Alliance commentary system

Chapter 143 WE Goes to 1 City First

Chapter 143

"But Kandi's rhythm is very good. He seized the opportunity of a wave of incense pots to go to the middle, and gave the fire dragon a rush."

"RNG chose to take the initiative to switch lanes. At this time, uzi was actually quite passive, because the first fire dragon was gone, so it didn't make sense to stay in the bottom lane for so long, so it's better to change lanes!"

After Chen Xian finished explaining, the situation became clear.

Although RNG has the lead in terms of head count, it can be seen that RNG is only ahead of WE by [-] economies.

And such a lead is completely acceptable for WE.

Kassadin, the two ultimate late-stage heroes of the policewoman, WE is not afraid of dragging it down.

In the next time, after the puppy changed lanes, WE took advantage of the opportunity to take down the next tower.

After the puppy turns to the top road, it also exchanges the first tower on the top road.

The two sides began to exchange resources for the stage of economy.

Then came ten seven minutes.

Ben risked his life and came to the canyon pioneer.

Just saw that Luohe Zhumei had just finished playing Vanguard, and Zhumei decisively slammed into the bull's head with her Q skill!
But at this time, Niu Tou was very meaty, so he activated his ultimate move to relieve Pig Girl's passive stun, and stood in the crowd.

At the same time, RNG's uzi who pushed the tower on the top lane and the enchantress in the middle lane also came!

The battle is imminent!
Emperor Kang came over and drove Xiaohu away first, and Xiye was also aggressive, making Xiaohu dare not enter the arena for a long time.

When Luo saw the crocodile and bull head approaching, he resolutely fought back!
Activate the charm big move, W skill to lift the bull's head and crocodile!

But the bull head turned on the shield of the auxiliary equipment and entered the field, and the crocodile opened up, and withstood the output of RNG.

Pig girl threw her big move and hit the bull's head!

RNG exhausted all their efforts and still failed to kill the bull head.Instead they got themselves into trouble!
Wine Barrel's E skill Meat Bullet enters the arena, Xiye's R flashes into the arena, and immediately drops Xiao Ming Diluo!
At the same time, the prince made a big move to kill Lao Niu, but he was also in trouble.

RNG has three remnants left, Kassadin RE sits over, first kills the pig girl, then slows down to Verus again, and then draws A to take away the heads!

"Uzi's blood volume is a little low, Xiye's condition is very good, and RE's jumping up the spicy pot is also taken away!"

"Xiaohu gave Kangdi a set of skills, and Kangdi didn't fall to the ground!"

"Xiye finally took the head of uzi, allowing WE to successfully win the team battle."

"In this wave, all the skills of RNG have been handed over to the old cow and the crocodile."

Wawa: "RNG was too reluctant to pick up. Luo Di's team, including the prince, was given to Lao Niu and Crocodile, which caused damage to the first set and couldn't beat anyone."

Chen Xian: "Actually speaking, this wave is reasonable. RNG is easier to fight in this wave of team battles. First of all, it is the formation. Xiaohu is separated by the opponent at this time, and all the damage of RNG is handed over to Lao Niu. Lao Niu took a lot of damage. Basically, Zhumei’s skills, Luo’s skills, and Prince’s skills were all eaten by Lao Niu. At this time, Xiaohu’s state is very poor, which means that this wave of WE is a positive wave of 5 hits 4 situation."

Wawa: "Yes, and after the prince's big cover was taken down, he himself was killed soon, resulting in no more battlefield control in the future."

"This wave can only be said that Xiye played well. Xiye blocked Xiaohu's point." Chen Xian added: "If it is a 5v5 frontal, RNG should be able to fight, but due to the formation Scatter, the old cow has resisted too much damage."

Wa: "And RNG's lineup, I think if you play at this time, you still need to go first with the key players. You can't give all the skills to the old bull, and you lack follow-up damage to play double C in the lane. If this is the case, failure is inevitable. "

"That's right, we saw this wave of 957 being caught..."

The two commentators on the stage were still in the process of analyzing, they went down the road, and 957 met Letme and Xiaohu.

Enchantress' phantom chain, chained to the crocodile, the prince's EQ picks up the fly, cooperate with the enchantress' skills and Hextech gunblade to directly drop it in seconds!

In the rear, WE personnel came.

Kassadin's R skill gets close to the prince, and his E skill slows him down.

The wine barrel also came.

The Enchantress had no choice but to choose to withdraw from the battlefield.

"Although this wave of legs is dead, WE can still fight this water dragon." Chen Xian looked at the battle situation, and WE started to move the dragon.

