Chapter 535 Maze (2)

Qing Jiangshen's attitude towards this ruins seems to be different from that of ordinary people.If ordinary people guard such a relic, they will definitely try their best to ensure that they can obtain the maximum benefit, and will not let everyone who comes try to take as much as possible from this relic.

Perhaps sensing Ye Chixu's confusion, Xun Fengbai explained in a low voice: "In this labyrinth, apart from the magic weapons left by the former members of Asuka, there are also treasures scattered by various ferocious beasts. Too much time has passed. Now, those things are mixed in this area, and it’s hard to tell who’s who. So people who come here try to get as much as possible, which is good for the dream world.”

"But... haven't you all come in many times, haven't you taken out all the things in here?" Ye Chixu asked.

Xun Fengbai looked at the circle of people around Qing Jiangshen, and they were the only ones standing on the outermost periphery, so he continued to explain to Ye Chixu: "This map has not been opened for a long time, and there is only one map up to now. About one year, you can come in once a month, and each time you come, you can only push the progress closer. The marked points on the map Qing Jiangshen gave you are the information we have obtained from many previous explorations. Now you can We came in because we are close to the center and can guarantee that Liu Han will be sent to the center this time."

"Then... what if we can't do it this time? Do we have to wait until next month?" Ye Chixu thought that staying so long to do the task this time should be able to prove that the task is extremely difficult High.

"Liu Han's application for postponement of the exam has been handed in." Jiu Shu said with a smile, "I just handed it in before I fell asleep today, and it was a sick leave. If the school can pass the review, Liu Han's vacation will start from today. Yes. If the review fails, we can only let him go out for half a day to take the exam that day, and then pass the test when he comes back."

"Can this mission be delayed for so long?" In Ye Chixu's impression, Xun Fengbai said several times in the past that he would only go for this mission for a day or two, but he did not expect that this time the front could be dragged on for such a long time.

Jiu Shu nodded, and then pointed to the red clouds in the distant sky: "This map can be opened for at most half a month, and the power of the fire spirit will become stronger the longer it goes on, so it's better for us to fight quickly."

Xun Fengbai took over and continued to explain the core of this mission to Ye Chixu: "The sooner it is solved, the better for us. Our mission this time only needs to send Liu Hanmu to the ruins in the center of the maze. , only he can enter that place, Qing Jiangshen will be waiting for him outside, and it’s time to go back after we get there."

After finishing speaking, he went to a place close to Qing Jiangshen to organize the members of his team.

"Then... what is Qing Jiangshen still explaining to everyone?" Ye Chixu tilted his head and asked Jiu Shu. He was listening to their explanation here and Qing Jiangshen's explanation over there.

Qing Jiangshen did speak in more detail over there, but in summary it was what Xun Fengbai and the others told her.

Jiushu moved his head, and changed Ye Chixu's other shoulder to lie on: "The other people who came this time still have the task of searching for magic weapons, so she has to explain to them every point marked on the map. Yes, and there is repeated emphasis on safety and how to use the distress signal."

"A distress signal? Then why don't I have it?" Ye Chixu clicked on his own panel, but found no task of searching for magic weapons.

"You don't need to go." Jiu Shu yawned, "You are with me, we both said that we are hanging on Xun Fengbai's side, but actually we have other things to do."

"What?" Ye Chixu checked his task column carefully again, "What are we going to do, I haven't received the task."

"Let's go to collect the spirit core inner alchemy of the beast, and we'll pick up everything we can." Jiu Shu no longer limp when he said this, but stood up straight.

That's right, it's a station.

Ye Chixu saw her shoes for the first time under her long horse-face skirt.

It's still a pair of shoes with huge gemstones inlaid on the toe, it's hard for people not to notice.

"How is it?" Seeing that Ye Chixu noticed her feet, Jiu Shu proudly lifted up the hem of his skirt to show her his shoes, "I found them from the warehouse, and they haven't been worn in 800 years. I'm sure I'm going to burn my tail thinking I'm wear your shoes."

