Alliance commentary system

Chapter 145 Procrastinate, just procrastinate

Chapter 145 Procrastinate, just procrastinate

"And Thresh and Lucian, it's still necessary to choose such a combination."

"As for Lao Niu, the main task is to protect the policewoman. There is no need to choose to take the initiative to attack."

Wawa: "That's right, what I said just now, I just saw the leg brother who destroyed the explosive cone. The main thing is Rambo's wired rights. He went into the wild and directly knocked out the explosive cone."

At this time, after the barrel went home, he came back to finish brushing the second half of the wild area and wanted to catch the plane.

As a result, one of Xiye's W skills was far away.

The incense pot can only pass by.

Wawa: "Are you targeting Xiye again? Xiye has moved. It's too difficult to target."

Chen Xian: "Then let's get stuck on Xiye's eating line."

Wawa: "Clockwork is a hero with poor gank ability in combination with the jungler."

Chen Xian: "Yes, especially before the sixth level. After all, the damage in the early stage has been weakened, which makes it difficult to cooperate..."

At this time, Xiangguo passed the middle road, came to the upper half of the river, and directly chose to gank on the top road.

There is a gap between the leg brothers, retreat one step ahead of time!

The wine barrel came over, and the meat bomb hit Rambo in front of the opposite tower. The prince's EQ flew twice in a row, and then the wine barrel's Q skill exploded.

Knock out two-thirds of Rambo's blood volume!
Wawa: "In this wave, the leg brother didn't even hand in the flash, and the shield blocked a lot of damage."

Chen Xian: "The main reason is that the leg brother's sense of smell is too keen, and in the case of the wave just now, Letemi lost two soldiers and did not reach the fifth level. In terms of the leg brother, he is already at the fifth level."

"This Poletami went home and blocked a wave of soldiers. This soldier is very smart!"

"In this case, this soldier line actually makes the leg brother very uncomfortable."

Wawa: "Ah—then the leg brother can only hand in the TP return line."

The gank on the road did not let the spicy pot succeed.

This time, he did the opposite and returned to the middle lane to crouch again.

After seeing Xiye's position, the incense pot came out of the grass and made a decisive E-dodge, knocking the plane unconscious!

Clockwork came and QWA triggered the Thunder.

And after the barrel's Q skill hits, choose to enter the tower and carry the tower.

Turn on the clockwork and sprint A to Q to kill Xiye!
At the same time, the clockwork flashed out of the tower, and the remaining blood escaped!

After the gank was over, Wawa said: "In this wave, Xiaohu fought hard against the tower and got Xiye's head, and Spicy Hot Pot also helped with it."

Chen Xian: "In this way, Xiaohu got first blood, which is pretty good for RNG in the early stage."

"Judging from the current ending, RNG has increased its current competitiveness and is more in line with Xiangguo's style."

Wawa: "That's right, the wine barrel is tougher than the pig girl."

After this wave ended, Mala Xiangguo made another move.

He is worthy of being called a gank machine, go to the middle, go up, go to the middle, and then go directly to the next.

There was not a wild monster spawned in the whole process.

After Xiao Ming saw the wine barrel coming, he decisively threw the lantern to Lucian and flashed E back to the two of them!
But ben directly pushed Xiao Ming away!

Lucian was pushed away with Thresh!

Come here with the spicy hot pot, and decisively top the bull head with the E skill!
The old cow flashed and resolved the gank crisis.

Wawa: "This wave of brother-in-law handed in a treatment and the flash of the bull's head, and the two sides changed a wave of skills."

"The top of ben is beautiful. The moment when Uzi pulls the lantern at the top of ben, both of them are locked in the grass below."

Chen Xian: "The supports on both sides of this wave are playing well. Ming's E skill wiped out the E skill of the brother-in-law, but the brother-in-law's treatment opened the distance, and the incense pot did not flash, and there was no level [-], so this wave It just forced out the treatment of my brother-in-law, and Ben's flash."

The camera cuts to the middle lane.

Since the last wave of planes were caught and killed, Xiaohu has taken the initiative.

And after returning home, I directly made up the French shoes.

It can be clearly seen that Xiaohu is eager to maximize his current advantage.

After RNG's bot lane UZI returned home, he also made up the Bilgewater machete. Compared with his brother-in-law in terms of consumption, he is no longer afraid.

In this round, the tempo on both sides was slow.

Although Mala Xiangguo has been looking for opportunities to gank, WE obviously does not want to fight with RNG and chooses to continue to develop.

WE's lineup can be regarded as a lineup in the middle and late stages.

Rambo and Airplane are mid-term heroes, and the mid-term wave is very strong.

Therefore, WE’s idea should be to move in the mid-term direction.

Until the game came to 9 minutes.

