My body can be digitized

Chapter 94 Ravenclaw

Chapter 94 Ravenclaw
It was only by facing her that one could understand why she was the most popular girl in all of Ravenclaw.

"Yes, senior sister, my parents are both wizards. I have loved reading and learning since I was a child. It is my honor to enter Ravenclaw this time!!!"

Su Ziqiong smiled slightly.

The unique aristocratic elegance emanating from his bones made Qiu Zhang always look at him with a little something strange.

This, sure is an interesting one.

Qiu Zhang thought so.

"Just call me Qiu, Andre."

Qiu Zhangwei also responded with a smile, "Our college hasn't won the college cup for many years. We have more of you this year, so let's work hard, senior sister is very optimistic about you!"

"I would like to borrow your good words, Qiu."

Su Ziqiong drank the last sip of pumpkin juice and relaxed his body.

To be honest, the pumpkin juice at Hogwarts tastes really good.

Gently close your eyes, in an instant, the mellow liquid slides over the tip of the tongue, moistens the throat, slips into the throat, floats warmly in the abdomen, slowly floats in the nose, sneaks into the mouth in blood.

"By the way, do you like playing Quidditch?"

After drinking all the pumpkin juice in the cup, Su Ziqiong looked at Qiu Zhang.

"Of course, Quidditch is my favorite sport. It's a pity that I was only in the first grade last year, and I was not allowed to enter the college's Quidditch team according to regulations. Of course, I hope I can pass the selection this year."

Qiu Yu sighed with regret, and then became cheerful again: "What about you, Andre?"

"Of course, Quidditch is my favorite activity! It's a pity that the school doesn't allow first-year students to bring broomsticks, so I have to leave my Nimbus 2000 at home."

"Andre, you are so lucky. The Nimbus 2000 is the latest broomstick, and the one I use is the Comet 260. But even if I can only use it, I will still be a first-class Hogwarts broomstick. golfer!"

There was some envy on Qiu Zhang's face.

The Nimbus 2000 is the latest flying broom today, and it is very expensive. Qiu Zhang's family background is not considered prominent.

"Well, Qiu, you will definitely become the best seeker, I believe it!"

"Thank you! There will be a Quidditch selection in a week, you have to come and cheer for me!"

Autumn's smile was bright and sunny.


Su Ziqiong nodded and laughed loudly.



Time passed slowly.

It's halfway through the meal.

The students stopped their knives and forks one after another, and the clinking sounds of knives, forks and plates in the auditorium slowly fell silent. Finally, all the food and leftovers disappeared in an instant, silence returned to the restaurant, and Dumbledore stood up again.

"I'm glad to see that everyone is full. Now, I have a few things to announce." Dumbledore said in a deep voice, with a hint of majesty in his tone.All the students held their breaths and did not dare to speak out.

"First of all, the Forbidden Forest continues to prohibit students from entering, all new students and some old students please pay attention to this." His majestic gaze swept across the Gryffindor table,

The Weasley brothers paused for a moment.

"Secondly, the administrator, Mr. Filch, reminded me to emphasize again: please do not cast magic in the corridors between classes. The list of school contraband can be seen in Mr. Filch's office, and students who need it can go to check it " His eyes swept over the Weasley brothers again, Su Ziqiong was very clear about the characters of the two brothers, and sat comfortably on the seat to watch the two brothers grinning and grimacing.

"In addition, the selection of Quidditch players will start in the second week. Students who are interested in participating in the college team, please contact Mrs. Hooch."

"Did you hear that, Andrei?"

Qiu winked at Su Ziqiong mischievously.

"Finally, I must tell everyone that those who do not want to suffer accidents and die in pain, please do not enter the corridor on the right of the fourth floor."

"Qiu, what's there?"

Su Ziqiong asked the question knowingly, he knew very well that the three-headed dog is not so easy to provoke.

"I don't know either, but it's best not to go."

Qiu also shook his head in confusion. "I'm afraid you won't have much time. Ravenclaw's library is enough to bury all your spare time energy." She smiled slyly.

"Okay, let's sing the school song, and then the seniors from each college will lead their juniors to bed!"

Dumbledore announced loudly.

"Tomorrow, you will start a brand new day."

The freshmen didn't know the school song, let alone the tune, but fortunately Dumbledore used magic to conjure a huge light curtain in front of the hall, and the lines on it were the Hogwarts school song lyrics.

The freshmen finished singing the school song in a messy tune, and while Qiu Zhang was stunned, Su Ziqiong tried his best to dedicate her swan song.

The seniors of various colleges stood up majestically and began to greet the first-year freshmen.

"Goodbye, Andre!"

Qiu smiled softly.

Su Ziqiong also smiled and nodded, and then walked back to Ravenclaw's student dormitory with senior George Gerrard.

Gerald led them back to the top of the tower, where they came to a bronze knocker in the shape of an eagle.

"Freshmen, remember, this is the entrance to the Ravenclaw common room. If you are not smart enough to answer its questions, sorry, but you will have to stay outside for the night. So, please You must study hard!"

Gerald turned his head slightly, and said quite sincerely.

He knocked on the door.The question rang out: "What is the only thing in the world that never stops?"

"Time," Gerald replied.

"Good answer." The common room opened up to them.Freshmen file into the common room.They didn't even have time to look at the common room with its beautiful blue and bronze silk and star dome, before they were driven to their dormitories by the seniors.

Su Ziqiong's luggage had already been sent up by the house elf Depree.

When he finally came to the door of his dormitory, he found that there were already freshmen packing his bed.

"Hello, I'm Andre Gunter!"

Su Ziqiong said hello.


The one who made the bed was a little fat man who looked to be six or seven years old at most.

"I'm Regent Adrian."

"Nice to meet you, Legent!"

Su Ziqiong slightly bowed his head. He recalled it carefully, and it seemed that there was no surname Adrian among the 28 pure-blood families.

The little fat man in front of him should be from the Muggle family.

"Andre, is this elf yours?!"

Lai Gente didn't care about continuing to tidy up his bed, and walked up to Su Ziqiong, looking excited.

A family like his has no strength at all, and is not qualified to have its own elf.

"Oh, that's Depreet, my friend!"

Su Ziqiong introduced.

At this time, the elf Depree was a little excited. For them, Su Ziqiong's words were undoubtedly the best affirmation and trust.

(End of this chapter)

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