The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 252 The Walking Dead - Thunder Chapter (18)

Chapter 252 The Walking Dead - Thunder (18)

Using the same method, I came to the 7th floor again. The balcony window on the 7th floor was opened for some reason.

When Lei Ming saw the situation, his eyes kept observing the situation in the house. At this time, the house was quiet, as if there was no one there, but Lei Ming felt that there was a person in the kitchen through his mental power.

Mental power can only perceive someone on the opposite side, but it doesn't know whether it is a living person or a zombie.

Holding the knife tightly in his hand, Lei Ming lowered his walking voice, but his pace did not slow down. He came to the door of the kitchen, and the door on the other side of the kitchen was open at this time.Because it was turned on, Lei Ming could hear the faint sound of someone eating and chewing from the kitchen.

After hearing this voice, he immediately judged in his mind that this person was a zombie.But he wasn't sure it had to be loss, or it could have been living people eating delicious food in the kitchen.

But the former is more likely. Just as he was thinking this way, the people in the kitchen seemed to have finished their food and were about to come out of the kitchen.

At this time, Lei Ming was standing outside the kitchen door, and he heard the sound of the people inside going out of the kitchen. He leaned against the wall and kept looking at the kitchen door, as if there was something there. When someone appeared, he would use the knife in his right hand to chop off at that person.

And the people in the kitchen didn't know if they had inquired about someone outside. He stayed on the other side of the door and didn't open the door for a long time, as if he was waiting for something.

Lei Ming also noticed this, he seemed to hear the sound of the pistol being loaded inside.

It seems that there is a living person inside, and he wants to use a weapon, Lei Ming said in his heart.If it was a zombie, he would rush directly to eliminate it without hesitation.But if the inside is a living person, a wise person, then he still needs to consider various factors.

The first one is whether he is in the kitchen with the people who attacked him outside.

The second is whether he needs to be eliminated.If the people inside were just for survival, then he wouldn't be able to eliminate him.If the people inside insisted on using force with him, then he could only eliminate him.

The third one is...

There is also loss of thinking and self-independent consciousness...

Of course, the third thought was immediately erased by him, although he had encountered it before, but it was impossible for him to encounter so many special losses in the world.

And whether it is the first or the second method, he must "fight".

But just as he was thinking this way, the voice of someone inside came from the kitchen.

"I am the resident of this room, I just want to survive, can you let me go."

After hearing this sentence, Lei Ming did not put down the knife in his hand, and felt a little strange after changing the situation in the living room.

The living room was messy, and there were bloodstains on the floor. If it was the resident of this room, where did the bloodstains on the floor come from.

And there is...

Why would he find himself standing outside the kitchen if he was just an ordinary resident.

Lei Ming didn't believe what the person in the kitchen said, he didn't give up his vigilance, and the people in the kitchen didn't hear what the people outside said, but said to themselves:

"Brother outside, if you agree, please say so."

"If you disagree..."

"Please say it too."

After saying this, he clenched the pistol in his right hand.

(End of this chapter)

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