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Chapter 95 In Class (1)

Chapter 95 In Class ([-])

The conversation didn't last long. Firstly, the two of them didn't know each other very well. In addition, there was a gap in their identities. In the end, there was another important reason. There were three roommates in each dormitory, and the other one had gone to bed early. In line with noble etiquette, Su Ziqiong did not want to wake the other party.

Vertical sun, early in the morning.

Su Ziqiong woke up just as the sky turned pale.

He has had a problem with beds since he was a child. Although Hogwarts gave him a homely feeling and the bed was relatively soft, it still made him unable to sleep peacefully.Without disturbing his sleeping roommate, he put on his new robe and went directly to the dining room.

To be honest, he was really hungry.


In the huge restaurant, the Audio-Technica that I saw on the train was waiting there early.

Ron saw him from a distance and waved to him.Su Ziqiong also smiled and waved towards the other party.

Harry's face didn't look good, and he was staring at a pair of dark circles. He probably didn't sleep well like Su Ziqiong.

"Andre, did you sleep well last night?"

Ron took the initiative to come over and said, "Why do you have two dark circles under your eyes? Is the bed in Ravenclaw not as comfortable as the bed in the Gaunt family?"

"Cough, I'm a little sleepy. I didn't sleep very well. I'll be fine in two days."

Su Ziqiong replied with a smile.

"He is the only son of the Gunter family, and he has never lived in such a poor dormitory."

Hermione's tone of voice was strange, with a hint of sourness, sharp and painful. "He'd probably sleep well like the Princess and the Pea in Muggle tales, with twenty layers of velvet on his bed."

"Hermione!" Harry yelled, tugging at the corner of Miss La Hermione's clothes, as if he wasn't used to Hermione's sarcasm at Andre in this tone.

But fortunately, Su Ziqiong had a calm demeanor, and since Hermione was just a little girl, he didn't bother to argue with Hermione, so he was just a breeze.Turning to greet Hermione: "Ms Granger, good morning, it's nice to see you again."

"You can call me Hermione, Andre."

Hermione froze, suddenly a little guilty. "Otherwise I can only call you Mr. Gunter, which will make me very uncomfortable."

"Yes, Miss Hermione."

Su Ziqiong showed her signature smile, "You are going to take Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class later, right? Just a friendly reminder, it's best to eat well. If you are distracted by hunger in Professor McGonagall's class, but You won’t be forgiven!”

"Is Professor McGonagall very strict, Andre?" Hermione asked worriedly. "I won't lose points to Gryffindor..."

"Don't worry, Hermione."

Harry said worriedly. "If you have to lose points to Gryffindor, I guess Gryffindor will lose points today."

Su Ziqiong laughed loudly and said: "That's right, Harry! Don't worry, Professor McGonagall is the dean of Gryffindor after all, so I won't embarrass you, but I'm an outsider! Alright, I'm going to have breakfast ,goodbye!"

After saying goodbye to the Gryffindor trio, Su Ziqiong walked back to the Ravenclaw long table and sat down beside Qiu.

"Didn't you sleep well?" Qiu asked, with a naughty smile on the corner of his mouth. "Insomnia is the enemy of Ravenclaw. If you don't have enough energy in class, you will be blamed by the teachers!"

"Don't worry Qiu."

Su Ziqiong smiled slyly, and took out a crystal bottle from the pocket of his robe. "Energy potion! I boiled it myself, and the quality is much better than those high-end products on the market!" Picking up the magic wand, he tapped the eye circles again, and the blackness disappeared. "Now, is it all right?"

"Energy Potion! That's the potion content for the third grade. Su Ziqiong, you're such a genius!" Qiu admired sincerely. "Maybe you will become the first Ravenclaw who can get points from Professor Snape!"

"Hey, I hope so. I'm confident that my talent for potions is as good as anyone else. Oh! Plunk!"

It was the time when Hogwarts mails were most concentrated every morning. Plunk flew in among a group of owls, and his mighty figure was particularly conspicuous.It landed on Su Ziqiong's shoulder, snatched half of the bread from his plate in one gulp, then jumped onto the table, raised one leg proudly, and signaled Su Ziqiong to take off the letter tied on it.

"Su Ziqiong, your Swift Shadow Eagle is truly a divine steed!"

Qiu tenderly stroked Plunk's feathers, picked up the milk jug and poured it a full saucer of milk. "Is your name Plunke? It's such a mighty name!" Xun Yingying raised his head with enjoyment, squinted at Andre, and rubbed his head against Qiu's slippery white palm, making him Qiu itch giggled.

Su Ziqiong was suddenly frustrated, and fiercely squeezed out a few words from between his teeth, "Forget righteousness for sex!"

Then, no longer caring about the dead fat eagle, he lowered his head and started reading letters from home.His mother repeated her nagging in the letter, and his father asked him not to forget to make friends at school and not to ruin the family's glory.

"By the way, Andre." Qiu who was teasing Plunke suddenly raised his head. "Your first period is Professor Flitwick's class. You must perform well and get more points! Ravenclaw has lost the House Cup for too long, and we will work hard to get it back this year!"

"Well, I will try my best."

The smile on Su Ziqiong's face was as bright as spring.

Whether it's for the prestige in front of others or for the system mission, he must work hard.

Professor Flitwick is a diminutive wizard who has to stand on top of a pile of books in class to see his classmates over the podium.Since he is the dean of Ravenclaw himself, the freshmen don't have too many scruples, and the whole class is full of joyful atmosphere.Since they just entered school, and many of the freshmen were Muggle-born without any relevant background, the first class was mainly based on the basic theory of spells, without any difficulty.

Su Ziqiong has no intention of showing off. Although these theories are self-taught when he was six or seven years old, and he has already mastered them by heart, he has such a personality that he doesn't like to show off in front of others, and low-key development is the kingly way.

Of course, being low-key doesn't mean Su Ziqiong is easy to bully.

Once someone provokes him, Su Ziqiong doesn't mind letting the other person feel what it means to stare from the abyss.

However, one person still stole the show, and it was none other than Hermione, who was known as a genius.

One person has almost all the answers to all the questions.After one class, he scored six or seven points for Gryffindor.

Although Hermione was not a student of her own college, Professor Flitwick had a calm temperament. After finally meeting such a smart student, the old professor couldn't help but feel a little happy.

But what should be strict is still strict, especially when facing the students of his own college. The old professor especially encouraged the freshmen of Ravenclaw to work hard to win this year's house cup.

Of course, the tone is just not that good.

Who is the Academy Cup has always been divided equally between Slytherin and Gryffindor.

As for the remaining Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs... tsk tsk tsk... they are simply acting as molecules.

(End of this chapter)

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