My body can be digitized

Chapter 98 In Class (4)

Chapter 98 In Class ([-])

Within 10 minutes, Su Ziqiong took a sip of the newly developed blueberry juice.

Ms. Hooch's second lesson was to show the eaglets the correct flying posture, and then ask them to position themselves and prepare for take-off. "Get ready, as soon as I blow the whistle, you will push hard. Pay attention, be sure to push hard!" she emphasized.

And just as Mrs. Hooch had just said it.

The whistle sounded, and in an instant, dozens of broomsticks rose from the ground.

The sight is quite spectacular.Ravenclaw and Slytherin freshmen happily shuttled through the air.

Su Ziqiong saw that many people's faces were still tense, obviously clenching their teeth, unable to relax - after all, it was the first time to go into space.

As for him, he followed everyone staggeringly, looking like he might fall off his wand every time, but he was able to save himself from danger every time.

Hermione, the little genius in the Iron Triangle, rushed to the front of the crowd. Apart from being cautious at the beginning, everything else undoubtedly showed her excitement and pride.

no time.

This stubborn little girl would give Su Ziqiong a hard look.

In her opinion, if it wasn't for him, the No.1 in Potions class should also be herself.

Su Ziqiong naturally noticed the little girl's eyes. Of course, he had only one reaction.

That is to choose to ignore directly.

With his temperament, he is too lazy to please a yellow-haired girl who hasn't even grown hair yet,
As for pushing back, he didn't even have that leisurely mind.

But his direct ignorance directly angered Hermione.

How can a genius be ignored like this?
The little girl suddenly became very angry and planned not to deal with this bad guy in the next few days, but to concentrate on controlling the broomstick under her feet.

Everything around was completely silent, only the sound of the broomstick rubbing against the air could be heard.

Hermione suddenly heard an exclamation from Harry behind him.

She followed the prestige, but found a tiger owl flying towards her quickly.Everyone was shocked, and there were screams in the air.

The Tiger Owl is a large raptor with a wingspan of over five meters, extremely fast, and eats meat.Due to its special wing structure, when it dives, it will make a huge sound like a tiger's roar, which is breathtaking.Even for an adult wizard, if he doesn't have advanced flying skills and profound magical combat experience, it would be very dangerous to face Tiger Owl alone in the air.Such raptors do exist in the Forbidden Forest, but they are only active at night, let alone come to the flying class teaching ground to attack students.

Mrs. Huo Qi was shocked. She was very familiar with Tiger Owl, so she was more aware of the horror of this magical creature.

"Students, land quickly, the Tiger Owl will attack all targets it can see in the air at all costs!"

Mrs. Huo Qi shouted loudly. Although she is also a teacher, it is obvious that she is not a person with outstanding strength.

Although it is impossible for the creatures in the Forbidden Forest to escape, at this moment, this seemingly absurd thing is really happening in front of them.

At that moment, everyone closed their eyes, unable to bear to look any further.

There are still a few students on the ground who did not take off. I don't know if it is luck or misfortune.

As for the ones that go into the air, it's hard to get off now.

Tiger Owl's speed was extremely fast, and it was simply not comparable to the group of little devils who had just learned to use the flying wand.

Hu Haoxiao rushed from the back, and there were only three figures here.

Two of them are the Delacour sisters. In Harry Potter, these two sisters can be said to be existences comparable to goddesses. The Delacour sisters have Veela blood and are all-powerful. Their hair can glow silver at night. A faint light, while their magic and dance enchant all men.

The rest is none other than Su Ziqiong.

"This luck..."

Su Ziqiong frowned slightly. Sister Delacour was actually in a better situation than him. After all, his position at the moment was right in front of the two sisters.

Even if Hu Haoxiao's target was the two sisters, first of all, he had to get past him.

In fact, it seemed even more grim than he had imagined.

In mid-air, the monster did not choose the Delacour sisters as its target, but swooped directly towards Su Ziqiong.

"What are you talking about!"

Su Ziqiong was ready to fight in an instant.

In fact, with advanced flying skills, it is not difficult to turn and change directions in the air.

But no matter whether it is completely petrified or fainted, it will not be able to stop the tiger owl's dive, but will only make it more powerful-after all, being grabbed by an owl's sharp claws and being caught by an immobilized The Tiger Owl was hit head-on, and everyone knew which situation was worse.As for the Shattering Curse and Iron Armor Curse, he hadn't had time to practice it to the point where he could cast spells without a staff.

He has no other choice!

Su Ziqiong didn't think about it any more, he instinctively stopped in the air and changed direction, and then quickly rushed towards Hu Haoxiao—this was like an acrobatic, the magic wand under Su Ziqiong seemed to be equivalent to a part of his body, as if He has a pair of wings.

Obviously, this directly caused a crowd of exclamations, including Mrs. Huo Qi, whose shock was beyond words.

The wind blew through Su Ziqiong's short golden hair, and the black robe was tightly pressed against his body by the wind, revealing his smooth body curves. At this moment, he actually had the demeanor of a master.

Of course, at this moment, Su Ziqiong only had eyes for the swooping tiger owl.

He speeds up his broomstick, seemingly about to collide with Tiger Owl.Everyone opened their mouths wide open, and some girls even cried out of fright.

Of course, Su Ziqiong didn't intend to do that.

Sacrifice yourself to save others.

He asked himself that he could not do this step.

At an altitude of more than ten meters.

While driving the broomstick to accelerate, Su Ziqiong secretly cursed the inhumanity of the school in his heart—if he could bring the Nimbus 2000 to school, with its outstanding acceleration, braking, and steering performance, he would have been able to go from a tiger to a He escaped from Hao Xiao's claws, why use this ancient sweeping seven stars to perform such a difficult move.

Fortunately, he relies on real ability to eat! ! !

Tiger Owl's speed was too fast. Even if he was prepared in advance, he would not be able to escape with this antique wand.

Simply, Su Ziqiong directly confronted each other.

And when Su Ziqiong was about twenty feet away from Tiger Owl, this distance was only a short moment for two relatively high-speed flying objects.

He slammed down the handle of the broomstick, dived down three to five feet, then quickly pulled up the broom handle, and with both hands, he threw himself off the broom, posing in the air in an almost inverted position.And at this time, Hu Haoxiao was directly above him!

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Su Ziqiong's eyes lit up, and taking advantage of Hu Haoxiao's lack of reaction, he directly kicked Hu Haoxiao's abdomen fiercely, causing the bird of prey to vomit blood and deviate from its original route.When all this was done, he dropped back on the broom again.With a sinking of both hands, he brought the broom back to the level flying state.

This time the rabbit rose and the falcon fell, and at the same time he kicked the tiger owl away, Mrs. Hooch had time to pull out her magic wand and cast the Shattering Curse—"Torn apart!"

Following the slightly sharp incantation, a dazzling blue light instantly shot out from Madam Hooch's wand, and hit Tiger Owl's body firmly.

next moment.

The Tiger Owl exploded in all directions in the air...

(End of this chapter)

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