Chapter 534 Maze (1)

Qing Jiang held her face deeply and snorted coldly: "Just show it off! Are things ready? Liu Han will be on vacation next week, and we will form a team and prepare to go there."

Ye Chixu was startled, and asked, "Don't they have a holiday until the 12th, why is it next week?"

Qing Jiang held her face deeply and continued: "Liu Han's exam schedule for this semester is pretty good, four of them are finished on this Friday, and the remaining one is No. 12. Considering that there may be some students among us For the inner ghost, we plan to arrange to enter the maze immediately after the exam this Friday, let him prepare for the remaining subject in advance, if it is impossible, put the materials in the bag, we will rest during the break, and he will read the book."

Ye Chixu's intuition that "gap" is a place name, not a point in time.

"I have already marked the specific map. You have the ordinary map in your hand. I will give it to you before Friday. After you have marked it, go back and memorize it." Qing Jiangshen continued to arrange.

"Okay." Ye Chixu looked at the ring on her hand, feeling in a daze that going to the maze this time might be more dangerous than she imagined.

"So let's just forget about your marriage proposal?" Qing Jiangshen said suddenly, "Just beg at the bedside at home, and you agreed so quickly, so there is no sense of ceremony."

Ye Chixu calmed down, raised his hand and said to her: "No way, I have seen the promotional pictures of this ring for many years, and I was really a little excited when I saw the food for this thing appearing at home yesterday. Re agreed. However, now that I have calmed down, I don’t regret it after thinking about it.”

"You won't let him beg again seriously?" Qing Jiang said with a deep expression on her face that she didn't think it was a big deal.

"No way." Ye Chixu was a little distracted again, "Actually, I don't even want to hold a wedding. I think it will be fine to go to reality and get a marriage certificate when the time comes. Thinking about it this way...we seem to be dreaming of the present world for a hundred years. It was signed a little earlier, and I haven't officially visited his parents yet."

"Sister Xun, the couple..." Qing Jiang squinted her eyes deeply and recalled, "As long as you are willing to sign a century-old agreement with their Xiaobai, they will be happy from ear to ear. It doesn't matter if you see them or not." It's not a big deal..."

"Is this...wouldn't it be impolite?" Ye Chixu only started to think about these issues now.

"No." Qing Jiangshen moved forward pretending to be mysterious, "If I tell you that they have sneaked across to see you many times, would you believe it?"

Ye Chixu was stunned.

She didn't expect such an operation.

"Don't worry, several old ministers are busy these two days, so I definitely don't have time to come and see you. You don't have to feel overwhelmed in advance." Qing Jiangshen wrung his fingers and calculated, "When the meeting was held a year ago, Not necessarily, they will definitely come over and pull you to talk a lot, maybe they will come up with more things... Their family, especially sister Xun, is like this. If she likes you very much, no The other way of expression is to buy things for things crazily. If you don't accept them, you don't like her, so you have to accept these valuables. "

Speaking of this, Qing Jiangshen recalled the fear of being given a gift by Xun Fengbai's old mother.

"In short, they are very precious things. These things are not the kind of precious things in reality. They are precious to us. If sister Xun gives it to just need to smile and thank you and accept it. gone."

"Okay..." Why did Ye Chixu feel that the burden in his heart was heavier after talking with Qing Jiang deeply.

"Yes, I just said it to remind you. I'm afraid that if you don't want to collect things then, Sister Xun will think you don't like her." When Qing Jiangshen said this, she looked at the watch on her wrist and grabbed it. After picking up the snack she had packed, she said, "It's almost time, I should go back to work, so let's stop here today."

"Okay~ Let's get together before the maze." Ye Chixu greeted.

After Qing Jiangshen left, Ye Chixu couldn't calm down at all.Although she often yelled at home that it would be great if a rich woman and sister would be with her, but she would never accept such a "rich woman and sister".

However, now that she knew that this "sister rich woman" was Xun Fengbai's mother, she inevitably felt a sense of tragedy "I can't run away".