As she said that, she stamped her feet awkwardly and leaned towards Ye Chixu again.

"Standing is so tiring." She said to Ye Chixu.

Now Ye Chixu finally understood why she relied on herself. It turned out that she was using herself as a crutch...

"Are we going to find those things and get out of the main force?" Ye Chixu asked.

"You don't need to get rid of them completely, we mainly follow them. Don't you take the kitten with you? When the time comes, call him out. If he has a feeling, just run with him." Jiu Shu still felt a little regretful when he said this He looked at Ye Chixu's shoulder cautiously, "At that time, I can only go by myself, the kitten will squat on the shoulder."

Ye Chixu: "..." So you still want to fight the cat, don't you?
Not long after Qing Jiangshen finished speaking, the other four teams had assembled and were ready to enter the maze.

"Let's go, follow Xiaobai, if you follow the map, the front half will go very fast. We will leave when we find something." Jiu Shu pulled her to stand at the end of Xun Fengbai's team.

"set off!"

Following Qing Jiangshen's order, dozens of people involved in this mission entered the maze area from the gap in neat lines.

The wall of the maze is higher than Ye Chixu imagined before. When standing outside, I don’t think that once I enter its area, I will find that the wall covers the line of sight and I can’t look out at all. I can only see a small area above my head. block of sky, let alone climb to the top.

Every turnable place is actually a gap opened by the rhizome released by Qing Jiangshen in the past, and some places can only be bent down to drill through, and even the wall has not been completely broken.

Ye Chixu whispered to Jiushu next to him: "Doesn't the maze in the novice mission have to change areas? Will the roots not be broken every time they change?"

"These rhizomes are just the externalized form of spiritual power. As long as the spiritual power still exists, they will continue to be connected during the conversion process, so don't worry about having nowhere to go. When things happened, she didn't actually enter from the outside. It comes from within.”

Jiushu revealed the shocking news in an understatement. Considering the large number of people participating in the mission this time, she replaced Liu Jinghan with "that person".

"When that person chose to fill the formation with his body, he knew that the fire of his spiritual power would burn everything around him, so he stole the old pavilion master's basalt spiritual breath from the Guisi Pavilion in advance to cast the shell, to prevent the Suzaku fire from attacking Spread out and burn everything. Those layers of shells are these walls that we can see now."

Jiu Shu slowed down as she walked, and she and Ye Chixu fell to the end of the whole team.Xun Fengbai walked ahead and looked back with awareness, but didn't say anything, and continued to lead the team forward.

"Sister Jiushu, are we going to start looking now? Didn't you just come in?" Ye Chixu hesitated whether to release the kitty now.

Jiushu raised his hand to signal her not to panic: "I've already searched for the two outermost circles, you don't need to release the kitty for now, I'll take you to the end, just for the convenience of talking to you, and also for waiting Get out of the team."

"Oh." Ye Chixu obediently took back the book he had opened.

"This time we came out to look for Neidan because of the previous plan, I wonder if you still remember?" Jiu Shu asked her.

"Remember." Ye Chixu should remember this, she didn't expect that all the branches of the flower shop had already opened, and Jiushu only came to her now to talk about resuscitating old friends.

Jiu Shu nodded with satisfaction, and she did not dare to forget Ye Chixu.

"I also read the records you made last time. The areas in the dream world are definitely not enough to revive one of them. Only this place is connected to the area of ​​those ferocious beasts. We can only recover from the dead ones. They found support there... The fire here has been burning for so long, no matter how fierce it is, it has been refined and can be used as the source of spiritual power for recovery."

Jiu Shu pointed to the dark red sky above and said, "The time we came here was when Suzaku Fire was at its weakest. Every time this time comes, Suzaku Fire will return to the center to circulate, and as the days progress It penetrates outward every day, and after half a month, it will reach the outermost layer and then turn back.

