There is a lucky cat in the dream

Chapter 541 Responsibilities

Chapter 541 Responsibilities
"Ah! It's a big cat!"

"It looks so fierce, will you arrest someone!"

"Can he really live with Xiaowei?"

With the appearance of the kitten, a group of children around exploded in an instant.

The corner of Ye Chixu's mouth twitched slightly, wondering why he suddenly became so big?
The kitten jumped up and yelled half a meter away from the children, so frightened that they let go of Yuesi and dropped it to the ground.

A group of children chattered and were about to chase in, but Ye Chixu hurriedly stopped them.

"The big cat has not seen the kitten for a long time, so he chased it out and took it away because he was worried." Ye Chixu explained to several children, "The kitten has been following the big cat since it was brought back. Maybe it took her out for a long time today, and the big cat didn't see her, so it got anxious."

The kitty really leaned against the doorpost and listened for a long time, and found that the group of children still did not give up the idea of ​​taking Yuesi away, so they simply ran out and took Yuesi away by themselves.

"When the time comes, if you take the kitten to the store, the big cat will follow. The big cat has a strong will to protect the cubs. When the time comes, don't force them to hug them." Ye Chixu was still thinking about Yue How did Dan suddenly become so big?It is probably a short-term illusion...

Xun Fengbai saw that Ye Chixu was still able to deal with it, so he said he went in to check on the situation of the kitten, but in fact he wanted to see how the kitten was doing.

After the cat cub took his sister back to the room where Ye Chixu lived before, he almost couldn't hold on.He first gently put his sister on the bed, and then shrank back to its original size with a "poof".

When Xun Fengbai arrived at the door, he had already fallen on the bed in a daze, but his sister was helping him to lick his fur.

A month passed and both cats were almost the same size.Like now, it's especially noticeable when you're together.

Ye Chixu was thinking about Yue Dan and tried his best to persuade the children to go to the store to see the kittens in two days. He also gave them his mobile phone number and said to contact them then.This group of children reluctantly left their home.

When she rushed back to the bedroom, the kitten had almost recovered, and was licking his sister's fur with his head down.

"Is there anything wrong? What did you do just now?" Ye Chixu was relieved to see that he was fine.

"It's just that I used a little magic." Yue Dan helped her change her position by holding her sister's neck, and continued to lick the fur on her back, "There is nothing to worry about me, just a little magic, to support me Five or six minutes is fine."

"Less than three minutes." Xun Fengbai said, "It's less than three minutes from the time you rushed out of the living room to the time you returned to the bedroom."

The cat cub was not annoyed when he was exposed, and continued to lick his sister's fur and ignored him.

"Now the child is just a matter of time. Why are you talking? Before there was a large group of children outside, you didn't talk. Let me talk alone." After Ye Chixu confirmed that the cat was fine, he had time to talk to Xun Feng. Bai Bai talked about what happened in the living room before, "Didn't you make an appointment with the children before? You came to the house, but I received it instead."

"I think what you said is quite good, so I didn't say any more. Otherwise, it always feels like we two adults are bullying a group of children." Xun Fengbai looked at the cat cub silently for a while, and then said, "It's pretty good, and knowing that I'm going to snatch my sister back, I should be able to grow to such a big one in the future."

"Hey, why do you encourage children to grab things?" Ye Chixu was indeed relieved when he saw his sister being taken away by the cat cub, but now that Xun Fengbai praised the cat cub so much, he would feel that his behavior was right Yes, in the future, if you can't explain many things clearly to others, you may choose to take them away first.

"Isn't it normal for a big cat to take a kitten away? As you said, if Yue Dan is a cat mother and finds out that her kitten has been taken away, her reaction must be to snatch the kitten back first." Xun Xun Feng Bai pointed to himself, then to the cat cub, "This is normal in our animal kingdom."

Ye Chixu raised his forehead, she forgot today that this person is really just a big cat.

Still kind of fierce.

