Chapter 144
Xiaohu took the Enchantress, but it didn't produce any effect.

Spicy Xiangguo frequently helped, but finally found that no matter how much Xiye targeted this point, he was caught and killed only once in the early stage.

That time, it was Xiao Ming who came to support him, and because of his poor vision, he managed to kill Xi Ye.

After the first round, RNG fans secretly called it a pity.

But this is just the beginning of BO5, which is harmless.

After a 5-minute break, the two teams continued the second game.

The blue side is WE, and the red side is RNG.

The opening BAN positions on both sides are exactly the same as the previous round, and WE still banned the rock sparrow and spider in the first two moves.

And RNG's BP has not changed, Calista and Dazui.

Chen Xian: "Third hand, look at WE..."

"How do you feel about banning barrels?" Doll asked.

"If you ban the wine barrel, WE will grab the bull's head..."

As soon as Chen Xian finished speaking, WE chose to ban Xiaopao in the third move as before.

"It's still ban Xiaopao, the same idea as the previous game, and RNG still banned Xia here."

"In that case, WE should still grab the old bull." Chen Xian continued.

"Then RNG will take the wine barrel. I think the wine barrel is very important for RNG. The wine barrel and the prince can be chosen, or the wine barrel can be added to the tree, or it can be used for UZI. In fact, RNG You can make choices in the first few moves."

Chen Xian: "That's right, then let's see that the prince locks it down first, and then see if the wine barrel will choose!"

"I also think the wine barrel is a great choice. It can be regarded as a version of the T1 level hero." Wawa agreed.

RNG decisively chose the wine barrel and the prince.

"Sure enough, I still chose it. Taking this BP will be very comfortable for RNG." Wawa continued.

Chen Xian answered: "The pig girl in the previous game said that the petrochemical was not as wild as the incense pot."

"The gank in the early stage was indeed a bit reluctant. Normally, the two sides should switch junglers."

Wawa: "That's right, then let's see, after RNG locks up the prince and the wine barrel, what choice will WE make, will it be the same as the last game, and choose a policewoman again."

At this time, WE decisively chose Zhumei in the second hand.

"We take the pig girl here, I think we can take a wave of Verus in the backhand, first lock down the AD who is relatively strong in the team, and the hero Verus is considered to be a relatively strong version..."

As soon as the baby finished speaking, WE still chose the policewoman as the third hand.

Chen Xian: "Then I feel that RNG is going to take Verus again, because Verus is one of the few remaining ADs who can beat the policewoman. VN is really good at the front row, but against the policewoman Lines are at a disadvantage.”

Wawa: "Actually, there are still others you can play with, such as Sivir."

"Sivir can't lose in pushing the lane, and his team-fighting ability is also very strong, but recently this hero has been nerfed a bit." Chen Xian continued to analyze.

At this time, RNG directly locked Thresh with the third hand.

Wawa: "This RNG third hand helped Xiao Ming get Thresh?"

Chen Xian: "This set of RNG will tell you clearly, and it will play Uenosuke's linkage. The barrel, prince, and Thresh can be said to be three rhythm points, and RNG has taken them all."

"In this case, the pressure on UZI is a bit high. There is no need to worry about UZI's hero pool, but I think WE can move Verus, and others can be released."

Wawa: "Actually, Verus is the only one that is more suitable for the RNG lineup."

In the second round of BP, RNG still chose to ban the vampire first-hand.

"The vampires are still banned here. Xiye's vampires performed really well in the last round of playoffs."

"Verus can be banned, but I don't think it's necessary for the rest of the AD, because uzi's hero pool is endless."

Wawa: "I think VN will be moved if I'm more ruthless."

Chen Xian: "Moving to VN...I don't think it's necessary, VN is very difficult to fight against the female police."

Wawa: "Then we saw that RNG banned Xiye's enchantress, and WE resolutely removed VN."

"Moving to VN is forcing uzi to take other heroes, and the puppy here has locked Lucian."

"I don't think this Lucian is necessarily a bot laner, it's very likely that it was taken by Xiaohu."

Chen Xian: "So, RNG is waiting for WE's follow-up choice, so what will Xiye choose? I think Snake Girl is still here, or the plane is fine."

Wawa: "Sure enough, WE locks off the plane, then the fifth hand, I think WE can continue to take the crocodile for the leg brother, to ensure the lane alignment on the road."

Chen Xian: "Yes, you can choose crocodile, the output ability of double C is quite enough."

