There is a lucky cat in the dream

Chapter 542 The Wall Has Collapsed

Chapter 542 The Wall Has Collapsed

"That's the only way to show that they are smart, and they have been able to think about it since they were young. And you and Xiaobai are both in their 20s, and there is no child who can think about it in order to achieve their goals. Go straight, just don't talk to them earlier. Come on, even if people come, isn’t there another house upstairs? Put the cat there and let Yuedan watch it, and you’ll be fine if you say you haven’t run away from home a long time ago.” Jiu Shu shook his head with a look Look worried, "I feel like the next generation will be tougher."

Ye Chi's head is full of black threads, why does this involve the next generation?
"Yuedan is not Tiehanhan~" Cat Zai looked up at Jiushu, "I rushed out and took my sister away, and they didn't dare to come in."

"Ah, Yue Dan is so smart!" Jiu Shu lifted the cat cub up, and then directed Ye Chi Xu to say, "Don't look at Tie Hanhan, let's take this opportunity to fight two more monsters, and gain more experience." good."

The leaf pool is full of gas.

One big one and one small one, who sang and harmonized, got very angry.

The point is that she has no way to refute it yet.

If they had dealt with it like they did earlier, there might not be so many things in the future.

In the final analysis, the heart is too soft.

While grabbing the wandering soul blocking the way, Ye Chixu was thinking about how to deal with it so that the effect would not look so holy.

There was a cat pointing the way, and another person opened the way ahead, and the progress of the three of them had improved significantly.The kitten became sharper after concentrating, and the location of the spiritual nucleus became more and more precise.

Just when I arrived near the target location, I searched left and right for a long time but couldn't find the spiritual core.Mao Zai patted the back of Jiu Shu's hand, indicating that he wanted to go to the ground.If he can't find it like this, he can only determine the location of the spirit core by touching the ground with his claws.

The target location of the three was in a dead corner surrounded by many layers. If every wall was not pierced by tiny tree roots, it would be impossible for the three of them to find this almost sealed and preserved place.

"That's right, it should be under here." The cat stepped in a circle and said, "How can it be hidden so deep and protected by walls and hidden underground?"

Ye Chixu dug out the three-piece gardening set from her bag, and thought about this kind of professional work, otherwise, if I let the stone statues come, the progress of the search and extraction might be faster.

"Are you sure it's right below this?" Jiu Shu asked him.

"Sure! There is a strong wave of spiritual power coming from below, and even when I release the spiritual power to test, the inside can still respond... Judging from this feeling, it should be a good spirit beast. Help."

The kitten didn't know that they came here to find this spirit core to repair his spirit core, and was still thinking about whether they could rescue the spirit beast below.

"It should be hopeless." Jiu Shu signaled Ye Chixu to bring the cat cub, "It has been sealed below for so long, and if it is dug out, it should be just a purified spiritual core."

"Purified? It doesn't look like it!" The kitty flicked his tail, "I feel that the fluctuation of the inspiration below is very kind, and if I think about it, I can feel kind, it must not be a bad person."

"Then dig it out and have a look."

As Jiu Shu finished speaking, her legs hidden under the horse-faced skirt transformed back into her long tail.

Jiu Shu circled upwards with his tail curled up, circled the ground for a circle, then fell heavily, hitting the ground violently with his own tail.After a few heavy blows, a big hole was opened in the center of the wall, and the excess dust was swept to the sides by her.

In the crypt, layers of tree roots wrapped around a large golden ball.The surrounding dust dissipated, and the big ball in the middle shone brightly, attracting the cub to break free from Ye Chixu's arms and jump down.

The moment he raised his little paw to touch the big ball, the big ball transformed into a small golden ball, rolled a few times, and fell from the root-wrapped interior to the hollow of the pit.

The kitten followed up and stretched out its paws to fiddle with it twice, as if playing with an ordinary toy ball.

"Huh?" Ye Chixu was about to follow when he was sent flying by Jiushu's tail.

When she got up again, Jiu Shu had jumped out of the pit with the kitten wrapped around her.

"Quickly run away." Jiushu grabbed Yechixu's collar and picked up the kitten in his hand, swimming forward and escaping.

