Infinite skill system

Chapter 79 How Many More Believers Are There?

Chapter 79 How Many More Believers Are There?


The movement of the death beast made everyone except Lin Yu feel scared. If the death beast suddenly ran away, they couldn't imagine the result.

All the Na'vi people took a step back in unison, holding the weapons in their hands tightly, and many of them even raised their bows and arrows.

But Lin Yu said something quiet, and then patted the death beast's head.

Although the death beast can't understand human words, it can still understand Lin Yu's meaning after being slapped and Lin Yu's scolding tone.

The bared teeth were retracted, and the body stood up straight.

"This guy, is he really not afraid that this death beast will eat him!?"

Everyone can see that the death beast was in an attacking posture just now, but Lin Yu slapped the death beast unceremoniously and controlled it?
The Na'vi people couldn't help feeling shocked.

Jack swallowed, and asked Lin Yu in disbelief: "Lin How did you do it?"

If I had the ability like him, I wouldn't be chased off a cliff today.

"I was convinced."

Lin Yu didn't explain too much, but the Na'vi people's eyes widened in disbelief when they heard these words. It's just a human being who can defeat the death beast?And can you beat him?This is impossible!

"You, are you human..."

Jack also stared at Lin Yu, and then spit out such words from his mouth. He had heard of Lin Yu's power, the power that could kill three viper wolves. At that time, some people said that Lin Yu was not human, but Now he began to doubt Lin Yu.

This is simply not a power that humans can possess!
After chatting for a few words, and hearing that the Virgin had appeared on Jack, Su Tai frowned instinctively, and then glanced at Lin Yu next to him.

This guy can subdue the Death Beast, and it's fine if he is mistaken for the one chosen by the Holy Mother. This human being in the skin of his clan has the appearance of the Holy Mother?

When did the Holy Mother favor humans so much?
"take away!"

In any case, it was the Holy Mother who had appeared, so they just took Jack back together and waited for the chief to deal with it.

After walking for about half an hour, a huge tree appeared in front of Lin Yu's eyes.

He looked up and saw that the tree was at least hundreds of meters high, and the trunk was so thick that it was unbelievably thick. The gnarled roots actually supported a space of thousands of square meters underneath, hundreds of Na'vi people, They are members of this Na'vi tribe.

Seeing this, Lin Yu couldn't help sighing the wonder of nature. Although he didn't know how many times he had come to Pandora, he was still amazed by nature.

Jack was pushed in, and then there were screams one after another.

The death beast under Lin Yu's crotch made these Na'vi people run away in fright.

An avatar, a human riding a death beast?

The chief of the tribe and his wife exchanged a look, and all their attention was on Lin Yu.

"who are you?"

The tribal chief didn't speak, only the spiritual leader of the Na'vi tribe and the spokesperson of the Virgin.

He walked up to Lin Yu, fixed his eyes closely, and while speaking, glanced at the death beast under Lin Yu's crotch, and then said, "It seems that you are not an ordinary human being."

"Me? Whatever you think."

Of course, Lin Yu can use the words of the previous Na'vi people to describe himself as a magic stick, that is, the messenger of the Virgin, but he still didn't do it in the end.

Although it is the least dangerous and the benefits are extremely considerable, Lin Yu just doesn't want to do it, probably because there is no such thing as deception, betrayal, and conspiracy among the Na'vi people.

He had seen many of these things when he was in the orphanage before, so he didn't want to deceive them when faced with these Na'vi people who were full of positive energy.

Of course, the main reason is that he doesn't like the name.

"...Then what is your name and purpose?"

The spiritual leader of the Na'vi people didn't care, but asked about Lin Yu's purpose.

"You can call me Lin, I'm here to touch the soul tree."


As soon as Lin Yu came into contact with the Virgin of the Na'vi people, Su Tai, who hated humans, immediately stated that he would never agree, and many of the Na'vi people also agreed with Su Tai's statement.

Or basically all the Na'vi people have such an attitude, and they will never let a human touch the Virgin.

"I'm just asking you politely, but this doesn't mean that I absolutely need your consent."

Lin Yu wasn't polite either. Although he understood the attitude of the Na'vi people, this movie meant that Lin Yu would be polite to them. I wasn't the one who killed your people. Why am I sorry?
Besides, Lin Yu doesn't think he is a good person. With the experience of being an orphan and the experience of traveling through several worlds, he is no longer the good young man who can abide by the law, nor is it the first time A young man who feels sad when he sees people die.

"So, do you think you alone can challenge our entire tribe?"

The chief of the tribe finally spoke. He looked at Lin Yu with an extremely ugly face. After all, Lin Yu threatened their tribe just now, and he, the chief, can't stand it any longer.

The Na'vi people also surrounded Lin Yu with a fierce face, and Su Tai took up the weapon directly.

Jack quickly said good things on the side. After all, in his opinion, even with the help of death beasts, it is impossible for Lin Yu to fight against these hundreds of Na'vi people.

But there was a "呲", which was the sound of a sickle across the ground.

"Then let's try it!"

Lin Yu inspired the words of silence, and a huge sickle appeared in his hand, and the death beast also bared its teeth, lowered its body, and assumed an offensive posture.

Jack looked at Lin Yu in surprise. He just saw a black shadow flash past, and then this huge scythe appeared in Lin Yu's hand. He was surprised by his materialism all the time. He felt that his world view was affected. shock.

Looking at the huge sickle in Lin Yu's hand and the death beast under his crotch, the chief calculated silently. He knew that if there was a real fight, his side would have little chance of winning, and might even suffer heavy casualties.

This is not what he wants to see, so he expels Lin Yu and warns Lin Yu not to come again, otherwise they will definitely attack Lin Yu with all their strength.

Then Lin Yu left the tribe just like that, and then the Na'vi people started to ask Jack.

Lin Yu sat on the Death Beast, and as soon as he returned to the base, it immediately caused a huge commotion.

Even the mercenaries who had just arrived on Pandora recognized the horror of the Death Beast from the illustrations. Those who came earlier knew the meaning of the Death Beast better.

However, it can be said that it is completely unbelievable for a human to subdue the Death God Beast.

With a height of nearly three meters and a body length of about six meters, for humans, the Reaper Beast is like a peerless beast. This size alone is enough to shock everyone, even Colonel Miles.

And those mercenaries who originally admired Lin Yu looked at Lin Yu with a little fanaticism in their eyes, like fanatics, which made Lin Yu feel a little uncomfortable.

"Lin, you're finally back, and I've been worried about you. I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to survive the night in Pandora's jungle. Unexpectedly, you gave me a huge surprise as soon as you came back."

Miles walked up to him quickly, with a surprised expression on his face.

 ps: Chapter 98 has been added, and I don’t know if there is a problem with the author’s background. I remember that I posted two chapters yesterday...but I don’t know why there is no codeword’s amazing
(End of this chapter)

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