"Since Yuedan has confirmed that my sister is our child, I won't let the little friend take her away again." Xun Fengbai raised his hand and patted Ye Chixu's head and said, "Don't worry. "

"Before I co-authored you, you didn't think of Yuesi as our kitten at all, did you?" Ye Chixu was a little annoyed when he said that, after all, he had been raising it for more than a month, "It seems that you really thought about it before. Do you give kittens to kids who take them away and throw them away? Isn't it irresponsible for them to do that?"

"The child in the family can only raise another if they agree, which is also responsible." After Xun Fengbai finished speaking, he turned Ye Chixu to the two kittens snuggling on the bed, "Yuedan is different from other kittens. He can answer you."

"But Yuedan also agreed before, I'll take my sister back..." Ye Chixu recalled the scene that day, even if Yuedan disagreed, she felt that she couldn't do it if she didn't take her thin sister away.

"So it took him a while to accept that he has a younger sister." Xun Fengbai said softly.

Ye Chixu covered her face, she suddenly felt that her behavior of not hugging Yuedan this morning because her sister ran away was very bad.

"Yuedan, do you want a hug?" Ye Chixu rubbed against her.

The kitten glanced at her, then turned his head and continued to lick the fur of his sleeping sister.After so many days, my sister has almost forgotten the children downstairs who fed her ham sausage, but she still has lingering fears about their rough hugging.

Therefore, when I was outside, I was also very nervous, and when I returned to a safe environment and put down my guard, I was naturally tired.

The cat cub ran out of it because he felt his sister's shivering.

However, these subtle changes can only be magnified among the same kind, and Ye Chixu couldn't tell the difference.

She only thought that her sister was curled up in a small ball as usual curled up on her lap.

The children came to the house for a while and left, and it is only after three o'clock now.Ye Chixu thought about it, this time was the busiest time in the store, and He Lanyou said that she would not deduct her two-day vacation, so she planned to go to the store to help out again with her bag on her back.

He just went downstairs, and was actually entangled by that group of children again.

They were persuaded by Ye Chixu, but now they are clamoring to hug the kitten again.

The older little girl still had a look of disbelief, but she pushed out the little girl who said she could take the kitten back to raise and asked, standing in the distance and looking at Ye Chixu with unfriendly eyes.

Ye Chixu was still busy with work, so she took a group of children to look at the mailbox she broke last time.

She turned her head and stared directly at the slightly older little girl and asked, "I'm just asking you, can you provide her with a safe environment? Can you guarantee that her parents will keep her after taking her home? If parents I disagree, did you leave her outside again like last time, and let her get wet in the rain outside? She was full and hungry, screaming with hunger every morning on the side of the road, and the other little boys downstairs Put her in a dark mailbox like this one while you are not paying attention, if I hadn't come down that morning to take her out for inspection, it has rained so much this month, the cat may have disappeared."

The little girl that the family agreed to adopt was also agreed to by the family in the past two days, and it was also under the condition that it could be found.

Ye Chixu squatted down, and said in a calm tone to the little girl who wanted to adopt: "Well, little sister, if you really want to adopt, you can ask your parents to call me, and I will send them the request. They think it’s okay, so they come to me for an interview and sign an agreement. Follow my request and make a formal adoption. Even if you don’t want it when the time comes, you can bring it back to me.”

Through the communication with them before, she is [-]% sure that the parents of this little girl will not come to look for her.Even at the point of the interview, Ye Chixu is confident in persuading them to let the kitten stay at her home.

She thought for a while, and then said: "The kitten was originally a stray cat, and you threw it downstairs. After feeding it for a few days, you can't prove that it is yours. If you say it is the cub of a stray cat mother. Today I agree with you to go back and ask again, because I really like seeing you. I rescued her from downstairs and took her for a medical examination. I am already her adopter. If I am tougher, I won't talk to you about this at all. Just be more aggressive when you come to the door, and just drive you away.

