My body can be digitized

Chapter 74 The Final Launch

Chapter 74 The Final Launch
Not every hard work will be rewarded, not every hard work will be successful, not every sacrifice will be successful!
The hard work and sacrifice of 36 million rescuers around the world in 150 hours only resulted in the sentence "Earth missed the last chance to escape".

How desperate you were in the previous moment, how frustrated you are in this moment!
so what?

Since human beings have overcome all kinds of natural disasters and man-made disasters through slash-and-burn farming, they have greater confidence and courage to overcome new difficulties and challenges after thousands of years of civilization and technological development!
Even, hopefully in 2500 years!

"No matter where the final result leads human history, we decide to choose hope!"

This is the choice of all mankind, and it is also Su Ziqiong's choice.

No matter what the future holds, we will ride the waves.

Regardless of our fate, we will persevere.

Whatever the choice, we will do our best.

If you fight, you may not win, but if you don't fight, you will definitely lose.

Life is so fucked up.

No matter how hard you try, there is always the possibility of failure.

However, at the very least, fighting once is still worthy of myself.



The Spring Festival Twelve Ring System has been activated by the man with glasses. After 5 minutes, dazzling flames will pierce the sky and appear in front of everyone.


Now there's one more big problem.

The big question is, of course, about fuel.

The total amount of fuel currently stored on the surface is simply not enough.

Without Liu Peiqiang's sacrifice, the flames produced by the twelve rings of the Spring Festival would not be able to touch Jupiter at all.

Naturally, it is impossible to make the earth deviate from the course with the help of up to 80.00% hydrogen on Jupiter.

But, do we really need the sacrifice of Liu Peiqiang and the entire Navigator Space Station?

Su Ziqiong frowned. He had thought about this question countless times in his mind, but no matter what, there was only one result.

That is the need.

He must ignite the engine in the shortest time when the earth is at a suitable distance from Jupiter.

This distance can neither be too far nor too close.

If it is too far away, the flames will not be able to touch it; if it is too close, the earth will be completely plunged into Jupiter's extremely powerful magnetic field. At that time, all engines will completely fail and cannot be repaired.

People all over the world can only watch the incomparably huge Jupiter completely envelop the earth alive.

Then, with an unprecedented big bang, all people will be reduced to that insignificant speck of dust in the universe.

This may be some unreasonable aspects of the plot design of "The Wandering Earth".

Around 2040, only 20 years from now, humans will develop heavy nuclear fusion technology, turning stones into fuel for interstellar navigation, propelling spacecraft as big as the Earth, and reaching five thousandths of the speed of light.Such science and technology is really too dark!Of course, science fiction must be imaginative, which is okay. In fact, this is the setting of the original novel.What is intolerable is that humans with such black technology actually use Jupiter's gravity to accelerate the earth a little bit.

Even, the entire navigator space station has to be sacrificed for this.

A group of scientists who were still dormant didn't even know what happened, and they turned into black ashes floating in the universe forever with an explosion.

Is it worth it?
Su Ziqiong doesn't know.

Isn't it worth it?
Su Ziqiong was also unclear.

I don't care even if I sacrifice for a noble cause. Is this an impulse or a rationality?
The AI ​​of the space station, the navigator who is considered to be rational, MOSS, chose to "escape" when the earth couldn't get rid of Jupiter's gravity and was gradually falling. When I saw this scene in the movie theater, Su Ziqiong felt that there was nothing wrong with doing so at first. , because saving the planet is really hopeless.

Even if the plan of "igniting Jupiter's atmosphere to obtain acceleration" was proposed later, MOSS had already considered it, and it was still hopeless.Therefore, when Liu Peiqiang chose to sacrifice the spacecraft and himself, MOSS said: It is indeed a luxury for human beings to remain rational forever.

This episode is very interesting.After watching the movie, Su Ziqiong suddenly understood that the coalition government had determined the space station as the only fire in the alternative plan from the very beginning, so sacrificing the spaceship was not considered by MOSS.So for MOSS, Liu Peiqiang's choice of self-sacrifice was impulsive and emotional judgment.

But is this an emotional judgment?

In fact, in nature, altruistic behavior, including sacrificing oneself to save offspring, only appears in advanced animal populations with complex organizational forms.Sacrificing oneself to preserve the continuation of the entire race is an inevitable survival strategy in the process of evolution.What lies ahead is that, in the long run, it is cost-effective to lose one life in exchange for the survival of most human beings. How can it be said to be emotional?

Definitely Not.

Some people may wonder why ICBMs are not used to fuel the combustion.

Because the reason is very simple.

The ICBM's range seems to be tens of thousands of kilometers, but it is actually flying around the earth.The fuel carried inside the missile can only enable the missile itself to reach suborbital flight. The subsequent free flight segment relies on the gravity and inertia of the earth to fly, and finally uses inertial guidance to hit the target at the end.

And if ICBMs are to be used to strike Jupiter, at least the missile must exceed the first cosmic speed or even reach the second cosmic speed after launch. This point is not available and unnecessary even for missiles of this era, let alone out of Earth orbit. Then we need to continue flying to Jupiter.

As for some people saying why not follow the UN's tinder arrangement.

Because from the basis of following the original work, this approach of the United Nations is not feasible, which is actually the contradiction between the Earth faction and the Spaceship faction in the original work.

As mentioned earlier, the ecosystem in the navigator spacecraft cannot be maintained for a long time, and it is far incomparable with the earth.

In the long wandering era, the spaceship will eventually collapse, and the humans on the spaceship will eventually turn into a handful of loess, at most they will live a little longer. .

Based on the level of technology, the Tinder project is still considered unfeasible. The technology tree in the wandering earth is almost full of things like planetary engines. It is different from the star-class warships in Trisolaran. The universe it researches and manufactures The spaceship is no different from the time when Su Ziqiong lived decades ago on Earth.

Rather than calling it the Tinder Project, it is really better to call it the Tombstone Project, a plan that allows humans to die with a decent way.

"Han Duoduo, you should have the private frequency band of Lieutenant Colonel Liu Peiqiang, right?"

Su Ziqiong clapped her hands slightly and walked straight to Mo's petite figure in the corner.


Han Duoduo was in a daze.

"What do you want his contact information for?"

Liu Qi stood up and stared at Su Ziqiong.

Although he hated Lao Liu, Liu Peiqiang was his biological father after all, and the entanglement in his blood could never be erased.

(End of this chapter)

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