There is a lucky cat in the dream

Chapter 543 Memory in Spirit Core

Chapter 543 Memory in Spirit Core

Ye Chixu and Xun Fengbai's team went two floors in. After cleaning this floor, Xun Fengbai can lead the team to follow the main team and allocate new areas.

This maze has far more layers than Ye Chixu imagined. In the maze of the novice test, it didn't seem to take long to pass.She has never thought of the maze inside as very complicated, and even felt that the previous preparations were a bit too exaggerated.

It wasn't until she experienced it herself that she realized that the original maze was much more complicated than the projection outside.Some walls that Qing Jiangshen could not remember were directly merged with the front and rear walls during projection. The outer layers Qing Jiangshen remembers more clearly, and the further inward they are, the more they are merged.The number of layers equivalent to the maze outside is a simplified version of the actual maze.And the process of their mission is more like redrawing the original map.

It was only when Xun Fengbai's team was about to complete the task that Mao Zai came to his senses.

He groaned twice and turned over in Ye Chixu's arms, and rubbed against her arms twice.

"Are you awake?" Ye Chixu patted his head and said.

The kitty shook his head, raised his upper body and yawned.

"It's complicated," he exclaims.
"What's so complicated?" Ye Chixu asked.

"Nothing." Mao Zai looked around at his surroundings and realized that he was no longer with Jiu Shu.

"Where's Aunt Jiu Shu?" the cat asked Ye Chixu, raising his head.

"She said to go out and clean up the historical monsters, and we'll go find her after you wake up." Ye Chixu took out the covered shell bell from the fur on the cat's neck, "Use this."

Cat Zai thought for a while, then stuffed the small ball he had been holding into the shell bell, closed his eyes and remained silent for a few seconds before saying: "Tell the boss, we're going to find Aunt Jiushu. "

Ye Chixu raised his head and met Xun Fengbai's eyes looking at her.

He nodded at her.

"Let's go, he knows." Ye Chixu patted the cat's butt.

The kitten raised its paw and patted the bell around its neck.

Ye Chixu only felt that his feet were empty, and then stepped on the ground in an instant.


The cat raised its paw and pointed forward, Jiushu was rolling up his sleeves and beating the demon.

"Auntie! Here we come!" The kitty shook his ears happily and jumped out of Ye Chixu's arms.

Ye Chixu was caught off guard by his jump. She stretched out her left and right hands alternately to fish it out twice, but failed to catch it.


Jiu Shu let out a cry of surprise, put down his hands and raised his hands to hug the cub.

"Wake up!" Jiu Shu rubbed his fluffy face.

"That's right!" Mao Zai said full of energy.

One big and one small hugged happily, and the surrounding area was filled with happy air.

The monster crawling at Jiushu's feet wanted to take this opportunity to crawl away, but it never wanted to be trampled on the head by Jiushu.

"Don't think about getting lost." Jiu Shu looked down at him with a fierce look in his eyes.

Shouldn't it mean don't try to run?
Ye Chi's head was full of black lines, and he recalled the harmonious appearance of one big and one small huddling together just now, feeling a little jealous in his heart.

"Have you read everything in it?" Jiu Shu asked Maozai with a smile.

"I've finished reading!" The cat waved his two little paws, "It turns out that what happened before was so complicated! I didn't dare to say it over there. I can't say it until I get here."

"So what did you see?" Ye Chixu leaned forward and asked.

"Hmph." The cat turned his head away, "I don't want to talk to you."

"Why?" Ye Chixu moved to the side where he turned.

"Hmph." The kitty turned to the other side.

Ye Chixu strangled the nape of his fate.

The cat cub kicked his short four legs in the air, which was useless for him now, but he couldn't escape either.

"Do you want to talk about it? Are you really good at it after watching the ppt for a few hours? You've become arrogant with me." Ye Chixu squinted at him and said.

"You obviously know all about it and you still haven't told me!" The cat cub grinned, very dissatisfied.

"What do I know?" Ye Chixu frowned slightly, feeling faintly worried.