"And I think WE's top laner in this game can hold a big tree. We saw that RNG's lineup is very poor in tanking, very poor. If you choose big tree..."

Before the baby finished speaking, WE directly locked Rambo with the fifth hand.

"Eh... I took a damage top laner. In fact, the pressure on WE's top lane is quite high." Seeing that WE picked Rambo as the top laner, Wawa continued.

"It's very difficult for Rambo to develop well in front of the wine barrel and the prince." Chen Xian continued.

Wawa: "Let's find out the final answer of RNG! Whether Lucian is a mid laner or a bottom laner, let's see RNG's final choice."

RNG is very hesitant, and from the player box in the middle, it can be seen that RNG coaches and players have been discussing what to get.

"I think it might be clockwork, because the lineup of RNG is actually quite suitable for clockwork, and Xiaohu's clockwork is very strong."

"If Lucian is the mid laner, RNG is very difficult to play in the middle and late stages. The hands are too short, and it is better to play the clockwork."

As soon as Chen Xian finished speaking, RNG's coaching staff also made a decision, and they chose Clockwork Demon!
"In this case, RNG is more comfortable. AD's Lucian cooperates with the prince who enters the field with the ball."

The BP on both sides is determined.

Blue side WE: top laner Rambo, hit wild boar girl, mid laner Airplane, bottom lane female policewoman, support bull head.

Red side RNG: top laner Prince, jungler Barrel, mid laner Clockwork, bottom laner Lucian, support Thresh.

After the lineup was determined, Chen Xian began to analyze, "For RNG, I think it's better to get the wine barrel for Xiangguo. In this case, RNG's Uenosuke is very capable."

"As for WE's adjustment, Ueno's hero is replaced by Rambo and Zhumei, and the pressure on the leg brother will be great. I feel that after the two BPs, I think the pressure on the leg brother is the greatest."

"Because basically everything in the early stage is done by the leg brother."

Wawa: "And the key point is that the leg brother is still facing the risk of being targeted."

Chen Xian: "Yes, the Ueno of the prince and the barrel is too strong, but the leg brother's performance in the upper game is quite stable. The WE coaching staff gave him this hero, which also shows that they trust him."

Wawa: "And the leg brother has always had the style of a general in key rounds. Every time he plays a key round, the leg brother is very stable."

"Look at this game. Of course, in terms of moving players, uzi was very targeted. Let's do the math, WE moved three ADs, RNG also moved three ADs, and the two sides moved a total of six ADs. "

Chen Xian: "Yes, actually for uzi, there is no good AD to choose from."

At this time, the picture on the screen was placed in the auditorium.

The audience has many cheering cards.

"Who am I? Spicy pot!"

"What am I going to do? Head! Iron! Open! Group!"

"What about KDA? Me! No! Control!"

Under each sentence, there is a villain imitating the fisting posture of Mala Xiangguo, which is very cute.

"This is indeed Xiangguo's style. No matter how low the KDA is, he will start a group." Chen Xian is familiar with the character of a generation of wild kings, and he can't help but sigh with emotion.

Then the picture is given to another viewer.

It's a shot of a cheering card for WE.

There is a big red "WE" letter next to it, and then two sentences on the right.

"I can follow you, sleepwalking like a shadow chasing the light."

"If miracles have a color, it must be blood red!"

Below is also a picture of a few villains, and the nicknames of the five contestants are marked.

"957, Kang Zhilong, Su Shixiong, Chen Shengjun, Nan Dongtian, although I don't know what all this means, but the villain I saw below is pretty good at drawing." Wawa smiled and said.

Chen Xian helped Wawa explain, "Su Shaxiong was actually known to very early fans, because at that time, Xiye's mid laner Annie was moved by all teams. At that time, she was Xiye's most famous hero, commonly known as Annie's human force. column."

"The ace hero who debuted in the First Division, the entire season of the s4 summer split, when all teams are playing WE.A, they have to move Xiye's mid laner Annie."

Wawa: "Actually, recently Xiye's style has returned to the feeling of being 16 years old, because in the spring split, including last year for a long time, Xiye's style was the mid laner of the team, but recently I discovered that Redmi The coach or Xiye himself, he prefers to take this kind of online hero."

"And I think it worked out really well."


After a round of analysis, the second BO5 match between the two sides began.

The two sides are still the blue side WE, and the red side RNG.

