Chapter 76

Her mother had worked hard, but it was a pity that Xu Zihan didn't feel lucky because of this pockmarked face, but always hated that there were so many pockmarks on her face!
After knowing this, the current Xu Zihan couldn't help sighing that the world is impermanent.

Is Xu Zihan's family poor?
of course not!
In fact, as the mother of Xu Zihan, who owns a theater troupe and has been a famous actor for many years, she has many valuable things.

Those famous jewelry were stolen or robbed many years ago, but those things related to singing have been well preserved by Xu Zihan. They are all given by her mother's benefactors. They are really good products. Although each piece cannot be said to be priceless, as long as they are willing to part with one or two pieces, their mother Neither of the girls will have such a difficult life as they are now.

But, like everyone has something to hold on to.

Xu Zihan knew that she didn't grow well, so she worked harder since she was a child. She wanted to be like her mother on stage to fascinate people, so she had an indescribable obsession with singing.

Therefore, when she took refuge in this village, even though she was young, she still kept those costumes and jewelry well. Even though she knew that the imperial court banned women from singing operas, she still quietly put them away and did not let others People with malicious intentions see it.

In the face of those shining pearl tiaras, Xu Zihan did not touch these things in the end. Although selling these things would be more beneficial to her future tasks, she always tried her best to satisfy the original owner's obsession.

These are things that originally belonged to Xu Zihan, and she didn't want to deal with them privately.

This world evolved from movies is not like the worlds Xu Zihan has been to before. Many things in this world are expressed in a vague way.

For example, Xu Zihan's ending, in this world, is just acquiescing that she is dead, but when the system gives a seemingly 'reasonable' development line, the world will also acquiesce that Xu Zihan is still alive.

Therefore, Xu Zihan was not rejected by the world consciousness this time. In fact, in this world, she could hardly feel the existence of the world consciousness.

The world consciousness of this world is like a bystander, watching the evolution of this world with an attitude that has nothing to do with him, which makes Xu Zihan feel indescribably relaxed.

But at the same time, the system also told Xu Zihan the precautions in this world.

Although Xu Zihan's identity has been rationalized, let me say here that the system has clearly stated that Xu Zihan is dead, so no matter what she does, she can't change the fate of 'Xu Zihan', so she cannot get Xu Zihan's energy of.

The second is that there are very few fate lines that she can change in this world, only the male and female protagonists and their sons.

And the evaluation standard is the last scene, the scene where the hero and heroine sit in the high hall and accept the worship of their son and daughter-in-law.

As long as that scene doesn't happen, the world line will change by default, and the whole world will collapse at the same time. As for those people who appeared in the original movie, because they didn't give a clear ending in the end, Xu Zihan, who intervened at this point in time, no matter what Whatever these people do, they will only get the same energy points as ordinary people.

This time the world is simple and simple, the consciousness of the world will not obliterate her, she can do whatever she wants, and change anyone's destiny.

But at the same time, it is also very difficult, because she has to change the fate of the protagonist.

The world consciousness will instinctively correct the fate of the protagonist, so if she wants to change the fate of the protagonist, she must kill with one blow.

There were a lot of thoughts in her mind, until dawn, after Xu Zihan's mother woke up, she woke up from the previous thoughts.

Although Xu Zihan's mother has gone crazy, she is actually easy to take care of. She just sits there and keeps singing opera ditties, and sometimes makes gestures in the dilapidated house. His throat was injured, and the voice he made was hoarse and unpleasant. After listening to it for a long time, it would make people feel a little irritated.

Xu Zihan was just like the original Xu Zihan, when he got up in the morning, he washed his mother's face, combed her hair and put on clothes, and then went back to do other things after she was done.

Xu Zihan is now quite a grown-up, but she has a crazy mother in her family. She also has a pockmarked face, so she has not married yet. Even in a village like this, no one wants to marry such a poor family. The girl who can hardly lift the pot.

Neither the current Xu Zihan nor the former Xu Zihan care about this.

In fact, judging from the fragments of the girl found in the system later, although the girl came to such a village with a crazy mother, Wang Heng was still willing to walk with Xu Zihan when she was young. I often come to see her, especially during the holidays, when boys and girls sit together in the middle of the night, Wang Heng often asks Xu Zihan to put on beautiful makeup for him to see, sometimes he is fascinated by it, and he will not stop kiss her.

But later, after Wang Heng was admitted to Tongsheng, the two of them walked less, and later their family moved directly to the city. Even Xu Zihan would be very fortunate to walk for several hours every month to see Wang Heng several times. They are still gradually estranged.

Until now, Wang Heng married a wife and had children, and Xu Zihan died in Huangquan.

In fact, for Xu Zihan now, she doesn't know how to evaluate the entanglement between these two people.

Does Xu Zihan really like Wang Heng?

Maybe there are, but more, it is that Xu Zihan likes to see Wang Heng fascinated by her. Otherwise, he would not be happy because he knows that Wang Heng likes her "beauty" Show him heavy makeup.

As for Wang Heng, as the leading actor in this movie, his image is relatively positive, strong, studious, and filial at the same time.

From Wang Heng's standpoint, Wang Heng's parents did not want him to associate with Xu Zihan, especially after Wang Heng was admitted to Tongsheng and had a better future.

Wang Heng has met many women in his life, not counting Xu Zihan, but also the lady of the husband's family, the daughter of a rich family who valued his talents, and the little girl from a tofu family...

These women were all beautiful and distinctive, but because Wang Heng had Xu Zihan in his heart at that time, he rejected the kindness of these people.

(End of this chapter)

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