There was a rumbling sound behind him, and Ye Chixu turned his head to look back, and there was already smoke and dust billowing behind him.

"Didn't you say try not to damage the original structure here?" The surrounding environment was too noisy, so Ye Chixu could only ask loudly.

"If you want to take things out, the inside will definitely be destroyed! We have dug such a large piece of land, and the surrounding walls will definitely collapse, so I tell you to run quickly." Jiu Shu was still moving forward quickly. Swimming, every time she moved forward, a wall behind her collapsed and shattered.

"We did this, so we won't deduct our points!" Ye Chixu asked loudly again after listening to the battle.

She really needs points exchange experience to upgrade now.

"No! At least you won't be deducted. Anyway, I smashed these! It doesn't matter if my points are deducted or not! I have a lot of money!" Jiu Shu roared really confidently.

Ye Chi was silent.

It seems like it really doesn't matter if Jiu Shu smashes these things.

After all, there will be no one with a higher seniority than her now, let alone dare to hold her accountable.

"Anyway, they're here to take Suzaku's inner alchemy this time, and it doesn't matter whether it's a small battle or not!" Jiu Shu took advantage of the loud noise around him and didn't worry about anyone overhearing, "The thing is taken away, here After all, it is going to collapse, and it will collapse sooner or later. Does it matter who makes it collapse?"

Ye Chixu felt quite reasonable after hearing what she said...

The battle here was too big, and Qing Jiangshen, who was leading the team at the front, had to order the two teams that were still following her to rest in place. She quickly found a higher clearance to see the situation outside.

The walls here are smooth, and only the cracks in the gaps allow people to climb up.You can't stay for long after going up, otherwise your life will be in danger.

Qing Jiangshen roughly confirmed that it was the direction of the outermost layer. After making a silent calculation in his mind, he was able to determine what happened on the outer layer.

She quickly turned back, briefly explained a few words to the people in the team, and then led everyone on the road.

On the contrary, Liu Han was a little panicked by the subsidence of the outer layer, which may be the reason why he has a relatively close connection with this place.

The kitten has been holding the spirit core with its two small paws, and when it can't hold it anymore, it puts it half-clamped and half-hugged under its chin.

A person, a cat, and a demon ate a lot of ash mixed with mud and sand before they escaped from the area where the wall collapsed, and found a relatively safe place to sit and rest.

Jiu Shu returned to his previous appearance, and even patted the frayed corner of the skirt with distress.

"Wow... this..."

Ye Chixu watched the smoke and dust gradually dissipate, and the square-like flat ground revealed in the center of the accident couldn't help but let out a sound of admiration.

Jiu Shu picked up the glasses hanging on his chest to wipe the dust, and put them on again: "If you want me to say, you should come here. Anyway, this time you took away the things, and it won't be burned anymore. Insert all the way and go all the way. Maybe the progress is faster, sending those people out to find the way is too slow."

After the field of view widened, they also saw Xun Fengbai's team standing on the gap between the fifth floor.

Although only his figure can be recognized, Ye Chixu can also confirm that it is him.

Xun Fengbai stood in the gap and waved towards them.

"Let's go, go there. After that, we can just follow them. The main task has been completed." Jiu Shu patted the dust on his body, straightened the broken hair scattered from the bun on the top of his head, and confirmed Now he is dignified again.

"Then this spirit core..." Ye Chixu turned his head to look, and the cat cub had already fallen into a state of trance while holding the ball. She stepped forward to hug him and pat him, but he didn't respond.

"It's okay, I found things for him anyway, and it's good that he can resonate with him now, and it will save me time when I go back." Jiu Shu signaled Ye Chixu to hug the cat cub. , I have to pick up her collar again.

"No, it's only a few tens of meters away, and I still have to be carried..." Before Ye Chixu finished his refusal, he felt the hot wind blowing towards his face, which was also filled with dust.

She'd better keep her mouth shut, so as not to eat a mouthful of ashes.

It only took a few seconds for Jiushu to lead her through the ruins. Ye Chixu wiped his face, thinking that it would be better if the dust was smaller, otherwise it would really feel like he was flying.

