There is a lucky cat in the dream

Chapter 533 Sudden Marriage Proposal

Chapter 533 Sudden Marriage Proposal

Everyone knows that the faster the analysis of samples, the better, but no one mentions it.Ye Chixu spoke out, which also gave everyone a sense of urgency.

In the next few days, I actually screened the gaps in the decades of records according to the groups I had divided.I don't know if I don't check it, but I found a lot of missing pages.Some have been neglected to record, and others appear to have been torn from the bound documents in recent times.

After summarizing several meetings, everyone found that there were no rules to follow for these omissions, so they had to be roughly divided into two categories, and more investigations were carried out.

Ye Chixu finished her part and stayed in the store with peace of mind.The workload on the first and fifteenth day of each month has also been allocated, and a few friends come to the store to visit from time to time, and her life is considered leisurely.

The environment at the branch store is very suitable for Yun Ling's growth. The last time Ye Chixu saw her, she grew up a bit.Lin Xiaolang has also been there many times, each time trying to persuade her to go with her, but Yun Ling refused, and she did not force her anymore.

Liu Han's first month's sales could only be considered a hand-to-mouth living. Ye Chixu thought that the winter vacation would be coming soon and everyone would have to form a team to go to the maze. He should also need more money to buy equipment and medicinal materials, so I'm not ashamed to redistribute it to him, I just say it's a subsidy for this month.

Liu Han said gratefully that if he made money in the future, he would make up for this month's commission to his senior sister. He insisted again and again, and Ye Chixu agreed.

The moon silk at home grows very fast, and it has grown two circles within a month after picking it up.Ye Chixu rubbed the kitten's teeth every day to touch the small tooth that hadn't loosened yet.The rest of the teeth are almost coming in, and his last tooth has not yet loosened.

Ye Chixu was worried that his sister had finished changing, but he hadn't finished changing yet.

Xun Fengbai didn't think there was a big problem. In his guess, he would definitely change after going to the maze this time.

Ye Chixu looked at him in no hurry, and didn't want to say anything else. He just concentrated on preparing the things he might need to go to the maze, and put a lot of cat food at home.

New Year's Day will come soon, which is also the day they promised to go home.Ye Chixu's old undercover mother had already vaccinated her father in advance. He shouldn't act too exaggerated or embarrass others when he said they were coming home.

Although Papa Ye nodded in agreement, he was serious in action. He thought about the conditions of Xiao Xun's family, and bought some new decorations in his home, just to show the grandeur of the home decoration and not to be inferior.

Ye Chixu went home a few days early to have a look, and when he turned his head, he couldn't help complaining to his old mother that the topaz dragon boat at home was really ugly.The old mother agreed.

On the day when he officially went home to meet his parents, Papa Ye dug out the high-quality tea leaves that others had given him and brewed a pot, and put two large plates of imported cherries on the table.

The moment Ye Chixu walked in, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Very rich and very rustic.

Xun Fengbai prepared a diamond necklace for Ye's mother in advance, a watch belonging to Ye's father, and two simple and down-to-earth high-end foot massage devices that are essential for winter - one of which was said to be for Ye Chixu's grandparents. Send it over.

Ye Chixu was thinking about how much it would cost, and how long it would take to pay it off... But she dared not say this, and if she said it, she might be punished.

It's very cowardly.

The two sides had a cordial and friendly talk. Half an hour later, Father Ye was satisfied with the young man. He looked at Ye Chixu, who was squatting next to him and eating fruit, who had no facial features at all, and felt a little ashamed in his heart.

But when he looked again, Xiao Xun next to her looked at her with full affection. Even the plate with the core was served by him...

"Ye Chixu, you sit down for me! It didn't matter if you were standing or sitting, but now you are all about to start a family. Why are you still like this!" Papa Ye couldn't help shouting, "And When Xiao Xun comes, you will know that you will eat by yourself, and you will not greet him."

Ye Chixu blinked, and slowly slid down on the sofa, took the plate from Xun Fengbai's hand and continued to eat the fruit quietly: "How old is he, he can take it if he wants to eat, and if you want me to Put it in your mouth?"