On both sides is still the head of Xiye that was successful in the early Xiangguo gank.

There was no subsequent fighting between the two sides.

And the bottom lane finally found a wave of 2v2 opportunities here.

Thresh's E skill brushed the policewoman, and he used Q to control the policewoman!

The female policeman evacuated immediately with a flash.

Thresh therefore emptied the Q skill.

Uzi and Xiao Ming wanted to continue chasing, but Niu Tou came over to join the two in a row, blocking their intention to kill the brother-in-law!

But unfortunately, Niutou died as a result.

On the other side, after the policewoman retreated, the wine barrel arrived.

A big move blows the policewoman to the wall!

Lucian came over and shot a wave of holy gun baptism.

But the brother-in-law's E skill retreated to open the distance and survived.

"The brother-in-law survived this wave, but Ben's head was taken by Uzi."

"The details of the UZI, this wave of UZI is very detailed. When the fight started, they first used cross-flash to widen the distance, making Niu lose the target. This wave of UZI is actually very detailed."

After Chen Xian finished speaking, the playback started.

I saw that when Thresh was driving the policewoman, Niutou wanted to limit Uzi's output!
As a result, uzi flashed backwards, causing the cow to miss the target.

Ming throws the lantern, and Uzi enters the arena again.

At this time, when Niutou was in the second company, the female policeman had lost her combat effectiveness and chose to escape.

After the replay, the three WE brothers chose to crouch in the grass in the middle for a wave of wind.

But there is a red square vision in the river grass.

When the old cow came in, it was obviously noticed by the little tiger.

Wawa: "This wave should be seen by the river eye. The river eye here is basically unbroken, and it can always capture the position where the old cow came."

Chen Xian: "In this set, Xiangguo and Xiao Ming got eye stones earlier than WE. Look at Lao Niu, the eye stones have not come out at this time. This is actually very hurtful to WE. WE's vision control in this game is not as good as RNG's."

Wawa: "That's right, and the main reason is that the real eyes in the grass have not been repaired, so the cows are always exposed to RNG's vision."

On the way back to the bottom lane, Lao Niu was discovered by the eye position next to the stone man of RNG again.

Chen Xian sighed: "RNG's field of vision can be seen everywhere, and you can see the position of Lao Niu. It's the same as having a GPS installed on Lao Niu."

Wawa: "Yes...then look back at the summoner skills on both sides. Both sides have teleportation. Xiye still chooses a plane with teleportation."

Chen Xian: "This is also a characteristic of WE. Their top and mid laners prefer to bring TP support. If they go on the road now, they can't widen the gap because the troop clearing capabilities of both sides are too strong. There’s no need to fight.”

When the camera came to the road, the prince and Rambo were both drinking medicine bottles. After a round of fighting, neither side made any blood, but both lost some blood.

Wawa continued: "These two top laners basically have to wait for the jungler to come or for a team battle to break out. Let's just watch the first TP!"

Chen Xian nodded and said, "Yes, but Emperor Kang hasn't made much noise so far, because he's holding a pig girl in this game, so there's no good way."

The game is already in a heated stage.

Kangde still focuses on protecting his wild area, waiting for WE to take shape.

The incense pot is used as a wine barrel, and he does a little more than Kanti.

After that, the two sides kept looking for opportunities, but they didn't explode. Instead, they played a few summoner skills and nothing happened.

That's right, the WE team is very stable. From Xiye's Kassadin in the first game, it can be seen that they can endure loneliness and afford time.

Back and forth, RNG took the initiative several times, and WE resolved them all.

Until the time came to ten, six minutes and 6 seconds.

WE wanted to retain someone, but Brother Leg sent him directly, but he didn't retain anyone.

And RNG has a blue buff here, and the two sides began to compete!

Pig girl turned her head decisively, her attack was menacing.

When the wine barrel saw this, he lit the lantern and ran away!

Pig girl had planned it long ago, and she predicted to throw a big move!
Although it didn't hit the barrel, it did hit Thresh.

Rambo's big move is cast, although Thresh triggers the courage of the Colossus, but in the end coupled with the damage of the plane, it will fall in seconds!
After the prince came over, EQ picked Feizhu girl.

RNG is ready to fight back!

Clockwork came from behind, Q passed through the wall, and directly R hit Lao Niu and Xi Ye!
Xiye hurriedly flashed across the wall, leaving only one old cow, who was killed by the impact of the incense pot E flash meat bomb.

Then WE chose to retreat, and Letemi entered the river from the EQ of the blue buff partition wall.

The ultimate move covers three people!

The plane directly W out of the circle, but Rambo, who did not flash, was instantly melted by the clockwork skills!
RNG continued to chase, Xiye and the policewoman walked in two paths.

In the end, Xiye was killed by the speeding clockwork that rushed over.