Wa Wa replied: "Just now the Canyon Pioneer was picked up by Ming. In fact, at this time, it should be released earlier. Through the Canyon Pioneer, RNG needs to save some of the situation."

"That's right, but look here, Niutou wants to attack uzi. After Ming came, uzi decisively made a big move, and BEN also directly solved the big move. The battle in the middle didn't happen, but the dragon pit..."

At this time, the camera turned, and for some reason, there was an extra pig girl in the dragon pit.

And was kept.

Pig girl wanted to escape, but WE had come to support her, and the leg brother teleported to the front again, which made RNG's situation fall into a quagmire.

"This wave of hot pot is inexplicably dead. WE's overall performance in this game is better, and now I feel that RNG is playing chaotically. It is obvious that WE is playing calmly."

As soon as Chen Xian finished speaking, the wine barrel reached Xiaohu again.

Lao Niu connects to WQ Erlian, and Xiye rushes to a void walker to kill the enchantress directly!

"Here, Xiaohu's blood volume is very low, and he was killed in seconds! The end! And he got the head for the brother-in-law!"

"Brother-in-law's equipment has been upgraded very quickly, and WE has started to attack the second tower here."

For RNG, the whole situation has become dangerous.

After the Rift Herald teamfight, it seems like the whole team has become a mess.

The pig girl lost her way, and the demon girl lost her way, which gave WE infinite opportunities.

"This wave of WE is very calm. When the next wave of soldiers comes, the second tower will still be taken away."

The first wave only pushed half of the HP of the second tower because of the pawn line problem, and the second wave of pawn line was approaching, WE decisively continued to push the tower.

Naturally, RNG didn't dare to force it.

After all, they are at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, not to mention that their economy has surpassed four thousand.

WE chose to retreat after dismantling the second tower and go home to replenish.

While RNG took advantage of the situation and came to the middle, Luo released the canyon vanguard, wanting to advance a wave.

"This wave is a wave for RNG to find a rhythm. This wave of RNG must bring back some resources, or it will explode in the early stage."

Wa Wa answered: "Canyon Pioneer will destroy the first tower in the middle lane here to make up some economy."

Chen Xian: "But WE is also very calm, and they are very wise at this time, because they know that if this lineup is better than the opponent in the late stage, they did not forcefully defend this tower."

"I think for RNG, the most important thing is mentality. Don't worry. If you play this kind of BO5, in fact, from the first minute to the last moment, you must not be anxious. You need to hold on to this energy."

Wawa: "That's right, now I think RNG's next problem is what to do with Xi Ye's single belt."

Chen Xian: "It seems that no one can stop Xi Ye if he is alone, and now Xiaohu can't beat Xi Ye."

"Then there's no need to fight the rest." Wawa continued.

"And at this time, Kassadin has gone down the road. He now has TP and Lich. If he doesn't care, he pushes the line and pushes the tower too fast. If he doesn't care, no one can control him. The card is 4-1-4. Sardin is really smooth."

"Originally RNG's tactics, including Mala Xiangguo's frequent help in the middle, also hope to suppress Xiye in the early laning phase."

Chen Xian: "RNG's lineup, including the priority in BP to help Xiaohu get a LeBlanc first, including some ganks by Xiangguo in the early stage, I feel that they have the intention to contain Xiye."

"But I feel that Xiye is not afraid of this point. I think this RNG still needs to push the lane around the bottom lane, or it is better to play around the bottom lane..."

Chen Xian was analyzing the situation when a battle broke out in Summoner's Canyon.

In the grass on the upper half of the river, a red square artificial eye saw my brother-in-law.

Xiao Ming, Zhu Mei and Uzi happened to be near Liu Niao, and they found the seat of brother-in-law.

Xiao Ming decisively RW to control the policewoman!

The big move of the pig girl's face, also hit the policewoman!
Niutou WQ flew up to two people.

On the other side, the bewitching girl arrived, the prince TP, and Kassadin came around and TP!

Xiaohu's second-stage magic shadow fans stepped on decisively, and after driving into the policewoman, the Q skill took the policewoman's head!

At the same time, when you come back, chain the bull's head!
Just when everyone thought that after RNG lost the policewoman in seconds, the team battle was about to win, WE's support arrived on the battlefield.

From behind, the crocodile, the barrel, and Kassadin came together!
The crocodile opened up, and Kassadin's R skill entered the field, approaching the position of uzi!
Uiz kept pulling, pulling from the river to the position of the three wolves in the upper half of WE wild area!
But Xiye approached uzi with three R in a row, stomped decisively, killed two birds with one stone, and killed Xiao Ming and uzi at the same time!

The fourth R skill keeps up with the bloody spicy pot again!
Get triple kills!

And the remaining princes and enchantresses could only escape in embarrassment.