It really can't escape.

Ye Chixu sighed, thinking that when the time comes, he can only take the things away first and then stuff them to Xun Fengbai.

When she mentioned this matter to Xun Fengbai, Xun Fengbai refused.

"Just keep what mom gave you." Xun Fengbai said while helping her blow dry her hair.

Ye Chixu doesn't like to blow-dry her hair, even in winter she lets her hair hang down behind her to dry naturally.Originally, her hair was thick and thick, so it took four to five hours to dry it naturally.

Now that the two of them live together, Xun Fengbai will blow her half dry after she comes out of the shower if he can't stand it anymore.

He completely reasonably suspected that Ye Chixu didn't blow it because he was lazy. During this period of time, he would blow her hair for her whenever he was at home, and she didn't show much resistance.

"But... Qing Jiangshen said that the gifts from mother are all expensive. I'm afraid..." She was afraid that she wouldn't be able to repay the gift.

Ye Chixu's hair is indeed very thick, and every time I blow it, I need to blow it slowly.She finds it troublesome, but Xun Fengbai never tires of it.

He clamped the blown hair on the top with a hair clip, and then blew the middle half of it: "That's only relative. As long as the person who gave the gift didn't think it was precious, then this thing is not precious. It was given by my mother." Don't think about returning gifts, if you make two more boxes of snacks for her when you have nothing to do, she will be very happy... And she won't give birth, don't worry."

"I'm not worried about giving birth... It's just that in the past two days, my mentality has not changed very well. Sometimes when I see the ring on my hand, I think that I seem to be married." Ye Chixu looked down at the heart-shaped Ring moved his fingers, "And now the feeling of excitement has faded...Looking at my high school aesthetics, I can't help but feel a bit earthy."

Xun Fengbai thought she regretted agreeing to the proposal when she said that the excitement had faded, but he was relieved to hear that she just disliked the ring.

He put down the hair dryer, took out another simple ring from the drawer of the bedside table and handed it to Ye Chixu: "When I bought it, I thought you might dislike it for being too earthy, so I went to the counter next door to buy another ring." The style is simple and elegant.”

Ye Chixu changed silently.

"The big one can be used as a wedding ring when you propose again when you go to get the certificate." Ye Chixu asked with a smile.

She was actually just joking. When discussing with Qing Jiangshen, she said that the ceremony was simpler, but she was actually very satisfied.

Just at home, the two of them were quietly together, and no one else came to make a fuss. When I think about it, I feel very happy. Marriage was originally a matter of two people.


She didn't expect Xun Fengbai to agree immediately.

"After thinking about it, I thought I could give you a more formal and romantic proposal." Xun Fengbai said seriously.

"Don't!" Ye Chixu turned around and put his arms around his waist, "I really don't want to make a sudden marriage proposal in public, and then become the target of everyone's onlookers. I was just joking just now!"

Xun Fengbai was taken aback for a moment, then tried to persuade her again: "I really think..."

"You don't want you to think it! I want me to think it." Ye Chixu laughed after finishing speaking.

More than half a year has passed and it is already considered an old meme.

Xun Fengbai frowned slightly, but still nodded.


In a blink of an eye, Liu Han had already finished his four main subjects. The exam ended on the 12th, and the pre-mission analysis meeting was also on the same day. At least six nights to do the task.

"I will take my two days off this month on Monday and Tuesday next week." Ye Chixu told Xun Fengbai, "I can participate in full-day activities during these two days."

This time, they distributed auxiliary wristbands to everyone. Even if they went offline during the day, some of the remaining people would continue to walk forward with them.It is very likely that when you go offline, you are still at a node, and when you go online, you find that you have already traveled a long distance.

Due to time constraints, they only gave Liu Han two hours for lunch and dinner each day, and Liu Han only learned of this "bad news" after the exam was over.

"Aren't you really going to leave the 11th for me to review? I really don't want to fail." Liu Han said with a trembling voice.