"Me! Ye Yuedan! A purebred Feifei!" The cat cub opened his mouth and showed his small fangs, threatening her, "You still mention the nape of my neck! If you treat me badly, I will slip away ! See who will make money for you."

"Oh. That's it." Ye Chixu said calmly.

She also thought that the cat cub knew about her incomplete spiritual core.

"The reaction is so flat! You don't even apologize to me!" The cat stretched out its claws and waved it hard, trying to create some momentum for itself.

"Then why don't you reflect on why you didn't show the ability that others have." Ye Chixu flattened his mouth, "I'm still aggrieved. Obviously everyone is cutting the same kind of spiritual beast, why is it that others are cutting It can help him bring him the luck to change his life. This one of mine..."

She paused here, then shook her head again.

"Apart from being cute, it doesn't seem to help me make much money."

The cat cub, who was just like a proud little rooster, died down at this moment, and lowered its head.Even the two small pointed ears that had been standing upright were pushed back.

"You can't say that." Jiushu supported the cat and looked at Ye Chixu, "If you can't find him, you might be poorer than you are now."

Mao Zai originally thought that Jiu Shu was coming to help him speak, and his little ears that had been suppressed before had already stood up.

Unexpectedly, what Jiu Shu said was not very pleasant.

The monster lying on the ground took advantage of this gap to try to escape again, but unexpectedly, Jiu Shu stepped on his tail again and crushed it twice.

"Okay, stop teasing him. After I finish this one, you two will follow me to find a useful spirit core." Jiu Shu waved them away.

Only then did Ye Chixu put the awkward kitten into his arms, and took a few steps back.

Jiu Shu estimated the location and found it suitable, and said: "The scene is too bloody, you two should turn around, it's not good for the children to see."

Ye Chixu raised her hand to cover the cat's ears, she only heard a burst of ping-pong-pong behind her, and then fell silent after a scream.

"Tuck it in." Jiushu put a seal on a small ceramic jar and stuffed it into his sleeve, "Let's go, find a break, I think it's almost time for you to go to work. We'll sit next to you Let’s take a rest, Yue Dan, tell us what you saw?”

Seeing her coming, the cat squirmed again and tried to get out of Ye Chixu's arms. Ye Chixu slapped her butt twice before it finally stopped moving.

He could only bury his head and make a grumbling sound to express his dissatisfaction.

"After knowing my identity, I have to be tougher, and I don't even listen to what my guardian says." Ye Chixu pinched his small ears that were exposed outside and said, "If you keep chattering, I will deduct your canned cat food for half a day. "

The kitten was quiet.

Jiu Shu was used to swimming when he was alone, but he still felt that Ye Chixu followed her slowly with two legs, so she picked up Ye Chixu and reached the gap a few times.

"How deep is it here?" Ye Chixu asked, standing at a much higher position than before.

"It should be about [-] floors deeper than where you were before. I moved faster than them, and I'm already here." Jiu Shu sat a little higher than Ye Chixu, with a long tail softly poised from above. It was flung down softly, swaying gently.

Only then did Ye Chixu realize that the tip of Jiushu's tail was not as round and smooth as a normal snake, and there were two symmetrical protrusions beside it.

She suspected it was something like a retracted fin.

"Can we talk now?" Ye Chixu poked the back of his head in his arms and said.

The cat cub ignored her and sulked.

Jiu Shu did not know when he swam behind Ye Chixu, and leaned his head on Ye Chixu's shoulder: "Speak, hurry up and go back to have breakfast."

The cat cub raised his head and glanced at Ye Chixu, then jumped from her embrace to the tree root next to him.

"Aunt Jiu Shu asked me to say it." Obviously still angry.

"That spirit core is not of any ordinary spirit beast. It belongs to the only Philip in the world!" The cat was very proud when he said this, with his chest puffed out and connected to the sternum under the hair All appear more prominent.

"Yue Dan is also the only Fei Fei!" Jiu Shu narrowed his eyes with a smile and was very flattered.

She slid and sat next to Ye Chixu, her tail hung down the tree roots to the ground and continued to sway comfortably.

"Yuedan will be very strong in the future!" As he spoke, he peeked at Ye Chixu with his big eyes.

