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Chapter 97 In Class (3)

Chapter 97 In Class ([-])

Harry's mind went blank - he wasn't Hermione who could recite entire books backwards.Hermione was holding her right hand high, but in Snape's eyes, she seemed to be an invisible person.Just when he was about to give up, Andre's voice came from his ears, "It's a dose of death water, a powerful sleeping pill." Harry immediately followed the script.

Snape frowned even tighter: "Potter, if I were looking for bezoar, where would I find it?"

Andre's reminder continued to ring in Harry's ears: "Professor, the bezoar is in the stomach of the cow."

There was a look of surprise on Snape's face - this was the first time he had shown any expression since he was in class. "Why don't you write it down? Huh?"

The little eagles and little lions made student appearances one after another, bowing their heads to take notes.

"Potter, tell me, what's the difference between acanthus aconite and wolfsbane aconitum?" Snape's voice became softer, and his eyes flicked around, focusing on Hermione and Andre.

"There is no difference, they are collectively called aconite." This time Snape's gaze finally caught the scene of Su Ziqiong's lips squirming. "Mr. Gaunt, Ravenclaw lost two points because of you."

No kitty dared to raise objections to this, firstly because they were afraid of Snape, and secondly because of Su Ziqiong's identity.

The only sound in the silent dungeon was the rustle of a quill across parchment.

Of course, except for one person, it is naturally our client Su Ziqiong.

I just moved my lips a few times, whoever blames me! ! !
He has to vent his anger.



Theoretical knowledge did not last long.

About ten minutes later.

Snape then asked them to start making a scabies cure potion.

This is a lesson that Su Ziqiong has already learned since he was five years old, and he has already mastered it by heart.

This time, he did not deliberately hide his strength.

He had to win back those points he lost for no reason.

Su Ziqiong asked himself, his sense of collective honor is still quite strong!

Su Ziqiong's "revealing strength" also benefited a lot from the little eagles around him.It seems that no matter what step they did wrong, Su Ziqiong can always help them correct the potion to normal state.When he finished first, and delivered an amber-glossy finish, Snape had to add three points for Ravenclaw.But it was clear—Snape was not in a good mood.

Harry's potion was not completed satisfactorily, and Snape seized the opportunity and deducted two points.Neville was even more confused.He teamed up with Seamus and ended up burning Seamus's cauldron into a mess, with billowing green smoke.Gryffindor suffered heavy losses in Potions.

After class, the little eagles were in a good mood. After all, Andre Gunter, whom they were proud of, rarely received a positive net score in Snape's class, but the little lions were not in a good mood. Happy.Especially Harry, whose face was so gloomy that water dripped from his face.

"Thank you, Andre." Harry hurried over to thank him. "If it wasn't for your help, I would be miserable today."

"You're welcome, Harry." Su Ziqiong smiled, "Professor Snape's class requires us to work together. Don't blame him, if you want to say who least wants you to be hurt, he must be one of them .”

"After all, he is really a good man, a good man hurt by love!!!"

"Andre, what do you mean?" Harry was confused.After all, facing such a professor who made no secret of his hatred for him, it was difficult for Harry to develop a good impression.

"It's nothing." Su Ziqiong showed his usual smile again, and it was absolutely impossible for Harry to see anything on his face. "Look, Ron and Hermione are here to look for you, so I'm leaving first!"

Su Ziqiong waved her hand, turned around, and slowly disappeared on the stone steps, and even disappeared from Harry's sight.

"What did Andre mean by that sentence?" Harry was still thinking to himself as he walked on the road leading to Hagrid's hut.He was stunned by Andre's words.

"Forget about Harry, Andre must have made a mistake." Ron spread his hands. "He probably added a 'no' by accident. If there is anyone who wants you to be spared, he must be one of them. That makes sense."

"It can only be explained in this way." Hermione walked in the front, smiling playfully: "Okay, don't think about it, Dahei came out to pick us up." In front of them, a big black dog was having fun Like running over.

The face of Gryffindor's golden iron triangle swept away the haze, and excitedly played with the big black dog who rushed over to meet them.

This is like fate. Although the time we have been together is not too long, the friendship of this Iron Triangle is definitely deep at this time.




The long-awaited flying lesson finally arrived, and the freshmen of Ravenclaw and Slytherin came to the open field.Mrs. Hooch, the flying teacher, was waiting for them, and the floor was strewn with broomsticks.

"There, boys. Stand by the broomsticks, put your hands on top of the broomsticks, and say 'Get up!'" Mrs. Hooch had short gray hair and bright, piercing yellow eyes like a hawk.Even when he spoke, it seemed to carry the coldness and sternness of the wind.

On the huge open space.

The little genius Hermione's fingers kept drawing mysterious tracks in the robe, spit out a few low syllables, and secretly cast the Flying Charm—she had never figured out the principle of the broom jumping according to the sound.As far as his character is concerned, he seeks stability rather than change.Not sure if the broom will listen to him, so I'd rather use the safer flying spell—although it's troublesome.

Under the power of magic, the broomstick couldn't resist, and jumped obediently into Hermione's hands.

He looked around, but found that there were not many obedient brooms.Some just roll around lazily on the ground, and some don't obey orders at all and don't even bother to move.

Lisa Dupin, standing to her right, was one of the unlucky ones, her broom not moving at all.

Both Harry and Ron were better than hers. Amidst their murmurs that sounded like earnest words, the broom started to move in a daze, and jumped directly into their hands.

"Miss Dupin, you might as well threaten your broom severely."

Mrs. Su Ziqiong's voice came, reminding this inconspicuous girl softly.Du Ping followed suit, and the broom jumped into her hands obediently.

"Thank you, Andre!"

Du Ping showed a big smile to Su Ziqiong, and Du Ping, who was dotted with a few faint freckles, actually blushed a little.

Su Ziqiong turned her head decisively.

He's still young, so this woman's sex has nothing to do with him, nothing to do with him, nothing to do with him! ! !

After practicing for a long time, Mrs. Huo Qi asked the eaglets to rest for more than 20 minutes.

Among them, especially those guys with bruised noses and swollen faces who were hit by broomsticks.

(End of this chapter)

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