perfect arc

Chapter 122 Chapter 122: False can't be true

Chapter 122 Chapter 120 Two: The Fake Can't Be True
After a day off for the whole team, there will be three practice sessions at [-] o'clock today. Although Kabinet, who has not recovered from his ankle injury, cannot participate in it, he must follow the regulations of Coach Coboni and return to the training base every day for the team doctor to review the injury.

The adjusted alarm clock should go off at 07:30, but Kabini was woken up by a call from Mickey Mouse at [-] o'clock. Kabini asked how the idiot could get up so early. [Offside] Went out for a morning jog, so I got up earlier than usual.

People who haven't woken up can't be messed with at all, and Kabinet doesn't quite accept such an explanation, just ask the mouse to run your steps, why bother people to rest during this time period, when the mouse heard it, it was on the other end of the phone Dazed for a while, Kabini shouted for him to answer quickly, but Mashu's reaction was very inexplicable, and he said a few words in a strange voice that Kabini couldn't understand.

Although Kabini and Mashu have not known each other for a long time, they know each other very deeply. Without spending too much time guessing, Kabini already knows that Mashu is actually playing tricks, and decides whether to say something or not between.

Mashu pretended to be crazy on the other end of the phone, and finally let out two strange laughs of "hee hee", which made Kabinai's whole body goosebumps, even after a few seconds, Kabinai still shivered, just waiting After the idiot on the other side of the phone returned to his normal state, Kabinet asked him the real reason for being woken up in a very serious tone.

Mashu still refused to let go, saying that at around eight o'clock, he would drive the super sports car to the downstairs of Kabini's residence, and he would take Kabiney to the training base together. Kabini said that there was no problem. , but he was thinking about how to deal with that idiot Mashu later.

After talking on the phone, most of Kabini's drowsiness disappeared. He checked the time and found that it took only 10 minutes to chat with Mashu.Afterwards, he left the bunk, stood up, stretched himself, and said, "Damn~! I was harassed by a psychopath early in the morning~!"

After walking a few steps away from the bedroom, Kabini suddenly lowered his head and stared at his injured ankle. He didn't believe what he felt at first, and then gently swung his ankle. The nerves in his brain were telling him that the injured ankle The numbness of the pain has weakened, not as strong as before, so I was very happy, thinking silently that the first battle after my comeback was coming soon.

During the recovery period, according to the instructions of the team doctor, Kabinet will put an ice patch on the injured area before going to bed. These ice patches are specially designed to treat sprains and have the effect of relaxing muscles and activating collaterals. Seeing that Kabinet has recovered [-]% of his injuries, Gera The chief team doctor of the Nada team deserves credit.

The comeback battle was not far away, and Kabineton felt that there was a clear sky in his heart. Even if he was harassed by the mice just now, which made him lose three or ten minutes of sleep, at this moment, he had already regarded it as a small matter of sesame mung beans.

When he came to the kitchen, Kabinet whistled softly, took out milk and chocolate chips from the refrigerator, wanted to have a refreshing breakfast, and if it wasn't for his ankle injury, he even wanted to do a little dance in the kitchen. . .

Milk with chocolate chips, a first-class breakfast pairing, Kabinet scooped up the chocolate chips soaked in the milk with a silver spoon, just took two bites, and when the chocolate chips were still chewing in his mouth, the kid Andosi came I'm looking for Kabinet, because Kabinai heard the familiar three knocks on the door again.

Kabini walked to the door in about ten steps, slid open the door, and saw Andorsi standing in front of the door in pajamas, his hair was fluffy, his square black-rimmed glasses were not on, and he was holding a copy in his right hand. Newspaper, Kabinet first said good morning, and then found that Andorsi was acting weird, with fierce eyes, and staring at himself, but Andorsi's strange appearance changed a lot, so Kabiner didn't take it seriously, Asking Andorsi to enter the house, he slid the door shut.

Since Andorsi was wearing pajamas, he probably just woke up. Kabini naively thought that Andorsi was just upset when he got up early, so he got a little angry, and he didn't pay much attention to the other party, and then poured a glass of milk on his own initiative. Handed it to Andosi's eyes, and said, "Let's drink milk together~!"

The transparent cup filled with milk hung in the air for five seconds, but Andosi didn't see him reach out to take the cup. Kabini felt that things were getting weirder, so he put the cup aside first, and asked Andosi patiently Xi: "Is there something wrong? Are you looking for something to do with me?"

Andorsi, who usually doesn't talk much, naturally didn't reply. Shu opened the newspaper in his hand, and after uncovering a few pages, he displayed a large page in front of Kabinet's eyes. . .

[The new king of the Granada team—Cabine, went to London with his agent, preparing to land at the Emirates Stadium]

At first he was a new star, but now he is also known as the new king. The sports media has become more and more exaggerated in calling Cabinet. Even Cabine himself feels that this has gone too far, and feels a little disdainful.

It’s just that this report aroused Cabine’s curiosity. The more he read it, the more he felt something was wrong. He thought that he had never been to London at all, so how could he talk about landing at the Emirates Stadium?

"Fart~! What nonsense~!" Kabinet said after reading the whole report carefully.

Andorsi lowered his head, hunched his back, rolled his eyes upwards, glanced at Cabine, and asked, "Are you leaving the Granada team?"

When Andorsi said this, Kabini immediately understood why the kid was so unhappy, and then hurriedly gave a smile on his face, and deliberately kept a friendly appearance, so that Andorsi would feel that he would not tell lies, He replied: "Of course I will not leave the Granada team~! Everything in the newspapers is false~!"

"Really~?" Andosi stared at Kabinet blindly, and asked.

Kabinet didn't feel bored, and replied: "Well~! It's true~! I won't lie to you~!"

When Andorsi heard this, his body softened, as if he was relieved, and then said: "Okay~! I believe you~!"

Kabine, who had gained his trust, also relaxed. Unexpectedly, Andorsi's next move surprised him again. When he saw Andorsi took the newspaper back, he waved his hands, and the newspaper was torn into pieces by him immediately. Three and a half, the quick action, Kabinet was very unexpected.

After finishing, Andorsi threw the shattered newspaper into the trash can of Kabinet's house, and Kabinet didn't know how to react.

"Hmph~! Fake~! I don't want to watch~!" After throwing it away, Andosi was still muttering.

In this regard, Kabini couldn't figure out why Andorsi insisted on tearing the newspaper into three parts.On the one hand, I can't figure out what is the cause of what is said in the report?

After thinking hard to no avail, Kabinet thought that calling Mr. Haas might help him learn a thing or two about this matter. . .

(End of this chapter)

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