My body can be digitized

Chapter 149 Rescue

Chapter 149 Rescue
"Harry - oh, Harry - at breakfast, I - I wanted to tell you, but in front of Percy I couldn't - couldn't. I did it, Harry - but I-I swear I-I didn't mean to, R-Riddle made me do it, he charged-took me. You-how did you kill that-that guy? Riddle was- Where? The last thing I remember—remember he came out of the diary—”

"It's all right now," said Harry, who showed Ginny the big hole pierced by the fangs, "Riddle's gone. Look! He and the Basilisk are gone. Come on, Ginny, let's get out of here—" —”

"I'll be expelled!" Ginny cried, as Harry helped her wobble to her feet. "I've been looking forward to coming to Hogwarts since Be-Bill came, Now that I have to leave, what will Mom and Dad do—how should I say it?"

"Fired! You almost died, and Andre and I were involved in it completely inexplicably." Draco said dissatisfied.

"Well, Draco, she is still a child after all, as long as everyone is fine."

Su Ziqiong frowned and said, it was obvious that Ginny only noticed Harry who came to save her, and didn't mention the other little wizards who fought for her!

Of course, he doesn't care about these.

Originally, he didn't make a move this time.

"It's better for us to go out first, there is still a seriously ill patient here!" Harry pouted and looked at Ron, and Ginny started to cry uncontrollably after seeing Ron in a coma. The little girl was terrified. It can be seen that after this experience, she will make obvious progress—it should be!

Fawkes hovered over the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets, waiting for them.Harry urged Ginny to hurry, and they stepped over the basilisk's motionless, coiled corpse, through the dark, empty, echoing room, back into the tunnel.Harry heard the two stone doors snap shut behind them.

They were back where the stone had caved in, but without Lockhart.

"There it is," Draco said, looking around and pointing forward.

Harry followed quickly, "It seems that his condition is not very good." He said with a frown.

Fox's wide bright red wings radiated a soft golden light in the darkness.They followed it all the way back to the entrance of the water pipe.Gilderoy Lockhart sat humming to himself, while Lockhart looked up at them amiably.

"Hello," he said, "it's a strange place, isn't it? Do you live here?"

"No." Draco said, raising an eyebrow at Andre.

"His memory has disappeared," Su Ziqiong said slowly. "The Forgetting Curse was fired backwards. It didn't hit us, but hit himself. He doesn't remember who he is, where he is, and doesn't know us." gone."

"It doesn't matter anymore!" Harry bent down, looking up through the long, dark water pipe.

"Have you ever wondered how we're going to get back up there down the pipe?"

He said to Su Ziqiong.

Su Ziqiong pretended not to know, and shook her head slightly.The phoenix Fawkes had swished past Harry just now, and now it was flapping its wings in front of him, its bright eyes shining brightly in the darkness.It flapped its long golden feathers on the back of its tail.Harry looked at it hesitantly.

"It seems to want you to catch it..." Ron's voice was a little weak, and he seemed a little confused, "But you are too heavy, and a bird can't pull you up."

"Fawkes is no ordinary bird," said Harry.He turned quickly to the others. "We've got to grab hold of each other. Ginny, you grab Ron's hand. Professor Lockhart—"

"You grab Ginny's other hand."

"other people……"

"We don't need it. In order to reduce Fox's burden, Draco and I should go out in other ways."

Su Ziqiong said, just kidding, looking at the bird's overwhelmed appearance, he was really afraid that it would not be able to support it in the middle of the flight.

"Okay." Harry said casually, shrugging.

Harry tucked the sword and the Sorting Hat into his belt, Ron grabbed Harry by the back of his robes, Harry reached out and grabbed Fawkes's surprisingly hot feathers on his tail.

A strange sense of relief quickly swept over his body, and then, with a whoosh, they all flew up the water pipe.Harry could hear Lockhart hanging below him, yelling, "Amazing! Amazing! It's like magic!"

The cold air blew through Harry's hair.

"Did we escape?" Ron said in a daze, it seemed that he had regained consciousness under the impact of the air current.

While the crowd was still enjoying the flight, the journey was over—the four of them landed on the wet floor of Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, and just as Lockhart straightened his hat, the The sink of the water pipe automatically slides to its original place.

Myrtle stared at them.

"You're alive," she said to Harry disappointedly.

"There's no need to speak in such a disappointed tone." Harry said sternly, wiping away the specks of blood and mucus from his glasses.

"Oh, that's right... I've been thinking, if you die, you're welcome to share this toilet with me," said Myrtle, her face turning silvery white with embarrassment.

"Haha!" Ron said as they left the bathroom and walked out into the empty hallway, "Harry! I think Myrtle has a crush on you! Ginny, you've got a rival!"

However, Ginny's tears still rolled down her cheeks silently like broken pearls.

"Where are we going now?" Ron asked, giving Ginny an anxious look.Harry pointed ahead.

Fox led the way, shining gold all the way down the corridor.They followed it in stride, and a moment later found themselves outside Professor McGonagall's office.

Harry knocked on the door, then pushed it open.

Harry, Ron, Ginny and Lockhart stood in the doorway, covered in mud and slime, Harry's robes still stained with blood.For a while, there was silence all around.Suddenly, a scream—


It was Mrs Weasley, who had been sitting in front of the fire crying.She jumped up, followed by Mr. Weasley, and both of them threw their arms around their precious daughter at the same time.

Harry looked past them and into the room.Professor Dumbledore stood in front of the mantelpiece with a smile on his face, and next to him was Professor McGonagall, clutching her chest with her hands, gasping for air.Fawkes whizzed past Harry's ear, roared loudly, and landed slowly on Dumbledore's shoulder.

"Thank you so much, little Harry!"

Mrs. Weasley's voice came suddenly, and the next moment, Harry and Ron were held tightly in her arms.

(End of this chapter)

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