My body can be digitized

Chapter 75 Promise

Chapter 75 Promise
"I need your father's help!"

Su Ziqiong glanced at Liu Qi and said in a cold voice.

"You think I'll believe it?"

Liu Qi sneered.

"He is a person who can't even come down from the earth, how can he help you!"

Liu Qi spoke unceremoniously, not only to Su Ziqiong, but also to Liu Peiqiang who hadn't seen each other for more than ten years.

"To be honest, that's exactly what I need because he's not on the surface!"

Su Ziqiong shrugged his shoulders, noncommittal.

After all, he looked at Han Duoduo again.

"Yes or no?"

"Dodo, don't tell him!"

As soon as Su Ziqiong's voice fell, Liu Qi immediately roared.

"Don't you have an expression of winning, let me see what you can do next?"

Liu Qi had a cruel look on his face.

"Duoduo, are you there? Is Liu Qi by your side?"

at this time.

There were sudden hissing sounds from Han Duoduo's communicator, followed by a slightly hoarse male voice.

Since Han Duoduo did not turn off the area call, the man's voice was heard by almost everyone present.

Unlike Han Duoduo's surprise, Liu Qi's expression changed slightly in an instant.

Su Ziqiong frowned slightly, and immediately recognized the identity of the owner of the voice.

"Lieutenant Colonel Liu Peiqiang, hello, I am the captain of the steering engine team in charge of rescuing Sulawesi No. [-], Golden Eagle soldier Zhang Heng!"

Su Ziqiong clicked on the communicator, passed Han Duoduo directly, and contacted Liu Peiqiang.

His security suit is more advanced equipment, and he can enjoy priority communication rights in an emergency.

"Hello, Captain Zhang Heng!"

On the other side of the communicator, Liu Peiqiang frowned slightly. He was carefully searching his mind for a figure named Zhang Heng, but obviously, Liu Peiqiang found nothing in the end.

He can be sure that he does not know each other.

"May I ask if Captain Zhang Heng has anything to do with me?"

Liu Peiqiang asked.

"Is there anything wrong?"

At the same time that Su Ziqiong spoke, he directly used his security uniform to cut off the area communication rights of the other people.

To be precise, this should be the privilege of being a Golden Eagle soldier.

"Presumably Lieutenant Colonel Liu Peiqiang is well aware of the dangers that the earth will face now!"

Su Ziqiong didn't like to beat around the bush, so she went straight to the core of the topic.

"It's so clear!"

Liu Peiqiang nodded solemnly.

"According to the current effect of Jupiter's gravity, within three hours at most, the earth and wood will collide, and the only one billion survivors on the earth will eventually turn into dust of history with an explosion that resounds through the sky! "

"Captain Zhang Heng, what exactly do you want to say?"

Liu Peiqiang interrupted Su Ziqiong.

"It's very simple. I plan to use the extremely rich hydrogen on the surface of Jupiter to forcefully change the trajectory of the earth. In this way, the earth may sail to a new and unknown place in the future. Maybe the road ahead is full of hope, or it may be more dangerous , but at the very least, the torch of mankind will still be passed on!"

"Tell me your reason!"

"Lieutenant Colonel Liu Peiqiang, you are a physical scientist, you must know that in the nuclear fusion device made by human beings, whether it is an uncontrollable hydrogen bomb or a controllable tokamak, starting nuclear fusion is like starting a car engine. It's a pretty difficult thing."

"To trigger nuclear fusion, you must first have enough energy to overcome the electrostatic repulsion, climb over this mountain, and make the fusion nuclei close enough. When the hydrogen bomb is detonated, nuclear fusion is triggered by a small The temperature and pressure generated by nuclear fission atomic bombs. For Tokamak, this kind of ignition method of "strengthening miracles" is obviously not applicable, and it is necessary to share ohmic heating and other auxiliary heating methods to start nuclear fusion. "

"When stars like the sun are formed, nuclear fusion is ignited only by the squeeze of gravity. Since the outward expansion force generated by the pressure of the matter itself is not enough to resist the gravity that drives the matter to shrink inward, the matter in the nebula gathers On the one hand, the process of shrinking inward can continue continuously, and the density and pressure of the center continue to increase, forcing the hydrogen nuclei to approach each other, thereby triggering the start of the nuclear fusion reaction. At the same time, the mass gathered in the star determines the rate of the nuclear reaction. The greater the mass For stars, the center will be subject to greater gravitational pressure, resulting in higher pressure, making more hydrogen nuclei approach each other, and the rate of nuclear reactions will be higher."

"And Jupiter is the second largest planet in the solar system after the sun, but its mass is only 36 times larger than that of the earth. Therefore, once the flames want to contact the hydrogen on the surface of Jupiter, the mass production and qualitative change at that moment are enough to produce the above-mentioned planets. The impact of tens of billions of nuclear bombs, it has the explosion shock wave of nuclear bombs, but the radiation will not exceed the total amount of an atomic bomb!"

"How sure do you think your plan is?"

After a few minutes of silence, the other end of the communicator said in a deep voice
"Less than [-]%!"

"Less than [-]%?"

Liu Peiqiang pondered for a few seconds, [-]% sure, this probability is not low.

"How do you want me to cooperate with you!"

Liu Peiqiang said, he is not a fool, how Su Ziqiong desperately searched for him and directly cut off Han Duoduo's communication signal, it is impossible to know his own plan to him.

"As far as I know, the fuel stored on the surface is not enough to support the flames ejected from the engine to reach the surface of Jupiter!"

Su Ziqiong looked solemn, he did not continue to speak, but waited for Liu Peiqiang.

"I know what you want me to do!"

On the other end of the communicator, Liu Peiqiang took a deep breath, but said nothing for a long time.

At this time, he should be talking to a group of high-level officials from the United Nations.

"I just want to ask you one thing. Is Liu Qi by your side now?"

After a long time, Liu Peiqiang's voice sounded again.

"He's on my left!"

Su Ziqiong glanced at Liu Qi, who was still in a daze at the moment, and said slowly.

"Can you make sure he lives?"

"This... can't!"

Su Ziqiong froze for a moment: "I am a soldier, and my duty from birth is to protect the family and the people, to defend the country to the death and to defend the people to the death, so I'm sorry, Lieutenant Colonel Liu Peiqiang."

"All right!"

Liu Peiqiang sighed heavily, and his eyes worked together: "I only hope that if possible, you can do your best to protect him, just a child!!!"

"I will do my best, Lieutenant Colonel Liu Peiqiang!"

Su Ziqiong pondered for a moment, then nodded solemnly.

This is his promise.

Although he somewhat looked down on Liu Qi's bastard style, he was willing to abandon this prejudice towards Liu Peiqiang's fatherly love.

"Take care, Lieutenant Colonel Liu Peiqiang!"

"You also promise, Captain Zhang Heng!"

Su Ziqiong blinked, suddenly feeling a little moist in the eye sockets.

(End of this chapter)

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