Alliance commentary system

Chapter 146 RNG pull chapter 1 game

Chapter 146 RNG regains the game
"The puppy gave the healer and the shield! The last plane's missile took Lucian away!"

"Following up, Lao Niu Q Flash hammered the two of them, forcing the prince and Thresh to flash, and Thresh hooked the stone man and ran away!"

"That's it! RNG sold uzi! It took away the big dragon buff!"

Baby: "This wave of RNG used two earth dragons, and WE's inadvertently took down the big dragon. Although uzi is dead, this wave of big dragons will definitely make money!"

Chen Xian took a breath and continued: "It's mainly the big moves of Zhumei and Rambo. There is no way."

Wawa: "And this wave of puppies doesn't have mercury. After returning home to make up for the cannon, they have a magic resistance on their body. It should be made of mercury."

Chen Xian: "But we have the Baron buff. As we just said, if RNG didn't have this Baron buff, it would never be able to reach the high ground."

Wawa: "Yes, now with this dragon buff, they can play very flexibly. They can play hard push or split push, and the equipment of the female police is still very poor. The policewoman is not very active now. That's right, so I chose to add whispers to the third item, but the policewoman doesn't have double attack speed, so the damage is actually very low."

Chen Xian: "Yes, the female police officer actually needs three critical hits. A female police officer without three critical hits is very weak. The main reason is that the female police officer's late-stage abilities are too severely reduced."

Wawa: "The main reason is that after the clip is not so powerful, the ability to hit the front row will also be weakened."

Chen Xian: "Because the previous gameplay of the female policeman was to give control to the assistant or the front row, and then form a double control chain for the clip, and before the clip was not cut, the damage was very high, but now it seems... Even if the female policeman I made a big whisper, and I can't even mention the hurt."

Wawa: "This is the situation of the policewoman now..."

After RNG took away the dragon buff, it started to advance three ways.

After the second tower in the middle was pushed down, there was not much progress in the highland tower.

After all, Lucian's hands were too short, so he didn't dare to tap the tower's HP in the face of the policewoman's trap.

Under the road, Xiaohu's clockwork relied on his own shield to secretly exchange blood.

After the dragon buff ended, about one-third of the tower's HP was changed, and nothing happened.

On the top lane, Laetmi pushed the tower hard while carrying Rambo's damage, and actually pushed away nearly three-fifths of his health.

Although RNG did not push down the tower, they have already led by nearly [-] economy.

"The big dragon buff of RNG just confirms the economic lead, and the next wave of fire dragons will be spawned soon." Chen Xian saw the countdown refresh time of the fire dragon in the upper left corner.

Wa Wa answered: "Right now, WE needs to wait for Kangdi's gargoyle stone armor and brother-in-law's third attack speed suit."

Chen Xian: "That's right, the plane and the policewoman! These two people's third piece of crit equipment, the artillery, will impress the front row of RNG."

Doll: "There is also Rambo's ability to wear, and Rambo's ability to wear is also very important."

Chen Xian: "I think RNG still needs to speed up its pace now. If this continues, WE's double C position will still have a comeback point."

Wawa: "But I think RNG still has an insurance policy. The insurance is RNG's mid laner. When playing in a team, you only need to draw a lottery, and you will have it."

Chen Xian: "Actually, Prince and Clockwork are a very good system to start a team. Basically, after Prince's opening, Clockwork's ultimate move is very difficult to be empty, unless there is a flash on the opposite side."

After RNG finished beating Xiaolong, the two sides pulled on the field of vision again.

Because of the disadvantage of WE, it is necessary to deal with the pawn line frequently.

RNG took this opportunity to force WE to come from the front.

At this time, the pig girl and the prince opened the big dragon ahead of time!

Lucian used sliding steps to get down from the dragon pit.

When the camera turned around, I saw that there was still a drop of blood left in the WE double C, and Clockwork and Thresh were chasing the opposite side!
"Huh? In this wave of frontal battles, WE's double C is about to be seconded? What's the situation? WE's double C has turned in flash and healing!" Chen Xian shouted in surprise.

Wawa: "Wait and watch the replay! In this case, RNG should be able to take down the second dragon steadily!"

After RNG finished taking the dragon, it started to play back.

Xiaohu hides his earth in the wall.

The four people from WE didn't notice the position of the ball, Xiaohu turned around and released the ball, and pulled the four people from WE!
Wa Wa exclaimed: "We got four people! This Mid Tiger is too fierce!"