"Just push it?" Xun Fengbai's eyes flicked between the two, and finally settled on Jiushu, "You are still so simple and rude in doing things."

"Is it convenient?" Jiu Shu clapped his hands, then looked back at the fragment of the wall, "Let's level this place later, and make it a square. Don't tell me that you won't come back to this place after the task is finished." , now there is no place with more spiritual energy and cleaner than this place."

Xun Feng raised his forehead in vain, which they have emphasized many times before: "That's why we must protect those walls and prevent the spiritual power from leaking out."

"Fart." Jiu Shu got angry and ignored his dignified image, "You don't even know what kind of monsters are hidden in the twists and turns of these walls, just that... that spider spirit, the one that weaves dreams, That thing is still hidden in the wall. We can't deal with it now, so I can only temporarily trap it in that place, and put a ban on it to prevent people from entering. We have to wait until the area recovers before we deal with it. "

"Is he still alive?" Xun Fengbai remembered that his parents had mentioned this monster to him, but they said that he had been burnt to death by Suzaku.

"Alive, alive and well, he's almost adapted to the living environment here." Jiu Shu crossed his arms in front of his chest and rolled his eyes, "If he waits until he completely adapts to the living environment here, he'll want to go Go anywhere, especially at a time like now, even if you send the ten strongest teams, the entire army will be wiped out."

"That really needs to be dealt with." Xun Fengbai frowned. He wanted to say something, but considering the crowd, he hesitated to speak.

"It's still necessary to let the boss at Feiniao come back and deal with it. He has a way to trap him here, so don't you worry that there is no way to deal with it then?" Jiushu said with a long breath, " Xu Xu, I’d better put it here with you first, let you take it away, it’s not safe for her to follow me. I’ll go out and find out if there are any old monsters hiding in there like him, if there is, I’ll trap them all, Then mark it on that little broken map, and wait for you to clean it up next time."

"Sister Jiushu..." Ye Chixu thought that there should be more points for exploring those places, and thought about trying to persuade her to take him with her.

"You follow them and do the work I arranged for you to open the way before, it's all the same." Jiu Shu rejected her idea with one sentence, "You follow me, and I will be distracted to protect you, I am alone Go and just take care of me. Not to mention Yuedan's current state, it's better to wait for him to recover, and then come and find me."

Ye Chixu looked down at the cub curled up in his arms, hesitated for a while before nodding.

"We'll use shells at that time." Jiu Shu touched the head of the cat who was still in a state of insensibility, turned around and left with the hem of his skirt.

Looking at her leaving figure, Ye Chixu sighed.

It was said before that the two of them formed a team together to rely on the cat's induction to find things, but now that the cat is like this, she can only drag her back, so it's better not to follow.

"It doesn't matter, Yuedan should recover soon. When he recovers, you can go to find Jiushu. Now it's not easy for you to hold Yuedan, so just follow the team." Xun Fengbai gently After saying a word, he walked to the front of the team again and greeted everyone to move on.

It is more dangerous to fight alone, and Ye Chixu didn't want to fall behind, so he quickly followed up.

The work done by Xun Fengbai's team was more boring and mechanical.

Their main purpose is to find out if there are any magic weapons left behind on each floor. If there are any and they are easy to get, they will pack them up and take them with them.If it's difficult to get it, mark it on the spot and on the map in your hand so that you can pick it up next time you come over.

Ye Chixu walked behind with the kitten in her arms. They said that she had no hands and no tools for her, so they just asked her to follow them.Ye Chixu gradually felt that he was useless in this team, but he also had to consider the cat in his arms, and he was powerless to help.

After yesterday's hard work, the members of Xun Fengbai's team made very fast progress today. They had finished sweeping the first floor in a short time and went inside.

Ye Chixu followed behind, and found that there were not many magic weapons left on this floor, and few of them could be marked in situ.She remembered what Jiushu said again, if Neidan was really taken away this time, would these walls still exist as they were?If it doesn't exist as it is, the current mark doesn't seem to be of much use.

But now everyone is working hard and carefully, and it's hard for her to ask a question as an idler who is only responsible for holding the cat.What's more, she couldn't be sure if the information was publicly available.It would be even worse if you said something you shouldn't have said.

(End of this chapter)

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