My body can be digitized

Chapter 146 kill him

Chapter 146 kill him
It was a crimson bird, the size of a crane, that suddenly descended from the sky, and played its magical music on the vaulted ceiling.It has a golden tail, as long as a peacock's tail, and a pair of golden claws, holding a tattered package on the paws.

A second later, the big bird flew straight at Harry.It dropped the tattered thing in its paws at Harry's feet, then perched heavily on Harry's shoulder.When it folded its two huge wings, Harry looked up and saw that it had a long, sharp golden beak and two shining black eyes.

The big bird stopped singing.It sat quietly on Harry's shoulder, pressing warmly against Harry's cheek, and fixed his gaze on Riddle.

"It's a phoenix..." Riddle also stared at it fiercely, and said.

"Fawkes?" Harry gasped in surprise, feeling the bird's golden claws lightly grabbing his shoulder.

"That thing——" Riddle turned his gaze to the tattered thing that Fox dropped just now, "it's the school's broken sorting hat."

Sure enough it was it.Dirty, wrinkled, and patched, it lay motionless at Harry's feet.

Riddle laughed wildly again.He laughed so hard that the dark secret room trembled slightly, as if ten Riddles were laughing out loud at the same time.

"That's what Dumbledore gave his protector! A singing bird and a broken hat! Harry Potter, do you feel brave? Do you feel safe?"

"Really, you are so confident? Riddle!"

Ron raised his eyebrows and said dissatisfiedly.

Riddle glared at him viciously and did not speak, but stared at Harry without blinking and continued to laugh, by the way to see his reaction.

Harry didn't answer.He might not see the use of Fawkes and the Sorting Hat, but he didn't feel alone anymore with Draco, and he waited with growing courage for Riddle to stop his maniacal laughter.

"Come on, Harry," said Riddle, still with a smug smile on his face, "in your past and in my future, we have met twice. I failed to kill you both times. How did you A narrow escape? Tell me everything. Your life can last as long as your words last."

Harry was thinking quickly, weighing his chances of victory.Riddle held his wand.He, Harry, had the Fawkes and the Sorting Hat, neither of which was of much use in a duel.Indeed, the situation is not good.

If Professor Aisha or other professors were present, even Snape would not be so confident now.And, the longer Riddle stood there, the less and less life there was in Ginny... At the same time, Harry suddenly noticed that Riddle's blurry outline was becoming clear and stable.If there had to be a fight between him and Riddle, the sooner the better.

"No one knows why you suddenly lost your powers when you shot at me," said Harry stiffly, "and I don't know myself. But I know why you didn't kill me. Because my mother came to save me." My ordinary Muggle-born mother," he continued, trembling with the rage he was trying to suppress, "was the one who stopped you from killing me. I saw the real you, and last year I I saw you. All you have left is a pile of rags, and you can only be regarded as half dead. Seeing that you have great powers, but you ended up like this. You are hiding from XZ, you are ugly and disgusting!"

Riddle's face contorted.Then he forced a hideous smile.

"So it is. Your mother died trying to save you. Yes, that was a very effective cure. I see now—after all, there is nothing special about you. You know, I was Never quite figured it out. Because there are some curious similarities between the two of us, Harry Potter. You must have noticed it yourself. We're both half-bloods, both orphans, both raised by Muggles .Maybe the only two Parseltongues ever to go to Hogwarts since the great Slytherin himself. We even look a little bit alike...but at the end of the day, it turns out you just got lucky from me. escaped. That's all I want to know."

Harry stood there, nervously waiting for Riddle to raise his wand.But the grin on Riddle's face became even more obvious.

"Come on, Harry, I'm going to teach you a little lesson. Let's have a contest of strength between Voldemort, the heir of Salazar Slytherin, and Harry Potter, with Dumbledore able to The best weapon for him." After that, he glanced at the others again, "At most count his funny little friends!"

Ron snorted dissatisfiedly, but he didn't try to provoke Riddle either.

Su Ziqiong did not speak.

The most important reason is that the system's task is for him to successfully resurrect Voldemort, instead of fighting with Voldemort who is still in an extremely weak state.

Riddle is Voldemort, to be precise, the young Voldemort.

At that time, it seemed that Tom was at the peak of his appearance.

A blond young man who looks handsome and sunny simply from his appearance.

in the venue.

Riddle glanced at Fox and the Sorting Hat, seemed to find it very funny, then walked away slowly.Harry could clearly feel the fear creeping up his numb legs as he watched Riddle stop between the towering stone pillars and look up at the face of the Slytherin stone statue high up in the darkness.Riddle opened his mouth and hissed - but Harry caught what he said.

"Speak to me, Slytherin—the greatest of the Hogwarts Four."

Harry turned quickly, looking up at the statue, and Fawkes swayed on his shoulder.

The great stone face of Slytherin moved.To Harry's horror, he saw its mouth open, widen and wide, until it formed a gigantic black hole.

Something was moving in the statue's mouth.Something rustled and slid upwards from the depths of the statue.

Harry stepped back sharply, bumping his body against the dark chamber wall.His eyes were closed tightly, and he felt Fawkes take off, brushing his cheek.Harry really wanted to yell, "Don't leave me!" But how could a phoenix be a match for the King Snake?

Harry felt the Chamber of Secrets shake as something so huge fell to the stone floor.He knew what was going on, he could feel it, he could almost see the serpent unfurl its coiled body from the Slytherin's mouth.Then he heard Riddle's hissing voice: "Kill him."

(End of this chapter)

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