My body can be digitized

Chapter 73 Nuclear Radiation

Chapter 73 Nuclear Radiation

Sulawesi Three turned to the engine control room.

The expressions of Han Ziang and the others changed suddenly.

Especially Liu Qi, he seemed to have noticed something vaguely, stood up with a bang, and hurriedly walked towards Xin Min who was beside him.

"Did you all know this was going to happen?"

He looked excited and said sharply.

"what do you know?"

Xin Min showed doubts.

"what do you know?"

Liu Qi frowned fiercely: "Of course it's the global notification on the communicator just now. I've been wondering why that guy surnamed Zhang has been instigating us to come to Sulawesi for a long time. Have you already Knowing that this global rescue opportunity will fail, tell me quickly, what is the purpose of your coming here?"

Liu Qi's eyes were red and bloodshot.

"What are you talking about, what is the purpose of our coming here?"

Xin Min pinched his waist, looking like he wanted to hit someone.

No wonder the boss would take action, and even she couldn't help it. The man before the attack looked quite young, but what he said was really annoying.

What do we already know?Still have a purpose?Didn't his words mean that she and the boss had a conspiracy long ago?
Besides, even if there is a conspiracy, it is to save the world!
Why is it that once the other party said it, it was as if they had done something wrong?
There is something in the obvious words.

Xin Min was so angry that she was not good at talking, but it happened that Liu Qi was eloquent.

This back and forth made Xin Min's gums itch.

"Little comrade, please don't take my grandson's words seriously. He just can't hold back his words and is just outspoken?"

Han Ziang stepped forward, seemingly acting as a peacemaker, but what he said was clearly partial to his grandson Liu Qi.

In fact, not only Liu Qi, but also him, was full of questions at the moment.

If he remembers correctly, the young man named Zhang Heng had stopped Captain Wang Lei when he was planning to rescue the engine of Hangzhou No. The engine is hopeless, and there is a strong demand to come to KS, to Sulawesi.

Moreover, when everyone arrived in Hangzhou, the No. [-] engine was turned into ruins due to the untimely rescue, and the underground magma erupted and turned into ruins. class of words.

Although there are not too many doubts, one is enough.

Special period, special place, special words, plus the other party's special status.

Everything seems very abnormal now that I think about it. If I think about it carefully, it seems that Zhang already knew all of this.

However, there is another problem.

Why did the other party come to the Sulawesi-[-] steering engine so strongly?

Han Ziang was puzzled, but he didn't mean anything else, he just wanted to find out.

"What does it mean to be straightforward, old man, what do you mean by that? Don't think that I dare not hit you because you are too old. Let me tell you old man, if my old lady is born, I will hit you as usual!!!"

Xin Min rolled up his sleeves, staring at Han Ziang closely like a kitten with fried fur.

It seemed that as long as the other party made half a sentence wrong, she would immediately get violent.

"How can you, a little girl like you, talk to my grandpa? Are you looking for cheating?"

Liu Qi snorted coldly and said sternly.

"You still cut me, come on, give it a try?"

Xin Min clenched his fist fiercely, making a banging sound, as if he was eager to try.

She was a militant in the first place, if she said to hit Han Ziang, she might not really do it, but if she hit a peer who looked about her age, she would definitely start.

"Sister Xinmin, brother, what time is it now, can we stop fighting in the same team?!"

On the side, Han Duoduo looked at Liu Qi and Xin Min with a helpless expression.

She is the smallest one here, and she knows how to unite. How come those people who look much more mature than her are still as childish as children.

"Tch, sister Dodo, you can see clearly, who is on the same team as him? I am obviously on the same team as the boss!"

Perhaps because of the same sex, along the way, the relationship between Xin Min and Han Duoduo is much better than other people.

"Hey, you are a woman anyway, why do you speak so meanly?"

Liu Qi couldn't help but frowned.

"Okay, both of you don't say a few words, okay, even if you fight, what's the point of whoever wins?"

Han Duoduo forcibly stood between Xin Min and Liu Qi and pushed them away.

"Well, my Spring Festival twelve-ring system seems to be working!"

Hiding at the corner of the table, the man in glasses who was constantly slamming on the computer suddenly stretched out his hand weakly.


At this time, Xin Min didn't care about bickering with Liu Qi, and ran directly to the man with glasses, staring directly at the laptop in front of him.

If the Twelve Rings of the Spring Festival can be used, doesn't that mean that the boss has solved the following problem.

It's awesome, she's the boss, but she's amazing.

Xin Min thought of many words of praise in an instant, but there was too little ink in his stomach, so he could only pop out these few common and common words.

"Legend has it that the construction of the steering engine is very different from that of the planetary engine. There is an axle wheel in the center of the steering engine. It is made of a large amount of graphite and mercury iron. After the steering engine is completed, the axle wheel is directly ignited. The density and pressure continue to increase, forcing the hydrogen nuclei in the axle wheel to approach each other, thereby triggering the start of the nuclear fusion reaction. At the same time, the mass accumulated in the steering engine row determines the rate of the nuclear reaction. The greater the mass of the axle wheel, the greater the impact on the center will be. The gravitational pressure creates higher pressure, bringing more hydrogen nuclei closer to each other, and the rate of nuclear reactions is higher, thus driving the earth to turn. Zhang Xiaodi was able to successfully repair Sulawesi [-] by himself. Turning to the engine is incredible!”

Han Ziang showed admiration.

"Old man, you have some knowledge this time!"

Hearing Han Ziang praise his boss, Xin Min couldn't help grinning.

But she didn't see it, and the man with glasses who was holding on to the frame of his glasses looked at her with an idiot expression.

Tsk tsk tsk, this woman is really big but has little knowledge. What the old man said clearly meant that the shaft wheel of the Sulawesi No. [-] steering engine was full of nuclear radiation.

IQ is really a technical job sometimes!
(End of this chapter)

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