Then, with cheers from both sides, enter Summoner's Canyon!

"Lu Xian's problem is still that his ability to fight in the mid-term is relatively weak." After the cheering, Wawa first analyzed.

"The main reason is that the hands are too short. What I am more afraid of is that if Lucian hits the target, he will choose an AD with short hands later. In this case, it will be impossible to fight in the later stage, because WE's lineup has super long hands in the later stage, and their control ability and damage. They are all very capable." Chen Xian answered.

Baby: "And the key is that Rambo's ability to restrict short hands is too strong."

Chen Xian: "When Lucian is in a team, he can only hit the old cow and pig girl in the front row, and then the Rambo, the plane, and the policewoman in the back row, in fact, he can't touch them."

"Also, we saw that the plane is an extraction gate. We may have chosen the extraction considering that the pressure on Xiaohu in the lane is relatively small."

Wawa: "Anyway, the mid laners on both sides are trying to develop."

Chen Xian: "Yes, we saw that the two sides have different ways of opening the field..."

Mala Xiangguo starts with F6, while Kangdi still starts with the regular red buff.

And RNG showed a small routine. Before the bot laner Lucian went online, he ate the young wolves on both sides of the three wolves and went online.

"Hey, this is a good routine! In this case, it is a chance to catch level 2." Chen Xian couldn't help sighing.

Baby: "Eat the two little wolves, but does it have any effect on the wine barrel?"

Chen Xian: "I don't think it should have much impact, because the wine barrel starts the game, you can also skip the wolf and go straight to the six birds, red bully and then blue bully to start the game."

Wawa: "And in this case, you can confuse the opponent. Your online time, including the opponent's AD losing a little blood, will make the opponent think that Xiangguo is played in the second half of the jungle."

Chen Xian: "I just started to help Xiangguo play F6, and I should have seen it, after all, I lost blue when I went online."

Wawa: "Then this may be a half-confuse, half-developed state. Anyway, there's nothing to do at this time, so it's better to eat two little wolves."

Chen Xian: "Moreover, the focus of this incense pot is still to focus on the bottom lane, because the bottom lane has the combination of Lucian and Thresh, and it must have an advantage."

When the commentary seat was analyzing the battle situation, a tragedy happened on the road.

Rambo suppressed a wave of princes with constant temperature fire and harpoon.

"This wave of leg roasting is so cool, a wave of constant temperature fire roasting and two harpoons directly hit Lei Temi to below half blood." Chen Xian continued, "And the wild route of Xiangguo is a bit strange!"

I saw the God's perspective, the wild monster logo in the wild area, the F6, the red bully, and the stone man that was being farmed were gone.

At this time, Mala Xiangguo chose the route of all the wild areas in the first half.

Since the damage of F6 and Golem has become higher in this version, especially the Golem has also produced a split function, which makes it very hurt to refresh Malaxiangguo.

Originally, the wine barrel was not fast to clear the jungle in the early stage, and the stone man was added.

While the wild is slow, the blood volume is also very low.

At this time, the wine barrel's blood volume was only about one-third left.

"Xiangguo is going home after brushing like this, and he is out of shape." Chen Xian added.

"It would be bad if he went home..." Wa Wa felt that it was a pity for Xiangguo to go home.

"Uh...but he's out of shape."

Wawa: "If you put it that way, the wild route is actually quite embarrassing. It can only be said to prevent the stone men from invading the upper half of the wild."

Chen Xian: "It may also be like this. After Xiangguo finished the first half of the jungle, he went home and stayed in the second half of the jungle with peace of mind, and there is a high probability that Xiangguo guessed that Kangdi was going to the upper half of the jungle. His second half of the jungle is safe. , so he chose this route."

Wawa: "It's possible. In this way, Xiangguo will stay in the second half of the jungle for a longer time, and then it will be more convenient to cooperate with gank or support."

Chen Xian nodded and continued: "Yes, just now we also said that Xiangguo's focus is on the bot lane, maybe Xiangguo did this to protect the bot lane."

At this time, the camera switches to the bottom lane, and Kanti squats back at the defensive tower.

"The experience of catching two little wolves in the bottom lane seems to have not brought much help to RNG, because RNG knew that Xiangguo was going home, and Kangdi's location was unknown at this time, so Uzi and Ming didn't dare to fight. .”

Wawa: "Actually, it's back to the original question, short hands."

"And this short is really flawed."

(End of this chapter)

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