Infinite skill system

Chapter 78 Why You Prefer Humans So Much

Chapter 78 Why You Prefer Humans So Much

The Death Beast, having eaten all its food, was lying on the ground and dozing off.

Although following Lin Yu's words, there is food to eat, but the death beast does not mean to be satisfied. If possible, it is more willing to hunt by itself, which is the dignity of a hunter.

It doesn't want to be fed like a pet, but unfortunately, Lin Yu's strength makes it unable to resist.

Dignity is more important than food and dignity, but life is more important than dignity.

Lying on the ground and dozing off, the dark skin of the Death Beast almost completely blended with the night. Without excellent eyesight, it would be impossible to spot it.

This is probably why it is called the Death Beast.

If the death beast at night launches a sneak attack, even the sleeping phantom flying dragon may capsize in the gutter. Of course, the phantom flying dragon never sleeps on the ground.

In the dark night, two rays of light suddenly lit up, and it was the eyes of the Death Beast that opened.

Lying on the ground, it can clearly feel the tremor of the ground, which is the result of the running of heavy armored horses. Immediately, the death beast screamed at Lin Yu.

"I know, don't call."

The death beast stood up, a group of heavy armored horses, which had suffered from the Na'vi cavalry team, jumped up and came to Lin Yu's side, ready for battle.

I may not be an opponent of heavy armor, but it is not necessarily the case with Lin Yu.

Su Tai straddled the back of a heavy armored horse, followed by about [-] fellow clansmen. They ran wantonly, and soon saw Lin Yu's rising fire.

Looking at the fire in front of him, Su Tai instinctively frowned.

These humans like to light bonfires in the forest, don't they know that this is a very dangerous behavior?One mistake can cause a forest fire.

By the way, this group of human beings are a group of selfish guys, they don't care about the natural environment.

Thinking of this, Su Tai's dislike for humans deepened a bit.

Soon, the cavalry team arrived in front of Lin Yu's bonfire. Looking at the bonfire lit by Lin Yu, Su Tai frowned and immediately focused on Lin Yu.

"Then...what is that? Death beast?!"

However, when Su Tai saw the three-meter-tall death beast beside Lin Yu, his complexion changed drastically, and his fellow clan behind him exclaimed even more.

There was a little commotion in the cavalry
In Su Tai's eyes, the human body is very small. After all, the Na'vi people are all three meters high. Compared with them, human beings are like human children facing adults.

But now Lin Yu is actually with the death beast. For him, this combination is like a human child and a tiger.

Looking at the harmony between death beast and Lin Yu, Su Tai was even more shocked and couldn't believe his eyes.

The most terrifying predator in the jungle, the Death Beast, would get along so well with a human?Why didn't the death beast eat this human being?

dong dong dong...

After the little commotion, a few Na'vi people behind Su Tai jumped off their armored horses, knelt down to Lin Yu, and kowtowed.

He even used Na'vi language in his mouth, shouting that Lin Yu is the chosen one.

Seeing those Na'vi people prostrating to him, Lin Yu was a little curious.

They will riot, I am not surprised, but why do they kowtow to themselves?
Listening to the Na'vi language in their mouth, Lin Yu thought of their society in the primitive tribe again, and finally Lin Yu figured it out.

For these Na'vi people, the Death Beast is the most ferocious beast. No one among the Na'vi people can tame it, but Lin Yu can. This is undoubtedly incredible to them, so they regard Lin Yu as A special person chosen by the Blessed Mother.

This is equivalent to going to ancient times with your mobile phone. Many people will regard it as an artifact, and you with an artifact are undoubtedly a role similar to a god.

"Get up, get up!", Su Tai pulled the kneeling Na'vi man up, and roared, "This is just a hateful human being, why do you worship him?".

The introduction of the Na'vi people was also what Lin Yu had guessed, which was undoubtedly denied by Su Tai.

"No! It's impossible for these selfish humans to get the will of the Virgin. All of this must be just an accident."

Su Tai, determined his will, and his hatred of human beings made him firmly disbelieve that a human being can obtain the will of the Virgin.

Hearing what Su Tai said, several Na'vi people looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what to do, do you want to do it?That death beast is not a decoration.

"Let's go."

"What do you want to do?"

Seeing Lin Yu jump on the back of the death beast, Su Tai and others immediately put on alert to prevent Lin Yu from attacking suddenly.

Lin Yu stepped on the back of the death beast, and he could barely look at Su Taiping. He really didn't like looking up at others: "Take me to your home tree."

"What is your purpose? Human!"

Hearing that Lin Yu asked to go to the home tree, Su Tai looked at him very vigilantly, and also glanced at the death beast sitting under Lin Yu's crotch, feeling a little nervous.

"Could it be that you dare not take me alone to your home tree?"

In Lin Yu's words, the tone of "a human being" was emphasized. Lin Yu felt that the aggressive method should be very effective in dealing with people like Su Tai.

Sure enough, Lin Yu's aggressive method worked.

Su Tai's expression changed, he waved his hand, and said, "Take him away!"

Well, it's very imposing, but none of the Na'vi people dare to step forward. After all, the death beast under Lin Yu's crotch is not a decoration.

In the end, Lin Yu followed Su Tai and the others. Su Tai and the others were riding heavily armored horses, and Lin Yu was of course riding the Death Beast.

Seeing that the most terrifying hunter in the jungle, the Death Beast, was willing to become a human's mount, these Na'vi couldn't help turning their heads many times.

On the one hand, they have never seen such a scene before, on the other hand... well, they are simply a little nervous.

It's like you are walking in front and a tiger is behind you. Even if you know that the tiger is under the supervision of someone, you still have some hairs in your heart.

Not long after walking, two figures suddenly jumped and ran among the tree trunks not far away, which caught the attention of Su Tai and others.

Here, it is already the territory of the Na'vi people. The one running in front is a female Na'vi, and the one running behind is Jack's Avatar in clothes.


Su Tai didn't like humans at first, but now seeing that the avatar controlled by humans was still chasing Nitley, Su Tai snorted coldly, took out the noose, and firmly entangled Jack's legs. Steady, Jack fell straight from the trunk.

Su Tai galloped forward, and was about to make a move, but the female Na'vi Niteli appeared and stopped everyone.

"Lin? Why are you here too? The one under your seat, isn't it..."

Jack saw Lin Yu and was about to go up to say hello, but when he saw the death beast under Lin Yu's crotch, his expression changed drastically.

Jack could tell at a glance that this Death Beast was the one chasing him during the day, and there were still some bullet marks on his body from the bullets he had shot during the day.

Looking at Jack, the Grim Reaper obviously recognized him, bared its teeth, made a startling sound, and sank slightly, looking like it might jump out at any time.

 ps: Said that I had a slight violation in Chapter 44...the result was that two sentences were deleted, and then the Countermeasure Bureau was changed to the Countermeasure Association... enmmmm, well, I can't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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