For the rest, she... mainly has nothing to say.

Papa Ye was furious, and was about to speak to her again.Xun Fengbai then offered to help in the kitchen - now it was only Ye's mother who was busy in the kitchen, while Ye's father took on the posture of the head of the house and sat outside in the living room to greet the guests.

"Oh, don't go." Ye Chixu pushed him back to his seat, and then whispered, "Let me go, you can have a good chat with my dad outside, or I will be punished again." insulted……"

After entering the kitchen, Ye Chixu even closed the double glass door of the kitchen.The mother and daughter were completely inaudible outside talking inside.

"How is it?" Mama Ye glanced outside, then winked at her again, "You don't know how long your dad has been preparing in advance, I saw him check the first time on the Internet two days ago What questions does the son-in-law want to prepare for? When I think about that scene, I feel awkward, and I hid in the kitchen early."

Ye Chixu pursed his lips and said, "I knew it would be better to have a meal outside. It's also the first time I bring someone back to meet my parents. I don't know what to say. I just eat next to me, and I have to be treated indiscriminately." Attacking... He may think that his son-in-law is good after the exchange, and now he is starting to dislike his daughter."

"Hahaha." Mother Ye stared at Ye Chixu and smiled for a while, then said seriously, "I'm not criticizing you, next time you go to Xiao Xun's house to meet the parents, you have to be nice to me, don't act like you are in your own home Sit by and eat all the time."

"Of course I won't... The main reason is that I'm too embarrassed to sit there today, and I'm afraid that Dad will ask him some strange questions and dare not leave... Otherwise, I would have come here to help you." Ye Chi Xu secretly rolled his eyes, "If you think about it this way, it's better to eat outside, it's convenient for everyone, and you don't have to be so embarrassed."

Mother Ye brought the food to the pot: "We will eat out in the evening, and you will take Xiao Xun out to play in the afternoon. Your grandparents and grandparents will come in the evening."

"Ah——" Ye Chixu felt a little bald when he thought of his grandfather who would automatically switch to bureaucratic mode whenever a guest came.

Fortunately, we ate outside at night, and the family sat in a box.Xun Fengbai answered questions with a correct attitude and performed well, and the overall atmosphere was quite harmonious.

Ye Chixu hasn't told his old-fashioned father yet that the two of them have moved together.So tonight, she obediently went back upstairs and turned on the lights, and sneaked back downstairs after confirming that her father's car had left downstairs.

"How about it, isn't it embarrassing? My father is like this. You don't have to pay attention to the many questions he asks." After washing, Ye Chixu sat in front of the dressing table and said while wiping his face.

"It doesn't matter, uncle is quite interesting, and he's also very upright." Xun Fengbai sat next to her and watched her skin care, and suddenly he also got a smear of cream on his face.

"Winter is dry, even if your skin is good, you can't fool around like this?" Ye Chixu motioned him to push away, "Fortunately, you are very smart, but I am not very smart at all, and I have been robbed by black air Little head...I'm starting to worry now that I'm going home with you."

"Don't worry, my parents like you very much. And even if you are willing to go back with me, it should be after the Chinese New Year." Xun Fengbai pushed away the cream on his face as she asked, and wiped it carelessly After a few pauses, he continued, "It is very likely that the time you met was not at my house, but at the Dream World Conference years ago. Your identity as the owner of the flower shop should also have a place, so let me tell you first, you have to Be mentally prepared."

Ye Chixu was stunned for a moment, thinking that there were only about 20 days left until the Chinese New Year this year. Should she prepare some clothes in advance so that she could at least dress nicely on the day of the meeting...

In the eyes of the two of them, the matter of going home is not as important as the recent situation in the dream world.

The last sample has been analyzed urgently within this month.Chun Que was also quickly equipped with screening medicines and preventive medicines and distributed them to various departments.

The recruitment of new people in each department and the incorporation of new people into the dream world will also stop today. New people coming in on December 31st will be uniformly assigned to departments according to their abilities to enter the intensive training class after completing the novice tasks.