Chen Xian smiled, and continued: "It's reasonable, if this is the last version, the double C is already dead, and the spring of this version is weakened, and the damage is a little bit worse."

Wawa: "Yes, we saw RNG get to the high ground very easily."

Chen Xian: "The policewoman put five traps, the wine barrel and the prince were responsible for dismantling them, and the road tower was broken..."

At this time, WE can only choose to be forced to defend.

RNG pushed too hard on the top lane, and WE let go of the top lane crystal decisively.

Then RNG moved to the middle lane, the crystal was destroyed again, and the three lanes were broken!

Xiao Ming tried many times. The first time he hooked Lao Niu, he knocked out less than half of his blood. After the second time, Lao Niu was second.

The three-way super soldiers are buffed to advance, and WE can only choose a desperate wave!
But RNG5 hit 4, the offensive is very fierce, uzi flash and E skills dodge many skills, clockwork pulled out the big move again, causing WE players to fall one after another.

Chen Xian looked at the main base being destroyed, and said slowly: "Let's congratulate RNG for winning a round! The current score is 1:1."

"In this round, RNG really seized the early stage, didn't give WE a chance to breathe, and then successfully won the team battle." Waowa said.

Chen Xian: "That's right, I think it was from the wave sent down from the top lane by the leg brother, Thresh was not caught at the first time, and then he was forced to catch it later, resulting in a change of four, that wave of special injuries, and It’s just that Brother Leg has just been resurrected and was arrested, and at that time Rambo has already been amplified by the prince’s influence.”

Wawa: "That's right, Brother Leg's wave of teleportation was too hurtful. Instead, Letemi has been fighting steadily and didn't rush to support. As a result, his frankness may deal with the policewoman."

Chen Xian: "In that case, a 1-1 draw is also the expected result! After all, these two teams are strong teams, and I still hope to reach the fifth game."

Wawa: "I think no matter who wins these two teams, it will definitely be more exciting to play against EDG in the final."

Chen Xian nodded and said, "Yes, let's take a short break and the excitement will come back soon."

During the commercial, fans of the two teams cheered for their teams.

Compared with the Spring Split, the state of WE has dropped significantly.

After all, the finals of the spring competition is also his commentary.

When WE won [-]-[-], everyone was in very good condition.

But in the summer split, it is obvious that the stamina is a bit lacking.

The first game, indeed won.

But anyone who has seen it knows that it is nothing but Kassadin who relies on Xiye's signature.

The problem was exposed in the second game.

If Xiye didn't wake up, WE lost.

If you look at the problem from this perspective, in the next game, you must give Kanti the initiative hero, and cooperate with the middle and wild linkages.

After the two rounds, Kangdi's gank frequency is not high.

In the first game, the wine barrels are mainly anti-squatting, and the pig girls in the second game are mainly defending the wild area...

Kang Di was too cowardly for Xiangguo.

There is very little initiative.

Therefore, the state of Kangde in these two sentences is not very good.

During the five minutes at the resting place, Chen Xian made a brief review.

Ready to comment the third game.

The players on both sides are in good condition, at least there are no such sullen players.

The most important point of BO5 is to pay attention to mentality.

As long as you have a good attitude, any problems you face can be solved.

Game start.

RNG is on the blue side, and WE is on the red side.

Neither side chose to make substitutions.

After watching the BP start, Wawa slowly said: "Because the two sides changed positions in this round, the BP has completely changed. RNG chose to remove Xiye's Enchantress, while WE banned Thresh."

Then in the second move, RNG banned the vampire Xiye again, while WE banned Kalista.

"Today RNG gave Xi Yemo a lot of respect!" Chen Xian sighed.

Baby: "Yes, and Calista and Thresh were also pushed out by WE."

"Yes, it is impossible to put this Shadow Island combination to RNG, otherwise it will be too strong."

"For the next move, I think WE can give Xiaopao or Dazui."

Wawa: "But RNG banned the wine barrel in the third hand. In this case, RNG really wants to take the trot. I think WE must move the small cannon."

On the screen, WE chose to remove the prince.

Chen Xian: "If you want to move the prince, it will be Dazui and Xiaopao one by one. I think Xiaopao is more suitable for RNG, so I have been emphasizing the point of moving the puppy and Xiaopao."

Wawa: "That's the question, will Lao Niu grab it or not?"

Chen Xian: "Lao Niu doesn't grab, WE backhands big mouth and Lao Niu, RNG is also very uncomfortable."

At this time, RNG really grabbed the bull's head first.

And WE is to lock down a big tree.

