The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 251 The Walking Dead - Thunder Chapter (17)

Chapter 251 The Walking Dead - Thunder (17)

After coming to this room, he first went to the bedroom to look for the clothes he needed. Coincidentally, this family seemed to be a man who lived alone. There were many boys' clothes in the bedroom. Almost right.

Lei Ming first found a piece of clothing that he was suitable for now, and he also liked it, then changed the clothes he was wearing and put them on.Finally, he tidied up the clothes he had just taken off and put them on the bed.

After that, he found two more suitable clothes, put them in his backpack, and finally went to the kitchen to find water.

There are no creatures in this room. It may be because the owner of this room has locked the door to go outside, and just lost the time to erupt. I don’t know what will happen afterwards. I guess it will be "eliminated".

There are water resources in the kitchen. Two bottles of unopened mineral water are placed on the kitchen table. At night, I take yellow spring water from the table and put it in my backpack. Now the water resources here will become more and more scarce. In the end, some people will fight over a glass of water.

I don't know if it's because a man lives alone here, so there is no tableware in the kitchen, not even a kitchen knife.

Lei Ming then went to search other rooms to see if there was anything he needed.But apart from the two items at the beginning, he didn't need anything else in this room, so he finally took a lighter from the coffee table in the living room, just in case.

After putting the lighter in his pocket, Lei Ming returned to the balcony, and then thought about how to get down.

Now he is on the 10th floor, and he has to eat many layers to get down to the ground. In addition, there were three people attacking him before. It seems that while avoiding zombies, he must guard against them.

Lei Ming: Otherwise, they will all be killed.

Y: ...

Y seemed to be thinking about something and said: Killing loses points, and killing other people does not deduct any points or add points.

Y: The rest can depend on your situation.

The implication is that you can kill other people, it has nothing to do with the game.

Lei Ming, who understood what she meant, nodded his head, and finally looked below the 10th floor to see if there was any other way to go down.Because there is a balcony on the 7th floor from now on, and the rest of the floors are gone, and he said that after the 7th floor, you have to rely on other methods to go down.

Instead of thinking hard when jumping, it is better to figure out the method now, and then you don’t have to think about it when you are on the 7th floor. You can save time by implementing it immediately.

Because if you look down from the 7th floor, you will definitely overlook some details, because the viewing area is not enough, and it is not as wide as the view from the 10th floor.

There is no balcony below the 7th floor, but there is a rain pipe next to the balcony. It looks relatively strong. If you follow the rain pipe, you can go directly from the 7th floor to the 1st floor.

And the speed can be said to be very fast.

But now faced with a thing.

That is, he doesn't have any protective measures for his hands now. The glove on his right hand has been received after entering the game. In the [backpack] in the bracelet, the two he just mentioned don't have any gloves.

Lei Ming sighed helplessly, and said in his heart: It seems that we can only go to the 7th floor to look for it.

(End of this chapter)

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