"Liu Han will have winter vacation in twelve days. We have all our things ready, so we should go to the labyrinth." Ye Chixu sat on the bed and flipped through the notes in her mobile phone. Many things that I experienced in my life were recorded on my mobile phone.In case the plan fails at that time, she will be expelled from the dream and completely forgotten.

She didn't tell Xun Fengbai about this, but she just made a plan silently, just in case.

"Have you stocked up on your New Year's goods? I have prepared some Yuedan and Yuesi cat food and canned food. If you don't have enough, you can ask me to get them." Seeing her reading the memo, Xun Fengbai thought it was Confirming supplies.

"I bought a lot of them, and I left about a hundred yuan as a guarantee for my mission failure." Ye Chixu closed the note and replied.

Xun Fengbai stopped what he was doing and glanced at her, then turned around and said very seriously: " think about it, register with me in Mengxianshili now, in case your 100 yuan If it’s not enough, I’ll give you a guarantee on my side.”

Ye Chixu blinked, patted the bed and sat upright.

"Does your attitude look like you are proposing marriage? Why don't I feel the sense of ceremony at all!"

Marriage proposal in this situation seems inappropriate.

So, Xun Fengbai turned over again and took out a small black box from the drawer at the head of the bed, went around to Yechixu's side, opened it, and knelt down on one knee.

"Will you marry me? On the first day of the new year, we will go to Dream Realm to register." Xun Fengbai looked into her eyes very seriously and said.

Ye Chixu was stunned.

She didn't expect that what she said as a joke just now when she jumped up would actually develop towards this situation.

All her eyes are now attracted by the small box in Xun Fengbai's hand.

Inside is the diamond ring that she sent to Moments after going to the movies when she was in high school and said she liked it very much.

Her heart is turbulent, but the surface is calm.

"You... How long have you been preparing for this?" She thought she was calm enough, but she didn't expect her voice to tremble.

"When I was preparing a gift for my aunt, the store selling this ring happened to be on the same floor. You said I went over to buy it when you went to the toilet." Xun Fengbai raised the ring in his hand and said, "if you are willing to."

Ye Chixu bit her lower lip and suppressed a smile.

"Then you... I went to the bathroom for 5 minutes, how did you have time to sign that true love agreement?"

"I went to sign it a month ago, and the ring was set. I just stopped by to get it back that day." Xun Fengbai asked with a smile, "Do you want it?"

"Of course I want it!" Ye Chixu quickly stretched out his hand, "I wanted to be reserved at first, but after thinking about it, it seems that this ring is quite expensive, so I'd better accept it."

Xun Fengbai put the box beside the bed, took out the ring from it, and gently pushed it on to Ye Chixu.

"The size is quite suitable." Ye Chixu looked at his hands with a bright smile, and turned his head to look for the phone.

"Well, I asked Yue Dan to measure it secretly." Xun Fengbai stood up and stopped her from looking for her phone.

He gently held her face, bowed his head, and kissed her.

Ye Chixu's hand hanging aside had already grasped the phone, but she chose to let go, and cupped Xun Fengbai's face with her backhand.

Circle of friends……

Let’s repost it tomorrow to blind them.

Ye Chixu and Xun Fengbai went to Fengdui to sign their century-old agreement. This agreement is actually more important to them than the marriage certificate in reality.It was in this world that they deepened their understanding of each other and finally came together, so this agreement may have more important meaning to them.

The ring on Ye Chixu's hand dazzled all the customers who came to the store today. She also called all her friends and remembered to come to the store to get a piece of food today, which would be regarded as wedding candy.

Qing Jiang stood outside the window sill with her face in her hands and looked at it again and again, with 100% envy in her eyes.

"Single dogs like us have been single for hundreds of years, and they are still like this. I didn't expect you, a little girl, to be engaged at the age of 23." Qing Jiangshen said.

"Oh, this is so sudden. He just mentioned this matter suddenly. He took out the box in a flash, and then knelt on one knee by the bed." Ye Chixu touched the ring on his hand and returned it. Reminiscing about that moment, "It's so funny when I think about it. Why was the proposal place next to the bed? I had imagined that it might be in several other very romantic places."

(End of this chapter)

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