Your heart to help small animals is sincere, but before that, you have to measure whether you have the ability to adopt and take care of small animals.Don't act on a whim, just like you took the kitten away from the mother cat that day. You think you are very happy to pick up a kitten. Then you know how panicked the stray cat mother is, and she is looking for it downstairs again. How long is the kitten?This is what I told you, don't just agree to go with strangers, if you are suddenly taken away by strangers, your parents will only be more anxious. "

The children who were chattering around Ye Chixu before suddenly stopped talking.

Ye Chixu stood up with the bag on her shoulders on her back, and said: "My children, although you call me sister, in fact, I think I can be regarded as an aunt at my age. Let me just say this, and you will be impressed later. Mine is sincere, and what impresses the uncle upstairs who didn't come down is also sincere. You are still so young, don't lie to others just because you want to achieve some goals, those who teach you to lie are wrong."

After finishing speaking, Ye Chixu strode away directly, took a taxi and went to work.

"I'm really angry." Upstairs, Xun Fengbai squinted his eyes at the stairs, with two cats, one big and one small, on his shoulders.

"Phew, it feels so good to grow bigger." The cat's spiritual power is not enough to support it to break through the limit and grow bigger, but now Xun Fengbai lent him a little strength.As long as he stands on Xun Feng's white shoulders, he will not change back.

"Speaking of which, do the fifth and sixth floors belong to our family now?" Cat Zai suddenly looked upstairs and said, "Otherwise, we can seal the fifth and sixth floors and treat them as our own home. It’s super big! It’s better to seal up the roof and transform it into a small garden, so that my sister and I have a place to play.”

"Don't occupy the fire escape." Xun Fengbai moved him off his shoulders and held him in his arms, and the adult kitten instantly returned to its previous appearance.

The younger sister also jumped down with a "meow".

"Hey, it's hard for me to grow up, and I won't let me change for a while." The cat cub said dissatisfied.


Ye Chixu became more and more angry because of the things during the day, and at night, when he fell into a dream, he demolished monsters more quickly on the way to find the spiritual core.

Today is the second day after the spirit of fire has faded, and some wandering spirits combined with spirits of fire and black air in the aisle of the maze are gradually waking up.

Jiushu could faintly feel her murderous aura when he walked behind her with the kitten in his arms.

Before coming in, Ye Chixu had gone to appraise her spiritual power, and the conclusion was that she didn't need a weapon.

Just use two hands.

The development of her spiritual power gradually deviated in another direction, that is strength.What she needs to practice is to evenly cover her two hands with aura, like two gloves, to protect herself while increasing the lethality of each palm shot.

After getting the result, Xun Fengbai said that in two days he would help her find a master who can learn palm techniques, and he didn't know if they would accept her at her age.

The leaf pool is full of gas.

It doesn't matter if you can't use your favorite weapon, but if you try to learn palm skills now, you might be rejected.On the contrary, it would be much happier to be hammering away like this now.

It is also because the wandering spirits they have encountered so far are just low-level monsters. These wandering spirits have no self-awareness, and just float randomly on the way forward, blocking the progress of the forward progress. alright.

If he encounters a conscious advanced monster, Ye Chixu's current hammer will not be of much use, and he may be injured because of his inability to move.

"So what happened today..." Jiu Shu lowered his head and asked Cat Zai.

Cat Zai had no choice but to repeat what happened today and yesterday, but he didn't forget to add that there was a "military adviser" among the children.

"Nowadays, children are all little ghosts, and they can't believe what they say. It's normal to be cheated once or twice." Jiu Shu looked at Ye Chixu's back and said gloatingly.

Ye Chixu's steps stopped, and the movements of his subordinates also stopped.

"So, it's time to teach them well." Ye Chixu gritted his teeth, "I persuaded them for a long time before I agreed, but I didn't expect them to be provoked by that child again. What made me even more angry was that she thought about it later. If you don’t come up and tell me those things yourself, what’s the point of using a younger child to tell me?”

"That's why you can't do it." Jiushu covered his mouth and laughed twice.

(End of this chapter)

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