The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 253 The Walking Dead - Thunder Chapter (19)

Chapter 253 The Walking Dead - Thunder (19)

After hearing this sentence, Lei Ming said in his heart, no matter whether he said or not in the end, the final outcome must be live fire, there is no doubt about it.

Y: The murderous intent was revealed.

Lei Ming hummed.

The people in the kitchen kept their eyes on the door in front of them, and put the gun in their right hand on their chest, aiming at the door. If someone outside pushed the door open, he would pull the trigger without hesitation. Fire bullets.

Lei Ming outside the door didn't make any movement, and after he finished speaking in the kitchen, he didn't continue to speak, nor did he make any movements.

The scene was stiff, because there was no movement outside the door, so that the people inside felt that they were too sensitive for a while, maybe there was no one outside but they thought there was someone.Thinking this way, he decided to go out to have a look. Of course, he didn't lower his vigilance, on the contrary, he was much more vigilant than before.

He stepped forward, put his left hand on the doorknob, turned it, and pushed the door open.

Lei Ming has been observing the situation in the kitchen with his mental strength. He saw that the people in the house walked forward to the door, and there was a tendency to open the door.

His eyes were still on the door, but he looked more lazy than before. Maybe for him, if the people in the house came out, they would die here in the next second.

Finally, the door was opened.

After he opened the door, he looked at the environment in the living room. There was no one in the living room, just like when he entered the kitchen.

At this time, he felt a cool breeze, and he felt a little comfortable in the oppressive living room.He relaxed his vigilance and enjoyed the breeze, but he didn't realize anything at this time.

When he stepped into the kitchen and turned around to close the door with his left hand, he remembered that when he came in here, the window of the balcony was obviously closed, why there was wind blowing over at this time.

As soon as he thought of this, he froze in place, and a thought rose leisurely in his mind. He slammed the door shut, and looked towards the balcony while closing the door.

When the door closed, the thunder blocked by the door appeared in his sight.

His intuition at that time was correct, there was someone in the living room!
After Lei Ming saw that he finally realized his existence, his expression showed disappointment and a little helplessness, but it was only fleeting.

He thought of something, raised the gun in his right hand, and pointed the gun at Lei Ming.

Lei Ming looked at the muzzle of the gun coldly, as if the gun was a toy gun and would not do any harm to him.

Y: A pistol.

In the next second, he pulled the trigger, and the bullet was fired from the muzzle of the gun. At the same time, a crisp sound of the bullet falling to the ground sounded.

Lei Ming, who was standing opposite the gun, looked at him as if he had nothing to do with it. When the bullet was fired, he calmly turned his head to the right.

As if calculated, the bullet flew past his ear, and he did not receive any damage.

That person didn't seem to be aware of the current situation. He watched Lei Ming slowly approaching him, and then Lei Ming picked up the knife and stroked lightly on his neck.

After doing these actions, Lei Ming opened the door and walked into the kitchen, he who stayed in the living room was stunned.

He watched Lei Ming cut his neck with a knife, but he didn't feel any pain until Lei Ming walked into the kitchen.

Just when he was happy to think that Lei Ming had 'missed' just now, he felt liquid flowing down his neck.He raised his left hand to touch his neck, which was wet and slightly sticky.

He put his left hand in front of his eyes, and what he saw was——

The blood on the left hand.

(End of this chapter)

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