perfect arc

Chapter 123 Chapter 123: Reasoning Time

Chapter 123 Chapter 120 Three: Reasoning Time

Kabini looked at his watch and saw that it was not time to meet up with the mice, so he arranged for Andorsi with milk and chocolate chips, and asked the boy to sit at the dining table obediently and eat breakfast, and take care of everything Only then did Kabinet take out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, ready to call Mr. Haas.

[The number you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please try again later. . . 】

Hearing such a movement on the phone, Kabini let out a "fuck" sound. This complaint was not directed at anyone, but when he was eager to figure out the matter, he was temporarily unable to contact Mr. Haas. Yes, I am inevitably a little anxious.

"Can't you get through the phone?" Andorsi interrupted while eating breakfast.

Kabinet, who was about to continue calling Mr. Haas, turned around and said, "Hmm~! Yes~!"

Andosi swallowed a mouthful of milk, wiped off the milk stain left on his mouth, and said, "You still have two more chances. If you can't get through again, you won't be able to find that person today~!"

"Uh~? What~? Who said~?"

Kabini felt that Andorsi's explanation was funny, it was simply nonsense. If this sentence came from his mouth, Kabini would definitely think that person was a lunatic, let alone take the time to pay attention to the other party, and this sentence is now It came from Andorsi's mouth, so Kabini would like to understand it carefully.

Andorsi, who was eating, was relatively normal, and his demeanor was not as weird as in the state of no movement. If you don't look closely, it is difficult for outsiders to find out what's wrong with this kid. Kabini just believed in the illusion at this moment, He thought Andorcine would give a normal explanation, but he never thought that what Kabinet heard was the same. . .

"Jeff said~!"

Cabine was stunned for a moment, obviously he didn't know this man named Jeff, so he continued to ask: "Who~? Who is Jeff~?"

When Andorsi heard this, he was speechless, put down the spoon used to scoop up the chocolate chips, left the dining table again, ran to the door quickly, and finally ran back to his home after opening the door.

Seeing this sudden situation, Kabini stared straight at his eyes, wondering if it was the question that should not have been asked in the first place?Or is the milk bad?Chocolate chips are bad?

Of course, from a preliminary point of view, this has basically nothing to do with milk and chocolate chips. After standing still for a long time, Kabini would rather believe that the question was in Andorsi's mind, and he couldn't ask at all. . .

Ever since waking up in the morning, Kabine hadn't had a good time. The two guys, Mashu and Andorsi, were more inexplicable than the other, and gradually, it also made Kabine a little crazy.

Facing the scene just now, Kabine should have gone to Andorsi's house to find out what happened, but seeing that there was not much time, and he had to meet up with the mice in a while, and then rush back to the training base, so Kabine didn't plan to go back to the training base at this time. Pay more attention to this matter, and because the door of the house was not closed after Andorsi ran out, Kabini was going to go to close the door. . .

At this time, Kabini's right hand had already touched the door, and was about to slide the door, but there was a rush of footsteps from the corridor outside the door. Listening carefully, the man seemed to be running, and he was aiming at Kabini. Binet's house came running towards him, and before Kabinet poked his head out to see clearly, the man had already rushed in front of Kabinai.

"Huh~? Andosi~? Why are you back again?"

Andorsi was still wearing pajamas, and his appearance was basically the same as before. The only difference was that he was holding a newspaper in his hand at the beginning, but now he was holding a thick book.

He didn't answer Kabinet's question directly, and he didn't even intend to explain why he ran home suddenly. He just walked into Kabinet's house as if nothing had happened, returned to the dining table, and put the book aside.

After Kabinet slid on the door, he felt that he was about to be driven mad by Andorsi, and he was determined to find out. If he couldn't figure it out, it was as if a claw was grinding his throat.

After Andorsi returned to the dining table, he ate up the leftover milk and chocolate chips, and wiped his mouth with a paper towel, looking very satisfied.

Kabinet didn't want to talk anymore, walked up to Andosi, and asked, "Andosi~! Why are you back again?"

Andorsi didn't say anything, put the thick book in front of him, uncovered more than 30 pages, then stopped the whole movement, pointed to a line in the book, and said: "Look~! Jeff really said so~!"

Kabini moved his head forward, and after reading the line of text Andorsi pointed to, he immediately understood the matter.

[Jeff] is a character in the book, and the sentence [You still have two more chances, if you fail to get through, you will not find that person today] is just a line of dialogue from Jeff in the book.

By the way, Kabini saw the title of the book again——[Jeff's Reasoning Series——Who is the murderer? 】

Once again, Kabine was dumbfounded by Andorsi. Unexpectedly, Andorsi ran home suddenly and found a book to prove his point of view.

"Hmm~! Andosi~! Your reasoning is very good~! However, I still have to try again~!"

Kabini couldn't compete with Andorsi, so he could only tease Andorsi jokingly like this. As for calling Mr. Haas again, this is indeed a serious matter.

Unexpectedly, the second call still failed, and Andosi said, "Please pay attention~! You still have one last chance~!"

Kabini didn't believe the evil, and immediately called Mr. Haas for the third time. After the waiting beep sounded six times, Kabini began to wonder, Mr. Haas usually wouldn't be absent for so long. Answer the phone, what happened today?
"Hello~? Hello~! Young people~!"

When the waiting beep rang nine times and Kabinet was already distracted, Mr. Haas' voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Thank God~! It's finally connected~!" Kirby thought to himself.

What he said was: "Mr. Haas~! I have been looking for you for a long time~!"

Mr. Haas said: "Oh~? Sorry~! I've been on the phone with some needle-eyes in the media~!"

Cabine asked, "Is it because of what was reported about me today?"

Mr. Haas said: "Of course~! Young people~! Also, did you know~? We were secretly filmed~! And we also fell into the trap of reporters~!"

Kabini was puzzled: "Oh? How do you say that?"

Mr. Haas hummed on the other end of the phone, and continued: "First of all, although the newspapers in the two places are published in different places, I believe that the details reported on the London side and the details reported on the Granada city may be different. It's the same, so I want to know, have you read the details carefully?"

Cabine replied: "I have read it, so I don't understand some details at all~! For example, the report said that you went to the training base to negotiate with the club for my transfer, and the report also published a A picture of us at the airport, and the nonsense that we are going to London to approach Arsenal, what the hell is going on here?"

Mr. Haas laughed, and said, "Don't worry~! After the phone call with Eye of the Needle, I have already sorted out certain details. First, after the reporters received the news, they lay in ambush in Granada Near the team's training base, secretly photographed me entering and exiting the training base twice, and lied that I was going to negotiate, second, do you still remember the seven-seater van that followed us?"

Cabine replied: "Remember~! That car was sneaky, and then parked behind the place where we got off. We thought they were going to chase us~! But they still didn't get out of the car in the end. ~!"

Mr. Haas gave a "hmm" and continued: "Of course they won't get out of the car. They are secretly photographing us, and then using a photo, they lied that we are going to London. You know, you showed up at the airport, just In order to see me off, I was the only one who went to London, and I only went for some business, I didn't expect that all this would be used by them to hype~!"

In this way, Mr. Haas is also an old cat with burnt whiskers, and he thought that this trap was too wronged.

When Kabini understood everything, he asked again: "Mr. Haas~! Is it necessary for them to do this? Not everyone will believe such hype~!"

Mr. Haas said: "Let's face it! Young people~! The faster you are in European football, the more valuable you will be reported by the media, and you know? In London, you have to land at the Emirates Stadium The news about it has gone crazy~!"

(End of this chapter)

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