perfect arc

Chapter 121 Chapter 121: Endless, Endless

Chapter 121 Chapter 120 One: Endless, Endless
Seeing such a reaction from Coach Koboni, the Director of Operations and the assistant coaches were not expecting it. The Director of Operations was located closer to Coach Koboni. He was sitting on the office chair and got up immediately. He used his left hand to press Coach Coboni's arm, trying to appease the other party's excited emotions.

It was inconvenient for the assistant coach to take any action. The two people in front of him belonged to his superiors. This was the result of the incident. He obviously couldn't find a reason to speak. Besides, he also knew that he would definitely become Coboni next. Coach one-on-one time with Director of Operations.

At this time, the Director of Operations was still holding Coach Coboni's arm, and even talking about the details of the communication with the club just now.Coach Koboni panicked while listening, and after listening to the detailed story for more than half, he remained in a state of suspense, obviously unable to accept the facts for a long time.

"Sit down first, let's have a good talk~!"

The director of operations, who had finished the detailed process of applying for the acquisition of funds, was already suggesting that Coach Coboni sit down first, so there is no need to be so excited.During this period, he had no words, but Coach Koboni, who was very annoyed by this, listened to the persuasion unexpectedly. Once the temper was over, he seemed to want to calm down and handle the matter properly.

Hearing a "snap", Coach Koboni suddenly collapsed towards the soft leather cushion on the office chair. This action made the director of operations understand that the other party's anger was difficult to contain, and he felt a little embarrassed. He thought to himself The tone is quite loud, and he feels confident about the application for the acquisition of funds, but now it has ended in failure. I am afraid that the chief operating officer will inevitably have a bad taste in his heart.

When leading the game, Coach Koboni sees that the team is at a stalemate with the opponent, and the situation is a little bit disadvantaged. At this time, he will often deploy troops and come up with several tricks to reverse the situation on the field and serve the team. Find a breakthrough.It's just that now he has lost the spirituality of commanding on the sidelines, sitting blindly on the office chair, unable to deal with it, and seems to be crushed by this unacceptable fact.

After painstakingly waiting for an unsatisfactory answer, Coach Koboni's anger is understandable. The reality is that he is not coaching any wealthy club, and it is impossible to flip tickets like a wealthy coach. Well, Coach Coboni simply doesn't understand why the board of directors refuses to even spend 700 million euros in acquisition funds. Is this the way medium-sized clubs buy and sell players?

In the next minute, the office was very quiet. Except for the assistant coach who was not good at talking, Coach Koboni was actually staring at a notebook in front of him. He was sluggish, frowning, and kept his cheeks tight. Although this expression was too much for the director of operations, it was easy to find that Coach Coboni's anger had disappeared by half.

The Director of Operations believes that half of Coach Coboni’s anger has disappeared, and this is a good opportunity to talk to Coach Coboni, and wants to have a serious talk with Coach Coboni to find out how to deal with the situation, so he dare not directly At the beginning of the chapter, after pretending to cough, the corners of his mouth moved. . .

"Do you think this will work? After the summer transfer market opens next year, I will try to apply for a larger acquisition fund from the club. What do you think?"

Coach Koboni stared at the notebook for a long time, and when he heard what the chief operating officer said, he hummed, with a look of disdain, and said, "Mr. Lots of questions."

"Oh~? How do you say that?" Seeing that Coach Koboni wanted to continue the conversation, the Director of Operations was moved, and the breath that was stuck in his throat was relieved.

Coach Coboni looked away from the blotter and towards the Director of Operations, saying, "It's a matter of going in different directions, and obviously there was a difference between us and the club in the acquisition of Bam. There is no consensus, and everyone is going in a completely different direction, so there is no way to talk about this matter~!"

The director of operations hurriedly continued: "However, you also need to understand the club. We are very cautious about the operation of the club step by step. In terms of buying players, it is definitely not as happy as other large clubs~ !"

These words went back and forth, and the two directly stated their respective positions. As a head coach, Coach Coboni exists more for the performance of the Granada team, and the director of operations is precisely On the contrary, his management philosophy is to put the profit of the club first.

Fortunately, the director of operations did not blindly follow such a management philosophy. From the very beginning, he promised Coach Koboni that he would help apply for the acquisition funds. It can be seen that to a certain extent, he supported Coach Koboni, but After the club did not allocate funds for the acquisition, the director of operations saw that the facts were difficult to change, so he simply regained his principles and spoke good words for the club's board of directors.

However, in the mind of Coach Coboni, the words of the Director of Operations are like nonsense, because idiots know that the overall size of the Granada team is not large, and it is only normal to pay cautiously, so after listening to it, Coach Coboni again "Humph" and said: "Mr. Director~! You should remember that this is not the first time this has happened, right?"

The chief operating officer nodded his head and replied: "I remember, it was the summer two years ago, you needed 200 million euros in acquisition funds, but the board of directors, like this time, has no intention of allocating funds~!"

"Just because the board of directors made such a decision, you know who we missed that time?"

When Coach Coboni said this, it is not difficult to find that the old man is still brooding about the incident two years ago. This means that it is also his responsibility to strengthen the team, and it is even more important to strive to build a first-line combat lineup. It is his primary job. With such a mentality, after missing a good player, it is like a piece of flesh has fallen off his body.

Of course, the Director of Operations can't understand this kind of feeling. When Coach Koboni asked him this question, he showed embarrassment, which made it obvious to the assistant coaches who were standing aside. The Director of Operations didn't know Coach Koboni at all. Which good player was missed.

After the three of them were silent for five seconds, they heard coach Koboni hum softly and said: "The player who missed two years ago is now an indispensable general of the Bayern Munich team. This proves that we Your vision is right~!"

The Director of Operations raised his head and said "Oh", and was very surprised, but he suddenly felt that something was wrong, and asked: "As far as I know, the acquisition of Bam was first proposed by Mr. Haas. , it has nothing to do with whether you have eyesight or not?"

Coach Coboni smiled crookedly and said, "That's right~! I didn't make this proposal, but I really believe in Mr. Haas's vision~!"

The chief operating officer then asked, "What's the reason~?"

Seeing this, Coach Koboni lowered his head and swung it back and forth twice. He couldn't imagine that the chief operating officer was still asking why. He lowered his head for three seconds. After lifting it up, Coach Koboni replied : "You should know Cabinet, right?"

The Director of Operations thought that Coach Koboni was joking, so he burst out laughing, and said, "Are you kidding me? Cabine is the fastest rising star in our team, how could I not know him?"

Coach Coboni suddenly had no expression on his face, and said, "Hmm~! That's good~! I just want to say that Mr. Haas discovered Cabine, so is it necessary for us to question the other party's vision?"

These words immediately blocked the director of operations, making him speechless, and made him shake his head and change his original thoughts.

Asking the director of operations is stupid, of course it's not what Coach Cobony cares about. Seeing that he can't get the acquisition funds at the moment, and the acquisition of Bam is coming to a halt, he decides to go all out and insist on a satisfactory result.

And the assistant coach who has never talked to him knows Coach Coboni better than the director of operations. He is very clear that Coach Coboni's stubborn temper is not easy to deal with, and the fact that the board of directors does not pay is only a temporary fact. . .

(End of this chapter)

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