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Chapter 96 In Class (2)

Chapter 96 In Class ([-])

The second class is Transfiguration class.

Compared with the Charms class, the Transfiguration class gave people an unexpected surprise.

When Ravenclaw and the kittens from the other four colleges walked into the Transfiguration classroom, they did not find Professor McGonagall, only a tabby cat squatting on the podium.Everyone thought it was some student's lost pet, only Su Ziqiong made a move that surprised everyone——

He stepped forward and bowed to it in a respectful salute.

His roommate, Stuart Ackley and the other little fat man were very puzzled. They asked him the reason softly, and Su Ziqiong shook his head with a smile: "You will find out later."

The bell for class had already rung, and almost everyone was surprised that Professor McGonagall, known for his serious and punctual, would be late. Only Su Ziqiong was still staring at the tabby cat squatting on the podium that was ignored by everyone.

The tabby cat jumped off the podium, and its shape began to twist in the air. When it fell to the ground, it had already turned into Professor McGonagall with a serious face.

The eaglets looked surprised and clapped involuntarily. Professor McGonagall looked very satisfied.

"Mr. Gaunt, you earned five points for Ravenclaw!"

Professor McGonagall's words set off a burst of cheers from the eaglets, especially Hermione, who had already begun to look like a genius, even more so!

"I'm curious how you saw my Animagus transformation? The other students didn't notice it."

"Professor," Su Ziqiong stood up and replied solemnly, "As one of the few Animagus registered in this century, you are really worthy of our memory. And," he grinned, "your The patterns next to the eyes of the Animagus are so similar to your glasses!"

"Excellent, Mr. Gunter," Professor McGonagall gave a rare smile. "Okay, let's start today's lesson."

The Eagles were very disappointed.They were told that they were still far from advanced transformation techniques such as Animagus, and could only practice the most basic transformation of objects.Professor McGonagall gave each of them a match and asked them to try to turn it into a needle.

I have to say that Hermione is indeed a genius. Although it is only the first time she has learned Transfiguration, her talent is really high, and she succeeded for the first time!

Mr. McGonagall, who has always been strict, couldn't help but look at Ms. Hermione a few more times.

After Hermione, the second one is Su Ziqiong.

He has used this low-level transformation technique countless times. To him, this kind of magic is no different from the pediatrics of the pediatrics.

Originally, he didn't intend to show off, but with this handicap, with a slight shake...he succeeded again.

The king is really lonely.

As for results.

Hermione scored two points for Gryffindor, and Su Ziqiong scored two points for Ravenclaw.Only Lisa Dupin made the match points look slightly sharper before get out of class.

For the rest of the class, Su Ziqiong played with the gold-eating mouse hidden in his sleeve like in the first class.

It is worth mentioning that.

In all the courses that have been taken so far, Hermione is invincible. In just two days, she scored more than [-] points for Gryffindor by herself. The title of "Great Genius" has also spread like wildfire. Faintly becoming the leader of Gryffindor's first year.



Professor Snape's Potions class is the class that students in all houses except Slytherin fear the most. In fact, even some students in Slytherin House think that Potions class is probably the most difficult part in the world. time.The first-year Ravenclaw eaglets, led by Su Ziqiong, were running on the way to the underground classroom.

In the classroom, Su Ziqiong found that the memory of the original work in the previous life was biased here. Ravenclaw didn't take the Potions class with Hufflepuff, but with Gryffindor.However, this did not help the kittens to allay their fear of potions.

In the dark underground classroom, the magic light source emitted a weak white light, barely illuminating the consoles of the little eagles and little lions.The humid air made it impossible to feel any pleasure, and it only made it more and more difficult for this group of students who had heard Snape's reputation for a long time to breathe.

Snape was tightly wrapped in a black robe, with a cold and serious face, like a cloud, striding into the basement classroom, his eyes swept over the students, his eyes were as sharp as a knife.

The classroom immediately fell silent, the low hissing voice could not be heard just now, and fell into a dead silence - Snape, like Professor McGonagall, always possessed this ability to calm the classroom quietly.He took out the list and started roll call.

When pointing to Harry Potter, Professor Snape, who looked enough to frighten children, seemed to be turned on a switch suddenly, and the poisonous tongue attribute was fully activated.

"Yoyo, come on, let's have a look, the famous legendary hero Harry Potter, let me introduce to you, this is our newcomer - a famous character."

His voice is not loud, and the quality of his voice is not gentle, but his tone is gentle, but it gives people a smooth feeling, like a colorful poisonous snake spitting out snake messages.

No one laughed, and everyone lowered their heads for fear of meeting Snape's eyes.

He took out his wand and tapped on the blackboard. The content and operation points of the scabies treatment potion to be made in this lesson appeared on the blackboard.Then turn around and face the students.

"You are here to learn the precise science and rigorous craftsmanship of potion preparation." Snape's thin lips squirmed and spit out these words.

"Many of you won't believe it's magic, as there's no foolish wand waving here. I don't expect you to really appreciate the beauty of that simmering cauldron with its white smoke and fragrance, You don't really understand the liquid that flows into people's veins, it's mind blowing
That kind of magical power that makes one's will and mind blur.I can teach you how to increase your reputation, brew honor, and even prevent death—but only if you are not the stupid fool I often encounter. "

The Potions Master has his own unique charm. This short opening remark has fascinated many people, and it seems that Snape has suddenly become less hideous.

Su Ziqiong keenly noticed that Hermione Granger tried to straighten her already straight body after these words, and moved her body forward, trying to get closer to the blackboard.Moreover, she was the only one other than herself who dared to keep her eyes fixed on Snape.It seems that she is more eager than anyone else to prove her talent and intelligence.

"Potter!" Snape asked suddenly.Harry was startled, like a frightened rabbit, his face turned pale, and he raised his head abruptly.

"Next, please tell me, dear Mr. Harry, what will be obtained by adding powdered daffodil root to an infusion of wormwood?"

Professor Snape's face was as cold as frost.

(End of this chapter)

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