"Actually, we have already reserved a budget for you on the 11th. We are in such a rush ahead just to make more time for you later. Now we are planning to include the 11th for the time being because we are afraid that we will not be able to finish the road ahead." Qing Jiangshen took out the schedule and asked everyone to draw one.

"We will slow down during the day. Half of us have real lives during the day. In addition to taking care of this half of the people, slowing down during this period of time is also a time for everyone to rest. You can use this time to review " When Qing Jiangshen said the last sentence, she turned her head and saw Liu Han, "You are the core of this mission, so I'll just say it, anyone can log off for a long time, but you can't. So the meal At that time, I suggest that you act quickly, and the suggestion is to order the takeaway for the evening at noon."

"I...someone cooks at home." Liu Han thought that Uncle Long and Uncle Li were still at home, so he would definitely not let him go hungry.

"That's the best." Qing Jiangshen turned back, looked down at the things that hadn't been said today, and continued.

Ye Chixu got her timetable, and her timetable was relatively loose, but it was marked that she needed to close the flower shop during this time and bring all her contract spirits with her.

When it was time for the question session, she raised her hand and asked this.

"Bring these contract spirits to ensure your safety." Qing Jiangshen replied, "Liu Han must also bring all his contract spirits, this is also to ensure his safety."

"What?" Liu Han hurriedly opened his schedule. He didn't read it because there were too many arrangements written on it.

"The last page." Qing Jiangshen reminded friendlyly, "So I was thinking, why does someone in your family cook for you?"

Liu Han: "..." I hope the takeaway in the village will be good.

The preparatory meeting in the early stage clarified everyone's division of labor. After listening to it, Ye Chixu only felt that he was just going to make soy sauce and get a wave of experience by the way.

The core of the task is still to awaken Liu Han's memory, but he seems to be more concerned about the final exam in his life.

After the meeting, Qing Jiangshen gave Ye Chixu the map she had processed, and asked her to remember to go back and copy the marks.

"The real maze will be dozens of times larger than the one you have been to before, so even if you memorize the information on it, you may still find it difficult when you actually use it." Qing Jiangshen said after she left Qian exhorted, "If you don't know any of the nouns marked above, you can ask Xun Fengbai more."

Ye Chixu saw the "gap" at a glance, and when she asked Xun Fengbai, she also knew that mark was where Qing Jiangshen's previous roots penetrated.

"The gap will be wider than you imagined, so I am more curious about Qing Jiangshen's real strength." Xun Fengbai said.

root?How big can it be?

The naive Ye Chixu thought so.

When the first point they entered the maze was the "gap", she was stunned by the sight in front of her.

"How come..." she muttered to herself.

They came this time with more than 20 people, divided into four teams, each team was led by the minister of each department, the team members were the confidantes of the minister of each department, and most of them were demons.

Ye Chixu was counted in Xun Fengbai's team, and even Jiu Shu clamored to join her, so there were two more people in Xun Fengbai's team.

Now, more than 20 people are all standing on the "gap".Qing Jiangshen's main tree roots here are each tens of meters wide.

"Shock it." Jiu Shu lay on Ye Chixu's shoulder and said, "I was also shocked when I saw how such a small flower released so much spiritual power. The key is that he was releasing After so much spiritual power, he still has the spiritual power qualifications required to become a department head... The younger generation is awesome..."

Ye Chixu glanced at Qing Jiangshen who was standing on a high place and assigned tasks to each group, feeling a little complicated.

She thought that Qing Jiangshen was very strong, but she never thought that she would be this strong.And behind the ease she usually shows when getting along with herself is her meticulousness for decades.

Regarding the real situation of this labyrinth, she never seemed to intend to announce it to the outside world. Those who can reach this place are all her own people.

"There will be a lot of lost fairy treasures in the maze. Although I have told you many times, I still want to emphasize it today... Take it if you can, take it if you don't want it, and find a way to get the most out." Qing Jiang Shen stood on a high place and said loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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