Chapter 1553 Angels and Demons (104)

After staying in the observation room for a while, the butler came back with the list.

He very thoughtfully handed over the list to the three reviewers, "This is the list I asked the organizer to print out specially. You can prepare yourself mentally to avoid being too nervous and causing mistakes in the game."

Three reviewers: “…”

What I don't want to come is to want time to be suspended, and it is impossible to stop it.

Finally, the fun game arrived.

The three reviewers walked out of the observation room under the leadership of the housekeeper.

At this moment, Chi Miaomiao was the only one left in the observation room.

Even out of sight, she does a great job hosting the fun game.

"Now, we have three critics coming in!"

"Now the first person to enter is our first reviewer, reviewer A!"

Reviewer A came into the room sadly.

Because the three people competed in different events, after commentator A entered the room, Chi Miaomiao began to report the names of other athletes.

"Now we have to invite the second reviewer B to enter!"

Reviewer B came into the room sadly.

After commentator B entered the room, Chi Miaomiao began to report the names of athletes participating in the second event.

"Finally, we have invited the third reviewer C to enter!"

After the third reviewer entered the arena, the audience burst into thunderous and warmest applause.

clap clap-

The reviewer C finally entered the scene sadly.

Chi Miaomiao also matched the emotions of the audience and reported the names of the athletes who participated in the last event.

After the report on the personnel list, Chi Miaomiao began to compete in batches according to the time slot according to the game schedule that the housekeeper told her before leaving.

Originally, the three competitions were different and could be played at the same time.

But Chi Miaomiao didn't want to do this. If it was done at the same time, it would distract the audience.And it will take the pressure off the three reviewers.

Her purpose is to let the three reviewers know where their mistakes are, so she chose three people to compete separately.

First of all, the first game is a game for reviewers.

Reviewer A is a former running secondary sprinter.

So the race he's going to take part in is the 200-meter sprint.

I saw reviewer A posing on the runway with his chubby belly, and the audience laughed amusedly when they saw his chubby belly swaying as he walked.

Knowing what everyone was laughing at, commentator A held his proud beer belly with inferiority.

Seeing A's embarrassment and hearing the laughter of the audience in the auditorium, reviewers B and C couldn't help laughing.

Although they often eat wine and meat at the table, they don't have a huge beer belly like the person in Review A.

Of course, this doesn't mean they're going anywhere.

Soon, the athletes arrived to prepare.

Commentator A stood among the strong athletes, his obese figure stood out from the crowd, and the audience laughed again.


The referee held back his smile and maintained a serious attitude. After counting down three two one with the wooden warehouse in his hand, he slammed the wooden warehouse with a "bang".

When the athletes heard the sound of the wooden warehouse, they immediately started to run as fast as flying people. Because the commentator A hadn’t experienced the competition for a long time, he was stunned for a moment when he heard the wooden warehouse. run.

Reviewer A used to be a strong athlete, but now he is so fat that his legs are half short. Compared with other running athletes, he looks like a clown, which makes people laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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