadcast his name, commentator B had no choice but to admit his defeat and walked to the competition point dejectedly.

Unlike reviewer A, reviewer B has long arms and legs, plus a fat body, which makes him look like a bear.

(End of this chapter)

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