"I thought about it, and it's not bad now." Ye Chixu held his chin and looked at him, "Cute and sensible, and the most important thing is that he looks good."

"Hmph." The kitty pretended not to care and turned his head away, but in fact, the swiftly swishing tail had already revealed his joy at this time.

"This story is very long to tell! Today we will pick some important ones. He hid himself so deep to prevent the black spirit from finding him again. In the black spirit, it was just a flower shop. They had disagreements when they were the boss, and the memory of this part is not very clear, maybe he himself doesn't want to remember it.

Roughly speaking, when he was still the owner of the flower shop, he had already done some unscrupulous things behind his back.The problem this time is not just that our yang fish have a traitor, but their yin fish also have a traitor!Just like a house, it definitely didn't collapse because there was a problem with one of the pillars. It would have to have problems with more than two pillars for it to collapse completely. "

"So, have you seen the traitor's face?" Jiu Shu is the best at grasping the key point he wants in the topic that he gradually deviates from.

"No." Cat Zai shook his head regretfully, and then said melancholy, "Hei Qiling never let him participate in those things, maybe he still has some love for him!"

"No." Jiu Shu snorted coldly, "If Feifei gets contaminated with the things under those Yin fishes, his attributes will be completely changed. From an auspicious beast that brings good luck to a ferocious beast that brings bad luck. Although quantitative changes can lead to qualitative changes according to the saying you often say in the world, no one knows the bottom line of this quantity, so they dare not try it lightly."

"Or..." Ye Chixu took the words, and put forward another hypothesis, "He is afraid that Fei Fei will escape from him after seeing all the truth, and hide here like now, let him find it If you can't find it, you can't find it. It's hard to say whether he has always used that Feifei as a tool, but Feifei must be fully dependent on him who raised him... If he didn't see something that he couldn't accept at all He won't run away either."

During the period of time when Yechixu was raising kittens, he knew their temperaments very well. Their love and dependence on the people who raised them was much deeper than those who took care of them.

Little animals are such kind-hearted little animals, but they are much loved by many people.

Once you treat them well, they may remember your kindness for a long time later, so as to ignore the harm you caused to him.

The kitten blinked, looked at Ye Chixu a few more times, and considered whether to run into her arms and squat down to talk.

The ground under my feet was a little hot and hard, but the temperature in Xu Xu's arms was just right and warm.

"Anyway...he fled here and hid. The Black Spirit was not like that at first. In his impression, he was a very responsible shit shoveler, and in all the scenes in his memory , the appearance of the black air spirit is shining."

He slowly moved towards Ye Chixu's direction, as if when he was recalling these pictures, he remembered the way Ye Chixu had been hugging him all this time.

Ye Chixu saw that he had to move 1 meter for a long time, so he reached out and hugged him.

"Say it quickly." She rubbed the top of Maozai's head and said.

"He was an ordinary flower shop owner before... Although the person who can open our flower shop seems to be not ordinary anymore. It seems that after receiving too many tasks from Yinyu, he is in the middle of the gap I found something, by the way, it is the place we went to last time, there should be some terrible secret in it." The cat tilted his head and thought for a while, when he looked at the memory in the spiritual core, he was also just looking at it After going through it roughly, he basically only remembered the things he was interested in, and the things he was not interested in were all flashing blurred shadows.

"It seems that... he found something in it, small, silver... and it can reflect light, well, this picture also flashed by, I didn't see it clearly at all, only when I went back. Find out what this is."

Ye Chi Xu Shunmao's hand paused, she had something in her heart that could match what he said, but she couldn't confirm it yet.

She also just glanced at it.

"After he got that thing, he liked to lie down in the room and study it when he had nothing to do. Sometimes he would stare at the mirror for a long time and write something on the paper after recovering. I guess it was us at that time. Go to the pile of scripts you picked up. Thinking about it this way, it seems that the pile of scripts is worth looking through again, okay, is there any important information in it that we haven't discovered before." Cat Zai thinks this Some of them should be done with Zijin after he goes back.

Zijin was familiar with those scripts.

(End of this chapter)

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