My body can be digitized

Chapter 148 Ginny

Chapter 148 Ginny
The basilisk's head was descending, turning towards Harry, coiling itself around and tapping against the stone pillars.Harry could see its two huge, blood-soaked eye sockets, and saw its mouth open so wide that it could have swallowed him whole, revealing two rows of swords as long as his silver sword. The fangs are thin, glowing coldly, and contain venom...

It rushed blindly.Harry dodged hastily and bumped into the wall of the Chamber of Secrets.

It swooped down again, its forked tongue whizzing past Harry's body.

Harry passed the basilisk's weakened tail, and the next moment, he raised his hands high and raised the silver sword in his hand.

"It's over!"

Harry roared.

The basilisk saw the little man in front of him!Strongly propping up his weak body, he rushed over again.This time its goal is clear.Harry poured all his strength into the silver sword, driving it deep into the basilisk's palate, so deep it reached the hilt.

Harry poured all his strength into the silver sword, driving it deep into the basilisk's palate, so deep it reached the hilt.However, just as the warm snake blood drenched Harry's arm, he suddenly felt a piercing pain in his elbow.A venomous fang was digging deeper and deeper into his arm, and it broke as the basilisk writhed in agony and rolled onto the ground aside.

Harry slid down the wall to the floor.He grabbed the fang that was spraying poison into his body and pulled it out of his arm.But he knew it was too late.Severe pain is slowly and continuously spreading from the wound to the whole body.His vision was beginning to blur as he dropped his fangs and watched his blood slowly soak through his robes.The chamber of secrets gradually melted into a mass of rapidly swirling dim colors.

In an instant, the struggling basilisk slowly lay motionless on the ground. Only the blood flowing on the ground could prove that this big guy really existed!
At this moment, the body of the basilisk is drying up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and only a huge skeleton remains.

"Harry, are you okay?" Ron helped Harry and asked anxiously. There was a hideous wound on Harry's arm, and black blood continued to flow out. It was obviously caused by a poisonous poison. Caused by material infection!
After struggling to prop up his body, Harry said, "It's not a big problem, but it seems that the problem hasn't been resolved yet, and Riddle is still there!"

A bright red light flew past Harry and Caesar's eyes lightly, and Harry heard the gentle scratching of claws coming from beside him.

"Fawkes," Harry said vaguely, "you're wonderful, Fawkes..." He felt the bird press its beautiful head against the spot where he had been stabbed by the basilisk's fangs.

At this moment, Riddle still thought that he was sure of victory, and didn't feel the imminent danger of death. Harry heard the echoing footsteps, and then, a dark shadow stood in front of him.

"You're dead, Harry Potter," said Riddle's voice above him, "dead. Even Dumbledore's bird knows that. Do you see what it's doing, Potter? It's crying Woolen cloth."

Harry blinked.Fox's head was alternately clear and blurred.Big pearly teardrops rolled down its lustrous feathers.

"Riddle!" Ron trembled all over, utterly frightened.

"Huh?!" He said with a triumphant sneer on his face, "what's the matter, do you have any last words to say? I'm going to sit here and watch you die with my own eyes, Harry Potter. Don't worry, I There's plenty of time. And you little wizards!"

Harry felt drowsy.Everything around seems to be spinning.

"The famous Harry Potter is finished like this," Riddle's voice came from far away, "alone in the secret room, abandoned by his friends. He challenged the Dark Lord beyond his own capabilities, and was finally defeated. At the hands of the Dark Lord. Harry, you will soon meet your dear Muggle mother... She kept you alive for 12 years at the cost of her own life... But Voldemort finally killed you, In fact, you already knew that he would definitely do this."

Harry thought to himself that if he was dying, it wouldn't be particularly uncomfortable, and even the pain was slowly getting lighter...

But is this really death?Not only did the secret room not become completely dark, but gradually became clearer.Harry shook his head slightly.He saw Fox, with Bird still resting his head on his arm.A pool of pearly tears glistened around his wound—hey, strange, why is the wound gone?
"Get off, you wretched bird," said Riddle's voice suddenly, "get off him. You hear me, get off!"

Harry looked up. Riddle was pointing Harry's wand at Fawkes.There was a loud bang, like a shot, and Fox flew up like a whirlwind of gold and red.

"Tears of the phoenix..." Riddle whispered, his eyes fixed on Harry's arm, "of course...healing...I forgot..."

He watched Harry's face. "It doesn't matter though. Actually, I think it's better that way. Just you and me, Harry and me..."

He raised his wand.

At this moment, Fox flapped his wings and hovered above their heads again, suddenly, like an extremely sharp blade, he rushed into Riddle's body viciously.

By the way, another diary fell to the ground.

With a terrible, sustained, ear-piercing scream, jets of ink spurted out of the diary and trickled down Harry's hands onto the floor.Emerging from the notebook, Riddle twisted, struggled, waved his arms non-stop, let out screams, and then...

He disappeared.There was a snap, and then all was silent except for the sound of ink still oozing from the diary.The Tanlang knife burned a hole through the diary, and black smoke was still hissing.

Harry shivered and braced himself to stand up.He felt dizzy, as if he had just traveled thousands of miles on Floo powder.Slowly, he picked up his wand and the sorting hat, and with yet another effort, he drew the gleaming silver sword from the basilisk's upper jaw.

As the sword was slowly drawn out.

A soft groan suddenly came from the other side of the secret room.Ginny started to move.Ginny sat up as Harry hurried over.Her blank eyes fell first on the huge corpse of the basilisk, then on Harry in his blood-stained robes, and finally on the diary on the ground.She shivered, gasped for air, and burst into tears.

(End of this chapter)

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