"In this case, RNG got the bull's head, and WE locked the big tree. Will it be a big mouth for the brother-in-law?"

As we all know, the brother-in-law's big mouth is basically a signboard among the signs, and few teams dared to enlarge the big mouth of the brother-in-law throughout the season.

I saw that WE locked the cannon with the second hand.

Chen Xian: "This makes RNG very uncomfortable. We know that the small cannon is uzi's signature, and the big mouth is played better by the brother-in-law. In this game, the brother-in-law took the initiative to choose the small cannon, which is quite interesting."

Wawa: "What WE should think about is not only to have a good lineup on their side, but also to put some pressure on the lineup on the opposite side."

Chen Xian: "Then let's see if Mala Xiangguo will grab the spider... But there is one thing, once the spider is snatched, the lineup will definitely be higher."

RNG locked Snake Girl second-hand.

Wawa: "If you choose Snake Girl, the AP output in the later stage will be guaranteed."

Chen Xian: "First choose a snake girl for Xiaohu,... If that's the case, Xiye's Lucian won't be able to get out, then Xiye's hero pool may have to be selected in the second round."

RNG's third hand debut, big bug.

Chen Xian continued: "RNG first determined the middle and top, and the snake girl increased the bug, and even the big bug in this hand is very likely to be a jungler."

During the summer split, Xiang Guo used strange junglers many times.

Some top lane heroes including Big Chongzi and Rambo are used to play wild.

Wawa: "RNG likes this kind of third hand is a swing position, and then started the second round of bans."

"This set, Xiye and Uzi, are not very happy. Let's take a look at WE's third choice. If Xiye doesn't get the third choice, we won't be able to get a good one later."

WE chose to show off Syndra.

"Sindra beat Snake Girl, I've seen it before in the regular season."

Then change to the plane.

"For airplanes, more emphasis is placed on the mid-to-late stage, and the early stages are not as good as Syndra's."

Wawa: "And the plane puts more emphasis on online stress resistance, and takes the development route."

Chen Xian: "In the second round, WE still chose to move to uzi's hero pool."

The doll asked, "How about Big Mouth?"

"Well, the big mouth can be moved, and this disc has VN, I think I can choose VN, but VN and Snake Girl's hands are still a bit short, and it's really not easy to play against small cannons." Chen Xian replied road.

At this time, WE's first move in the second round chose to move Shen.

Chen Xian "moved a hero who is more afraid of big trees. Shen, he can be regarded as a killer of some tanks, and RNG likes to play Shen very much."

Wawa: "Let's see, what is RNG moving here? RNG chose to move Olaf, who was used by Kanti before, when the jungler and support did not show up."

Chen Xian: "On RNG's side, I think Luo can be used."

Wawa: "But I think RNG has taken Lao Niu here, and Luo is not a big threat."

At this time, WE moved Dazui away as a last resort.

Chen Xian: "It's still a big mouth. If this is the case, uzi is not a good choice. This disc may come out of VN."

Wawa: "Eh... mice are fine too, RNG's last move is to deal with Rek'Sai."

"In this way, two junglers have been moved. Counting the wine barrels before, we have moved three junglers."

WE's fourth move directly robbed Zhumei without playing wild.

"When he moved his two hands to the jungler, he was forcing WE to choose Zhumei, but what did Brother Feng think? Could it be that the spider really wanted to win in the early and mid-term?"

Wawa: "Or is it the big bug playing wild?"

At this time, RNG chose to take Zac.

Chen Xian: "Then Zac is finished, RNG's three front row are good!"

In the last move, Xia was chosen.

Chen Xian continued: "Xia...knows everything, well, uzi practiced wildly in rank for a while before."

Wawa: "Then WE's last move is to take Bloom for ben. As I said just now, this Bloom can be regarded as a spare Bron."

"Bron is also good at fighting old bulls online, and can also block Xia's feathers, and restrain some heroes who enter the field."

Wawa: "Actually, I think RNG took a little too much meat. I feel that if they play in the late stage, the damage is a bit insufficient."

Chen Xian: "Yes, the lineup has been selected. Let's briefly analyze the lineups selected by the following two sides."

Wawa: "First of all, when the wine barrels were moved, the junglers on both sides changed their forms. Mala Xiangguo and Kandi all changed to forms that favor team fighting and herbivory."

Chen Xian: "In fact, the BP on both sides showed their own styles today. RNG's BP is basically biased towards the early stage or online, while WE's double C position in each game is actually very late. Double C His hands are very long, and his carry ability in the late stage is very strong."

(End of this chapter)

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