Chapter 1555 Angels and Demons (106)

Long hands and long legs will have certain advantages when running, but commentator B is not a track and field athlete.

Compared with A and C, reviewer B feels that he is the worst one among the three.

As the only pole vaulter among the three, B held a long pole and didn't know where to start.

Do you support the pole first, or run up first?Or do you run up while supporting the pole?

Reviewer B looked at his figure. Although he didn't have a stomach like that of A, he was still a fat figure. Anyway, it was impossible for him to jump high with a pole like a trapeze man.

It's better than who can break the pole and have a certain chance of winning.

Reviewer B also began to regret like reviewer A. If he could keep exercising after retiring, he would not be ridiculed as he is now.

He knew that even if he returned to his youthful appearance, he would not be able to win against these national-level athletes.

At the beginning, he chose to retire early as a judge because he could not enter the national team.

Although he can't enter the national team, he can comment on the players of the national team, which is higher than the title of national athlete.

At least, the second reviewer thinks so.

Because there was regret and resentment in his heart about not being able to make the national team, after successfully becoming a national judge, commentator B began to use various sharp words to comment on the performance of all the athletes present.Especially for pole vaulters.

Reviewer B has resentment in his heart. The pole vaulters have persisted under the shadow of his sharp comments for several years, and they also have some complaints against reviewer B. So when they heard that reviewer B was going to compete with their substitutes, they supported All the pole jumpers made mocking sounds at the same time.

Compete pole vaulting with them?
Is it not because the second reviewer is not capable, so he can only talk about it?What is his cramp?
The athletes in the arena, including the spectators, were wondering why the three sharp commentators A, B, and C would suddenly propose to compete with their substitute athletes.

Even if the excuse is to help them improve their self-confidence, but just the three of them, what can help them improve their self-confidence?

Not to mention that there is no comparison now, even at the same age, they have not entered the national team yet!
Sudden request for a fun competition, could it be that he came here to be funny?
"Reviewer B, you have to work hard!"

The pole vaulters walked past reviewer B with long poles, and sent "blessings" to reviewer B with smiles on their faces.

These smiling faces are particularly familiar to commentator B. Isn’t this the ridicule he faced from the athletes on the field after taking the position of national judge?

Those who should come will always come, even though they know that it is useless to grind their guns before the battle, commentator B is still the last one in line, secretly observing how the athletes jump over the pole in a process.

He nervously kept changing the position of holding the pole, his eyes could understand it, and he had always stored theoretical knowledge in his mind. However, when he actually took the field, B found that his hands and legs had not learned yet!
The referee and commentator B knew each other. Although the referee didn't like commentator B very much, but thinking about meeting him in the future, he still gave him a small face, and waited for him to master it before jumping.

The commotion in the audience suddenly stopped, and everyone stared at commentator B intently, waiting for him to jump over the pole in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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