My body can be digitized

Chapter 147 Combat

Chapter 147 Combat
The basilisk was moving towards Harry, and Harry could hear its heavy body gliding slowly across the dusty ground.Harry, eyes still shut, began to run blindly sideways, groping with his hands out in front of him.Riddle was laughing wildly...

Harry tripped and fell hard on the stone, a salty taste of blood in his mouth.The basilisk was only a few steps away from him, and he could hear the basilisk approaching little by little.

Suddenly, there was an explosion-like crack above his head, and something hit Harry hard, knocking him against the wall.He waited for the fangs to sink into him when he heard another frantic hiss as something slammed the pillar aside.

He couldn't bear it anymore, and opened his eyes a thin slit, trying to see what was going on.

That gigantic basilisk was green all over and glowed with the unique brilliance of venomous snakes. Its body was as thick as the trunk of an oak tree.It stretched its upper body high into the air, its big flat head wandering randomly among the stone pillars, as if drunk.Just as Harry was trembling and trying to close his eyes, the basilisk turned and Harry could see what had distracted it.

Fox was circling around its head, and the basilisk angrily jumped at the phoenix, revealing its thin and long saber-like fangs.

"Harry, what are you thinking about?" Ron shouted anxiously.

"There are many obstacles!"

"Eye Curse!"

at the same time.

Ron also raised his wand to continuously attract the basilisk's attention. He released two magic spells before the magic was exhausted. The magic beam bounced off the basilisk's hard skin and sparked a spark, but it had no effect at all. Basilisk action.

"No!" He said anxiously: "My magic can't penetrate its defense at all. It is recorded in the literature that it is completely immune to magic."

Harry looked at Ron's pale face due to the consumption of magic power, and he remembered that all his troops were young wizards. The amount of magic power and the steps of casting magic needed to be improved, so the adult wizards and the little wizards cast the same The magic power consumed by magic is also different.

"There's always a way!"

Harry watched the basilisk wrestling with Phoenix Fawkes slowly approaching and said with a bitter grin.Caesar took advantage of this gap to observe the surrounding terrain. It was a damp underground stone room, and there were obvious dripping sounds around it, indicating that this stone room was close to a lake or an underground undercurrent. frown.

"Let's find a place with cover to hide first, it's too open here." Harry shouted to Ron.


The basilisk was moving towards him, and Harry could hear its heavy body gliding slowly across the dusty ground.Harry, eyes still shut, began to run blindly sideways, groping with his hands out in front of him.

Riddle was laughing wildly...

Suddenly, Harry tripped hard on a piece of cane and fell hard on the stone, with a salty taste of blood in his mouth.The basilisk was only a few steps away from him, and he could hear the basilisk approaching little by little.

Suddenly, there was an explosion-like crack above his head, and something hit Harry hard, knocking him against the wall.He waited for the fangs to sink into him when he heard another frantic hiss as something slammed the pillar aside.

He couldn't bear it anymore, and opened his eyes a thin slit, trying to see what was going on.

That gigantic basilisk was green all over and glowed with the unique brilliance of venomous snakes. Its body was as thick as the trunk of an oak tree.It stretched its upper body high into the air, its big flat head wandering randomly among the stone pillars, as if drunk.Just as Harry was trembling and trying to close his eyes, the basilisk turned and Harry could see what had distracted it.

Fox was circling around its head, and the basilisk angrily jumped at the phoenix, revealing its thin and long saber-like fangs.

Fawkes swooped down, his long golden beak piercing the basilisk's head.Suddenly, a stream of black blood splashed onto the ground like a shower.The basilisk's tail swung wildly, nearly hitting Harry.Before Harry could close his eyes, the basilisk turned its head.Harry saw its face head-on, saw its eyes—those yellow eyes as huge as light bulbs, both of which had been pecked blind by the phoenix.Black blood spurted to the ground violently, and the basilisk grunted in pain.

"Don't!" Harry heard Riddle scream, "Get off the bird! Get off the bird! The boy is behind you! You can still smell him! Kill him!"

"Well done, little bird!" Draco shouted excitedly.

The blind basilisk turned around, it lost its target and didn't know what to do, but it was still menacing.Fawkes flew around its head, singing weird songs, pointing at the basilisk's scaly nose from time to time, pecking here and there, and black blood spurted from the basilisk's blinded eyes out.

"Harry, come here." Su Ziqiong waved to him, motioning Harry to come to the statue.

Although this giant snake has no magical energy fluctuations, its characteristics as a magical creature make it invulnerable, and ordinary magic cannot harm it at all.

Even though Su Ziqiong is now a high-level magician, he is still not fully sure that he can defeat the opponent.

What's more, this giant snake has a deep relationship with Voldemort.



In a dark cave.

When Harry heard Su Ziqiong's shout, he hurried over there, and it was the basilisk's tail that swept over again.Harry looked down quickly, and something soft hit him in the face.

The basilisk swept the Sorting Hat into Harry's arms.Harry grabbed his hat, his only weapon, his only hope.He buckled it on his head haphazardly, and then fell to the ground, because the basilisk's tail swept towards him again, but this time it was Ron who suffered, and the snake's tail grazed his back at the last moment. , Ron was knocked directly to the wall and fell unconscious.

"Help me - save me -" thought Harry, eyes pressed tightly under his hat, "please help me." No voice answered him.Instead, the cap tightened, as if an invisible hand was clenching it desperately.

Something hard and heavy fell on top of Harry's head, nearly knocking him unconscious.Venus appeared before his eyes.He grabbed the top of the hat and tried to take it off, but felt a long, hard thing under it.

A gleaming silver sword appeared in the hat, with a dazzling ruby ​​the size of an egg set in the hilt.

"Kill the boy! Get off the bird! The boy is behind you! Smell—smell him!"

Harry had already stood up and made preparations. Originally, he wanted to run away to Su Ziqiong and the others, but at this moment he changed his mind.

"I can't let Fox face the basilisk alone." He said loudly, and Harry gained confidence with the weapon in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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