"Xiaohu ran away, but uzi died in battle, here WE played a wave of two for three! But this is the case when the brother-in-law died first!"

Wawa: "This wave of WE forcibly relied on Xiye to save the situation."

"This wave of casa tops is really unstoppable! One R sits and kills two people."

The baby couldn't help laughing and said: "Kangdi also laughed, I will even give it to you as a knight, and I won't give it to any policewoman."

The battle replays the team battle just now.

Chen Xian began to analyze: "Look at this wave, it is actually a very good opportunity for RNG. It lost the brother-in-law first, but at this time, RNG's lineup was directly cut by Xiye."

"Letmi wanted to come in at the first moment, but the bull head flew him up in an instant, so this Poletmi was also OB on the edge, and then Xiye directly harvested it on the frontal battlefield."

"One Lao Niu and the other Kassadin, these two people dominate this team battle."

Wawa: "Actually, Kangdi and Leg Brother also deal a lot of damage, and I always feel that every RNG's team battles are not handled very well. They shouldn't have any language barriers!"

After saying these words, Wawa rejected his idea in the following days.

Everyone knows that the all-China class has communication barriers.

Xiaohu often has communication problems because he does not receive effective feedback.

There is only one truth of all this, RNG's voice is too loud, it is impossible to hear what they are saying.

And RNG also has a Laitemi who is known as "e-sports bb machine"...

The game time soon came to 25 minutes.

WE wants to ambush the baron, and then force RNG to come over to provide vision and save people.

But RNG did not come from the front.

Xiangguo wants to check the situation on the other side from the side.

As a result, he came down from the triangular grass on the top road and found WE rushing.

At this time, Mala Xiangguo seemed to be lost.

Turned around the wall on the road, just happened to meet WE's Kassadin and the wine barrel.

Spicy Xiangguo disconnected Q skills, flash and glory of justice to distance themselves.

But at this time, Kangdi came over, and a big move blasted the pig girl back. With Kassadin's high output, the pig girl was dropped in seconds with one set!
Xiaohu rushed over from behind, and Ben's bull's head directly blocked Xiaohu's way.

At this time, Pig Girl was already dead!
"At this time! Xiye is already supernatural! This wave of getting lost in Mala Xiangguo was directly caught by Xiye!"

"And this Poirot's ultimate move has also been handed over. Even if WE opens the dragon, RNG still lacks a positive team start."

Wawa: "And there are no junglers in this wave."

Chen Xian: "Besides, RNG is not afraid of fighting dragons, but they are afraid that WE will fight halfway through fighting dragons, and then come up to fight them."

Sure enough, just after Chen Xian finished speaking, Xiao Ming was dizzy with his E skill.

Kassadin and R, Void Walking and Void Energy directly drop Luo in seconds!
The remaining three of RNG retreated decisively upon seeing this.

Wawa: "Ming's side will be retained directly! In this case, Dragon should win the WE side steadily."

Chen Xian: "WE played really well in this game!"

"And they played this game very rigorously, without any mistakes."

After this wave, WE basically stabilized its victory.

2 minute later.

The five members of WE assembled and chose to promote RNG's bot lane ups and downs.

Kangde's A tower was stopped by uzi's big move, and then A was below half blood.

After Kandi was released from the shackles, the wine barrel decisively shot with the E skill!
Uzi reacts extremely quickly, dodge in a flash!
At the same time, the bull head followed!

On the flank, Xiaohu was going to steal the policewoman, but after beating the policewoman, he became bloody.

On the frontal battlefield, the bull's head is set in front, and the wine barrel Q skill bar Luo hits the residual blood!

Kassadin took the head with a void walk!
At the same time, the barrel's second meat bomb impact cooldown is complete!

E flash!
Straight to Verus.

In this wave, Verus lost any ability to escape.

At the same time, the crocodile also flashes W to keep up with the damage.

The pig girl behind Verus can only use her big move to limit the output of one of them, but Uzi is still defeated in the end!
WE took advantage of the trend and ended the game!
Chen Xian: "Let's congratulate WE for winning the first game! We can see in this game that WE seems to have returned to the feeling of the previous spring split."

Wawa continued: "That's right, the performance of WE in this round, especially Xiye, played very well. This Kassadin is like a god. Except for being caught and killed once at the beginning, it seems that he never died again. pass."

Chen Xian was also deeply moved: "This Xiye is too fierce, I think in the next game, RNG must target Xiye's BP restrictions."

Wawa: "Actually, the last round was also targeted, banning vampires and robbing enchantresses, but Xiye brought out his signature Kassadin, which is indeed something we didn't expect, and this round also played well Perfect."

(End of this chapter)

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