On the other side, Lucian failed to catch up with his brother-in-law's policewoman.

In the end, RNG completed a wave of 1 for 4 team battles!
Wawa: "Wow! Paulette Mi is too aggressive here, I think WE played too forcefully."

Chen Xian: "It's mainly because of Letemi's big move. I have been reluctant to hand in it before. When I was sure that WE was going to escape, the EQ big move came over to cover three, and cooperated with the ball given by the clockwork to slow down to three..."

Wawa: "It's so desperate, it's so desperate. The idea of ​​this wave of WE is that maybe it's because Xiao Ming didn't flash, and Rambo can play better at this time!"

Chen Xian: "But this terrain is as easy to use for the prince as for the clockwork. WE's skill division is very powerful. Their first wave of big moves and skills are all clear, but there is no regret for death. He ate it. A lot of skills."

"However, in this wave, RNG chose to take down the middle tower, but failed to get the earth dragon. WE decided to make a comeback, and once again came to the bottom lane to push forward. The leg brother is now fighting in a group!"

"WE's team battle is really strong. At this time, I choose to attack actively and then push the tower back."

Wawa: "But it's quite hurt. The defense tower on the road is in a five-man defense."

Chen Xian: "No one is guarding the top lane, but Xiye has teleportation, will he guard a wave, but the middle lane..."

"At this time, Xiaohu is demolishing the second tower in the middle lane. Although WE got the first tower in the bottom lane in this wave, RNG's should be very beautiful. I think this wave of exchange is made by RNG."

"In that case, Letemi is very fat."

Doll: "Yes."

At this time, the screen changed, and the prince on the road had just finished dismantling the first tower on the road, and the leg brother was arrested near Xiaolong.

After Xiao Ming's precise hook hooked the leg brother, combined with Lucian's holy gun baptism, Rambo fell to the ground directly!

Wawa: "Wow!! This wave of leg brothers is very careless! The policewoman has no ability to save leg brothers, and can only watch leg brothers die."

Chen Xian: "I think these two dials have knocked the leg brother down, because the leg brother has been cooperating with the team to hold a group, but his own development has been completely pulled away by Laitemi!"

Wawa: "Yes, level [-] beats level [-], and the top lane level and CS are completely separated."

Chen Xian: "The effect of Rambo's game, I feel that the two waves have been ruined. Look at the replay of this wave. How did Rambo get caught?"

With no vision, the leg brother passed through the river and reached the grass in the river, and suddenly three RNG people came out from the flank.

The meat bomb impact of the wine barrel E skill did not hit, but the Q skill slowed down to Rambo.

After the last wave of team battles, RNG was clear until Rambo did not flash.

So after Rambo is slowed down, Thresh's hook hit rate is greatly improved!
After the hook, Lucian's EAA, QAA, ult move holy gun baptism, directly dropped Rambo in seconds!

Chen Xian: "Actually, this wave is because WE's vision is not very good. After these two rounds, the leg brother really collapsed. The leg brother was originally a very strong wave during this period, but Rambo is not a hero. The kind of 1v1 single-player who can get fat, he wants to get fat through group fights."

"If he can't get fat in a group, the value of this hero's selection will be very low."

Baby: "If WE wants to continue to fight now, it has to be delayed. It is definitely not possible to pick up the group now. When the policewoman is equipped and the three-piece suit is formed, when Lucian's strong period is over, WE still has more Chance."

Chen Xian: "That's right, if they want to fight, they should delay it for at least another ten minutes, delay, delay!"

Baby: "I think wait until 35 minutes!"

Chen Xian: "Yes, because RNG's current double C equipment is too advanced, including the ability of the entire front row,"

Wawa: "But I don't think RNG will give WE a chance to delay."

Chen Xian: "What RNG needs to do now is to immediately speed up the pace of the game, set up vision at the big dragon and the blue buff, and then rush to make an ambush."

In the following time, RNG chose to continue advancing.

The second towers on the upper and lower lanes were demolished in turn, which caused a lot of pressure on WE's belt line.

Although the battle seemed peaceful, it gave WE some time to develop.

However, RNG has been squeezing WE's economy, making WE's vision difficult to arrange. This is currently the most difficult thing for WE.

The vision cannot be arranged, leading to the fall of the wild area.

RNG will always hit the baron, and WE will lose the baron at any time.

Sure enough, at 27 minutes, RNG decisively took the dragon.

WE can only come to the Dalong area through their own guesses, but when WE comes over, RNG has already finished playing!
"2000 blood, 1000 blood, 800 blood, 500 blood, Mala Xiangguo successfully got the big dragon! Kangdi was hooked by the hook at the first time, but Kangdi still released his big move and stopped uzi!"

(End of this chapter)

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