Chapter 75

But the family of the little boy Wang Heng is getting better and better, and Wang Heng is very talented in reading. He became a boy student at a young age. After that, his journey was smooth, and he became a scholar at the age of 16. It's a glorious lintel

The boy grew up, became upright, elegant, and very knowledgeable. The vague good feelings he had when he was a child were crushed by this grown-up boy. It didn't take long for him to get engaged to the prefect's daughter and marry him. , less than a year later, he gave birth to a fat and white son.

The boy who once stalked and pestered me to marry him has already married and has children, but this 'little girl' who has grown up can no longer get out.

Wang Heng's family moved to the city after Wang Heng passed the scholar examination. Because of the distance, when the 'little girl' knew that Wang Heng was married, Wang Heng had already begun to prepare for herself. My son held a full moon party.

The 'little girl' rushed to Wang Heng's current home. Because she was Wang Heng's 'fellow', she was allowed in, but she sat in the corner, watching Wang Heng's happiness, and looking at herself. Although the clothes were clean but patched, she suddenly covered her face and cried bitterly.

Her crying quickly aroused the displeasure of many people. Wang Heng saw it and took a few steps towards it. However, after seeing the 'little girl's' face full of tears and pockmarks, he was disgusted. She frowned, then didn't go over and asked the servant to drive her out.

The 'little girl' returned to the village in a daze, and sat with her crazy old mother for a long time. At night, she took out her old mother's most beautiful costume and put it on, and then spent money on herself based on her feelings and memories. A rich makeup.

Walking out of the dilapidated house, the opera scenes she had seen when she was a child gradually came to her mind.

When she was a child, she liked to watch her mother sing Farewell My Concubine the most. The mother who played Concubine Yu on the stage was so beautiful, and her singing was melodious. For a moment, she seemed to be the mother she used to be, standing on the stage. , although her singing skills are not as good as her mother's, and she even sang out of tune in some places, but she sang very seriously, singing as she walked, until she reached the riverside, and she finished the last sentence, and the mother Yu in her mind When Ji swung her sword to slay herself, she also leaned over and jumped into the river.

Wang Heng became an official. After his father-in-law retired, he took over his official position and became the prefect of this area. He lived a happy life with his wife Wang Ting.

The whole story follows the lives of Wang Heng and Wang Ting. The 'little girl' is just an insignificant and tragic supporting role, but the actor who plays the 'little girl' in this movie is really good, especially in her dress. The part where the costume is looking for death is even more embarrassing.

The movie ends here, and it freezes at the moment when Wang Heng and Wang Ting are sitting in the high hall, kneeling down to accept the wedding of their son and daughter-in-law, and looking at each other with a smile.

The movie ended, and in a blink of an eye, she appeared on the shore. In front of her was the flowing river. Her body was wet. She looked down and saw that what she was wearing was exactly what the 'little girl' in the movie was wearing when she jumped into the river. The costume is a bit old, but still very beautiful.

She wiped her face, and the makeup on one hand had turned into paste, which made her feel very uncomfortable. She wanted to wash her hands in the river, but because the river was dark at night, she finally did not put her hands in. .The dark river always gives people a very bad feeling.

Yes, she has now become the 'little girl' who drowned in the river, but her current state is that she 'climbed ashore without dying'.

The system is still very good. It arranged such a plot for her, but instead of just throwing her into the river and letting her climb up on her own, she skipped this section directly.

The original 'little girl'... Xu Zihan should be dead. After jumping into the river, she was already determined to die. How could she climb back up?
It's just that this part didn't exist in the original movie, so the system found a loophole for her.

This time the system did not give her a world line. She had just watched the 'movie' and she didn't need it for the time being. In fact, she still felt sad about the part where Xu Zihan threw herself into the river.

It's not that that part is so unforgettable, but that the actor performed the most beautiful side of Xu Zihan, and there is no redundant sensational part. The whole scene is Xu Zihan trying hard to imitate his mother when he was young, just like practicing hard when he was young. Such seriousness makes this episode so embarrassing.

Originally, he wanted to 'go home' and clean himself up, but half way through, Xu Zihan couldn't stand it anymore and directly used the system to clean himself up and treat himself at the same time. Although his body was no longer the original one. She has Xu Zihan's body, but everything is copied from that body, including the state of being soaked in water. Now she feels very cold, so it is better to treat her first, otherwise it will be bad if she gets cold. .

But what she didn't expect was that just after the treatment, she felt itchy on her face. She reached out and wiped it, and a layer of dead skin appeared...

To be honest, this scene is still a bit scary. At least Xu Zihan who touched the dead skin felt frightened, and wiped it a few times indiscriminately. After confirming that there was nothing on her face, she panicked. He rushed back to his home.

The crazy old mother fell asleep at some point. After she came back, she quickly entered her room and pulled out the system interface to take a look.

The built-in imaging function of the system is very powerful, even the pores on her skin can be clearly seen, but what is going on with this gorgeous face!

Isn't it full of pockmarks?Could it be that the treatment function of the system is now powerful enough to cure pockmarks? !

Regarding this, the system still gives some hints.

After all, the system is unwilling to misunderstand the function of the system.

It turns out that the little girl did not have pockmarks when she was born. The pockmarks on her face were put on her face by her mother later. The principle is similar to that of tattoos. The reason is also very simple. Her mother did not want her to have pockmarks. Her daughter is like her. Although she is said to be a famous actress, in fact, her life is the same as that of a prostitute in a brothel.

Sometimes, having a good-looking face is not a good thing, especially for people in their profession. It is enough to put on makeup to look good. As for after taking off the makeup, it is safest to be 'unappetizing'.

(End of this chapter)

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