We set the time point of the cycle as the beginning of the Suzaku month, and the heat at the time of return will be double that of the beginning of the month, so the longest time for this mission can only be opened for half a month, for the sake of all the personnel involved in the mission Safety We have to get out before the middle of the month. "

"Then...the heat in that center will be very high." Ye Chixu originally wanted to look at the core of the area, but when he looked up, he found that there were walls all around him, and all he could see was a small piece of sky above his head and the continuous moving forward. other members of the team.

"After the areas that have already been explored have been completed, those teams will be divided into groups to explore different layers." Jiu Shu sighed and continued, "Qing Jiangshen is also a road idiot. She doesn't remember anything. The maze that came out was only barely constructed according to her spiritual power to break the wall. During our actual exploration, we will find that there are many wrong places in the map of the maze... The maze you drew the map is only It can be said to be the first version of this maze, take a closer look at the map we got this time, there are almost no marks in the middle circle, which is what they need to do this time.”

Just as they were talking, the two passed through another gap.The thickness of the broken wall was close to five meters. Ye Chixu was surprised by its thickness, and couldn't even control the expression on his face.

"This is the outer wall, it's already considered thin." Jiu Shu jumped down from the gap, and stretched out his hand to pull Ye Chixu, "Look, you'll know now that you're here, the labyrinth for the newcomer test is simply It's just for fun, and then there is no such smooth road for you to walk on the ground."

Ye Chixu jumped down the gap and was still looking back: "I'm very curious, how can such a thick wall be penetrated? If it goes towards the center and back, then no matter how high the spiritual power is, it won't be enough. You all said this is The breath of Xuanwu."

"Qing Jiangshen was careful at the time." When Jiu Shu said this, his tone was still a little appreciative, "When she followed that person this way, she felt that something was wrong. How to say this in the original The upward position of the formation eye, facing the river on both sides, is a triangular ferry, and there are mountains behind it. It is perfect to build a new formation eye at this place, and the most stable way to establish a formation eye is to sacrifice one spirit to make up the formation... "

"So, did she already feel it when she was on the road?" Ye Chixu could still feel the urgency of the situation at this point in the story.

Jiushu continued to walk forward with Ye Chixu on his arm. At this time, they were already two or three meters away from everyone.There are many traps in this field, Jiushu is afraid that if she sprains her feet, Ye Chixu will disappear.

"She may have sensed it, or it may be for insurance. When she followed him this way, she released aura on the ground as she walked. Fortunately, she followed. She was burned by the fire of Suzaku and released The spiritual power is also mixed with the breath of the Suzaku, and that person didn't notice it for a while." Jiu Shu thought for a while, "It may be that the person has already discovered it, but he didn't say anything."

"Ah this?" Ye Chixu didn't react for a while.

Jiu Shu knocked on her head: "Who doesn't want to live a good life? After living for so long, they should know that life is precious."

"What about these roots?" Yechixu suddenly had a bold idea in his mind.

"Based on my deep understanding of Qing Jiang, the rhetoric they made up can deceive outsiders, but not me." Jiu Shu curled his lips, "I guess she borrowed that person's spiritual power externalized into one's own, so as to bring out the soul from within."

"Then these roots are not her own spiritual power..." Ye Chixu was interrupted by Jiu Shu in the middle of his speech.

"You can't think like that." Jiu Shu blinked and said, "Only she can do this, and no one else can do it. Although the high-level fire-type spiritual power like Suzaku's Breath is the same level of fire-type spiritual power You can try to borrow it, such as Mu Zangyan, he can also borrow it, but... for the wood-type spiritual power to take root on this kind of spiritual power, it must withstand the burning of the Suzaku fire for many years, You can’t do it if you’re not strong enough.”

"Qing Jiangshen has been burned once before. Did she acquire immunity that time?" Ye Chixu thought for a long time and finally found a more appropriate word.

Jiushu waved his hand: "It's just that the tolerance has been increased. Her roots will still be burned. Back then, the gap was made by working together inside and outside. Some of the burned areas could not be shown in the projection. , and these are the places we need to find our way to the next level.”

(End of this chapter)

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