Chapter 74

Pan Sheng was also very helpless about cheating the original owner before leaving.

After all, the original Pan Sheng was not a good person. Pan Sheng found it a bit difficult to change the other party's fate in a gentle way, so in the end she chose this method.

Thinking about it, she probably won't die until she understands how the original owner Pan Sheng made soul coins in large quantities.

So Pan Sheng just patted his ass and left this world, and at the same time took away nearly one-third of the world's energy!
Such a huge amount of energy is due to Pan Shengdie losing the two women who should have belonged to Dianzhu.

Originally, Yun Qianqian belonged to Dianzhu, and Pan Sheng also belonged to Dianzhu. Although these two people did not last long, they were Dianzhu's former women after all, and these two women had a great influence on him in the future.

But now, the two heroines have been lost by the butterfly, and the gold finger has also been taken away. This world can be regarded as being ruined by "Pan Sheng" for one-third. In this way, Pan Sheng's harvest this time is really good. Not a lot.

With a happy mood, she once again chose a world to enter.

# # #
This time was different from the worlds she experienced before. Before entering the role, she watched a movie.

This movie has two protagonists, even if she has experienced many life and death, she can't help but feel a little bit sad after watching it.

The heroine of this movie is Wang Ting, the daughter of a somewhat crazy beggar.

The beggar gave birth to Wang Ting directly on the side of the road, and then died. It was the family who heard the cry of the child who came back from the market and rushed over to save the newly born Wang Ting.

Later, Wang Ting was adopted by this family.

This family is a boat family and does not have a fixed place of residence. The whole family lives in a boat, and the family of three basically lives on the river.

The father and son of this family are relatively silent, and the father is even soft-hearted, but the mother is pungent. Obviously, she doesn't like the picked up oil bottle. In the end, the picked up baby girl was raised by the boy of this family. big.

In a blink of an eye, the girl is four years old. Although she is thin and doesn't dress well, she is fair and cute and very attractive. When she was going to a market, the girl accidentally got lost and followed a big family. The servant like the boatman's father left, and when he was found, she had already followed the lady who came out to relax to the door of the house.

Originally, this lady was still a little anxious when she saw Wang Ting. After all, anyone who lost such a small child would be anxious. As a mother, she couldn't help feeling the same way, and wanted someone to help find the girl's family. .

But I didn't expect that at this time, the servants suddenly came to report that the young master who had been ill for a long time was healed and could get out of bed and walk around. Come out, the previous problem has been solved.

If it was just one or two things, it might be regarded as a coincidence, but on the second day, the lady suddenly fainted, and then it was found that she was pregnant. The old lady of the family is superstitious, so she thinks this good-looking little girl is a blessing, and it has been a day, and no one has come to find her. Besides, the clothes on this girl are also very worn out, so it shouldn't be The daughter of a rich family, Mrs. Xing simply adopted her as a righteous daughter when she was happy.

The boy in the boat house was already 11 years old at this time, and he kept looking for his sister when he found out that his sister was lost, but soon it was dark, and the mother who came out obviously didn't want to affect the time to go back because of a girl's film, so she went directly The boy was taken away, and the boy and his father came out to look for it the next day and asked many people. The father and son got accurate information on the third night, but before they could find the door, they heard that the family had arranged for them. The banquet is said to be for adoptive daughters.

The father and son looked at it from a distance, and after confirming that it was their family's 'second girl', both father and son fell silent.

The life of the boatman is hard, he eats fish all year round, the cabin is full of fishy smell, and he has been wandering on the water all year round, how could he compare to the wealth of this big family.

So in the end, after learning that this is a kind family and the master of the house is an official, the father and son left silently.

The male lead, Wang Heng, is the child of a play troupe working as a miscellaneous couple. At that time, he was not called Wang Heng, and he was only six or seven years old, and he was still called "dog leftover" and "dog leftover".

The head of this opera troupe is a woman, and she is also the pillar of their troupe. She can sing Beijing opera mellowly. She is a woman in her 20s, but she is still beautiful and attractive, attracting many dignitaries to spend a lot of money on her.

The head teacher has a daughter whose facial features are eight or nine points similar to hers, but she has pockmarks all over her face, which makes people feel disgusted.

But the head teacher's daughter is very beautiful after putting on makeup. The little girl who is only five or six years old has a faint charm that is not inferior to the head teacher after putting on makeup.

The girl was seen by the little boy when she was put on makeup by the class master for the first time, and the little boy fell into obsession with just one glance. A vow to marry a little girl.

It's just that the good times didn't last long, and the court banned women from singing operas.

Originally, there were very few women singing operas, but now it is explicitly prohibited. The mainstay of the opera troupe is a woman, and now they are banned. Soon, this opera troupe, which has been popular for many years, is in danger of disbanding.

In the end, the troupe leader still couldn’t hold on, and disbanded the troupe. The troupe leader was slapped in the face by someone who didn’t know the high-ranking wife sent her the next day. The man who originally said he wanted to take her as a concubine After seeing her appearance, he also regretted it. In the end, the team leader could only take his daughter and went to the countryside to avoid disaster in desperation, and bought a field to plow and weave.

Coincidentally, the little boy's parents also came to this village after the troupe was disbanded. Although the two families are far away, they still have contacts.

It's just that later, there were too many men who liked the leader of the class, and the wives of those men became happier after knowing that the leader of the leader had ruined their faces, and they often found people to make trouble. crazy.

In order to take care of her mother, the little girl is not in the mood to dress up. Slowly, the little girl who once aspired to be a famous role like her mother and practiced hard has also become an ordinary peasant girl. Chaotian, with his clear voice, said the most things every day, such as daily necessities.

(End of this chapter)

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